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Release Titan skin version 3.6.x (Kodi 16 Jarvis)
Never Mind, I figured out what I did and this forum won't let me delete the post.
Do you know why when I am creating a submenu short cut to my Youtube playlist it, it comes up with channel not found?

Just want to say a big thanks.
I am running 15.2 and it will not let me install the new 3.6.x. I do have 3.5.46 installed but there isn't a place to update it. If I download the zip file from the skins addons. it fails and says to contact you? Do I need to install Jarvis to make this update work?
(2015-12-12, 07:38)UncT Wrote: I am running 15.2 and it will not let me install the new 3.6.x. I do have 3.5.46 installed but there isn't a place to update it. If I download the zip file from the skins addons. it fails and says to contact you? Do I need to install Jarvis to make this update work?

You need to download and install the Kodi Jarvis beta 3 for 3.6 to run. You can run both if you put one version in portable mode.
(2015-12-09, 22:34)diedrichg Wrote: Question. Did you mean to move the widget images down or was that in error? It looks fine, just having that blank space above them looks strange.
It was intentional but next skin update will make it an optional setting to lower the widgets.
(2015-12-12, 00:58)gkf9 Wrote: Do you know why when I am creating a submenu short cut to my Youtube playlist it, it comes up with channel not found?


Any idea Marcel?
(2015-12-11, 03:37)browned Wrote: I get this in Jarvis showcase view for TV series.

I'm not sure what you mean with this. How can I reproduce ?
(2015-12-11, 09:12)gkf9 Wrote: I downloaded the latest beta ( I think ) from the Emby repo, but now I have a Skin for Titan, and skin for Titan beta.
I thought the beta would just install over the top of the previous Titan skin?

Nope, it is intentionally seperated so you can have both the stable and the beta installed.
That way you will be able to test some stuff in the beta and than return to stable
(2015-12-12, 00:58)gkf9 Wrote: Do you know why when I am creating a submenu short cut to my Youtube playlist it, it comes up with channel not found?

What steps do I need to take to reproduce this issue ?
(2015-12-12, 07:38)UncT Wrote: I am running 15.2 and it will not let me install the new 3.6.x. I do have 3.5.46 installed but there isn't a place to update it. If I download the zip file from the skins addons. it fails and says to contact you? Do I need to install Jarvis to make this update work?

Skin version 3.3.x = Kodi 13 Gotham
Skin version 3.4.x = Kodi 14 Helix
Skin version 3.5.x = Kodi 15 Isengard
Skin version 3.6.x = Kodi 16 Jarvis
(2015-12-13, 11:57)marcelveldt Wrote:
(2015-12-11, 03:37)browned Wrote: I get this in Jarvis showcase view for TV series.

I'm not sure what you mean with this. How can I reproduce ?

Sorry, forgot to point to the TV series unwatched episode count icon not showing properly when the tv series is highlighted. This is happen on my windows pc's only. Pretty sure they are all stock settings so not sure why this is happening.
(2015-12-13, 11:59)marcelveldt Wrote:
(2015-12-12, 00:58)gkf9 Wrote: Do you know why when I am creating a submenu short cut to my Youtube playlist it, it comes up with channel not found?

What steps do I need to take to reproduce this issue ?

Skin settings-configure shortcuts-Youtube-Customize Submenu-Add- Video Libary - Video Add on-Youtube- playlists.

You tube is from the play store not the Kodi one.
I thought I'd be able to have different playlists in the submenus, but like I said I just get channel not found?
(2015-12-13, 17:18)gkf9 Wrote: Skin settings-configure shortcuts-Youtube-Customize Submenu-Add- Video Libary - Video Add on-Youtube- playlists.

You tube is from the play store not the Kodi one.
I thought I'd be able to have different playlists in the submenus, but like I said I just get channel not found?

Are you sure you're creating a menu item to the Play Store version, not the Kodi one? - I don't use Android, but I didn't think they showed up under Video Add-ons and the menu editor script makes no attempt to (and to the best of my knowledge has no support at all for) creating shortcuts to Android apps. If you are sure, well, I'm always happy to learn something new Smile

Behind the scenes, the menu editor script is calling the add-on pretty much the same as when you view it through Kodi itself - just in the background. So can you first test whether you get the same error if you go to Videos > Video Add-ons > Youtube > Playlists from the main menu (if you don't have a Videos menu or a link to Video Add-ons, go into Movies or TV Shows and go up ("..") until you get to the root, and go into Video Add-ons from there. If you get the same error there, its entirely a YouTube add-on issue.

If you don't get the same error accessing it that way, please post a link to a full debug log (wiki) and enable Skin Shortcuts own debug logging option in its settings - System > Add-Ons > Dependencies. That will hopefully, at the very least, confirm exactly where the error is coming from.
I'm using a Nivida Shield, any apps I've downloaded through it, I'm able to add them to any short cuts, can't quite remember how I did it, But I could find them through Kodi. ( Android apps ) comes up in one of the menus. ( I've now got a tile in Titan for Android Apps )

I can long press on any Android app in there and add it as a favourite and add to Titan that way.

Youtube through the playstore is a lot nicer GUI so it's definitely from there, I can actually shortcut both versions through the skin settings, and many other apps.

I've just tested the 1st path you put in your post to try, and get the same error.

I'll test going to the root later, have to go out now so not got time just yet.
But at this stage it is looking like add on bug?
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