Retroplayer on Android
is this an over reaction -

right now the Kodi team doesn’t have anyone actively working on the Android version of its software, so when Kodi 17 launches, there might be no official support for Android.
Read through this thread and you will see how some devs feel about android.
Its a sad sad thing IMO..
No news on android build system ? peripheral.joystick and game.libretro are building but not the other binary addons Sad
Well, Christmas came early but I didn't even notice!!! Can't wait to test it out this weekend
In Kodi Krypton developers introduced Joystick support in form of an add-on, but recently with Kodi 17.1 for Android (current version on Google Play Store) they messed up with input devices, breaking devices with Gamepad/Joystick buttons + extra keys . By default the Joystick Support is enabled and if a device have Joystick buttons, Kodi won't handle all the other keys but the Joystick buttons and axes only. To solve the problem you can disable the Joystick Support as mentioned below: Add-ons / My Add-ons / Peripheral libraries / Joystick Support / Disable Once disabled, restart Kodi.

You can reproduce the problem using the DroidMote remote app or with others hardware input devices that have Joystick feauture + extra Keys

Controllers with extra keys are supported by Android without problems on all apps.
The Android build here is old and is probably missing all the fixes I've included in 17.1. I'll upload a new Android build based on 17.1 today.
RetroPlayer releases:

Donations: eigendude.eth
(2017-03-23, 17:12)garbear Wrote: The Android build here is old and is probably missing all the fixes I've included in 17.1. I'll upload a new Android build based on 17.1 today.

Thank you, Garbear for all the hard work!! Were you able to load a build based off of 17.1? I haven't been able to find it anywhere.

Thanks again,
(2017-04-08, 01:30)Tremendous Tinkerer Wrote: Were you able to load a build based off of 17.1? I haven't been able to find it anywhere.

I wasn't able to build RetroPlayer based on 17.1. Bits and pieces worked on various platforms though. The source code is if you want to try compiling on your platform.
RetroPlayer releases:

Donations: eigendude.eth

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