"Recording error" when scheduling a recording
I have just installed ArgusTV v2.3 on my Kodi 15.1 Windows 7 installation, as a combined client and server. The PVR plugin seems to be configured OK in Kodi, and I can watch live TV. When I try to schedule a recording from the Guide on Kodi I get an error message popping up immediately saying "Recording Error". I've attached the log below.
Can anyone advise on how I can diagnose/resolve this?

23:58:13 T:8052  NOTICE: special://profile/ is mapped to: special://masterprofile/
23:58:15 T:3060  NOTICE: Thread PVRManager start, auto delete: false
23:58:15 T:5736  NOTICE: Thread PVRClient start, auto delete: false
23:58:15 T:5736   ERROR: CCurlFile::FillBuffer - Failed: HTTP returned error 405
23:58:15 T:5736   ERROR: CCurlFile::Open failed with code 405 for
23:58:15 T:5736   ERROR: AddOnLog: ARGUS TV client: can not write to
23:58:15 T:5736   ERROR: AddOnLog: ARGUS TV client: Ping failed... No connection to Argus TV.
23:58:15 T:8052  NOTICE: CJoystick::EnumJoysticksCallback : Enabled Joystick: USB Multimedia Cordless Kit
23:58:15 T:8052  NOTICE: CJoystick::EnumJoysticksCallback : Total Axis: 2 Total Hats: 0 Total Buttons: 6
23:58:15 T:8052  NOTICE: Running the application...
23:58:15 T:8052  NOTICE: starting zeroconf publishing
23:58:15 T:8052  NOTICE: Webserver: Starting...
23:58:15 T:8052  NOTICE: WebServer: Started the webserver
23:58:15 T:8052  NOTICE: starting upnp client
23:58:15 T:6160  NOTICE: Thread JobWorker start, auto delete: true
23:58:15 T:7608  NOTICE: -->Python Interpreter Initialized<--
23:58:15 T:8052  NOTICE: Previous line repeats 19 times.
23:58:15 T:8052  NOTICE: starting upnp server
23:58:15 T:8052  NOTICE: starting upnp renderer
23:58:15 T:8052  NOTICE: ES: Starting event server
23:58:15 T:3764  NOTICE: Thread EventServer start, auto delete: false
23:58:15 T:3764  NOTICE: ES: Starting UDP Event server on
23:58:15 T:3764  NOTICE: UDP: Listening on port 9777
23:58:15 T:3616  NOTICE: Thread JobWorker start, auto delete: true
23:58:15 T:6196  NOTICE: Previous line repeats 1 times.
23:58:15 T:6196  NOTICE: Thread TCPServer start, auto delete: false
23:58:15 T:6028  NOTICE: Thread RSSReader start, auto delete: false
23:58:16 T:5312  NOTICE: Thread LanguageInvoker start, auto delete: false
23:58:16 T:544  NOTICE: -->Python Interpreter Initialized<--
23:58:16 T:7500  NOTICE: Thread FileCache start, auto delete: false
23:58:16 T:2008   ERROR: EXCEPTION Thrown (PythonToCppException) : -->Python callback/script returned the following error<--
                                             - NOTE: IGNORING THIS CAN LEAD TO MEMORY LEAKS!
                                            Error Type: <type 'exceptions.ImportError'>
                                            Error Contents: No module named entertainment.filestore
                                            Traceback (most recent call last):
                                              File "C:\Users\Ian Manning\AppData\Roaming\Kodi\addons\script.icechannel.extn.xunitytalk\service.py", line 1, in <module>
                                                from entertainment.filestore import FileStore
                                            ImportError: No module named entertainment.filestore
                                            -->End of Python script error report<--
23:58:16 T:7780  NOTICE: AxelProxy Downloader Starting -
23:58:16 T:7780  NOTICE: Press CTL break to stop.....
23:58:16 T:5736   ERROR: CCurlFile::FillBuffer - Failed: HTTP returned error 405
23:58:16 T:5736   ERROR: CCurlFile::Open failed with code 405 for
23:58:16 T:5736   ERROR: AddOnLog: ARGUS TV client: can not write to
23:58:16 T:5736   ERROR: AddOnLog: ARGUS TV client: Ping failed... No connection to Argus TV.
23:58:16 T:3616   ERROR: CCurlFile::FillBuffer - Failed: HTTP returned error 520
23:58:16 T:3616   ERROR: CCurlFile::Open failed with code 520 for http://www.gwenael.org/Repository/addons.xml.md5
23:58:16 T:3616   ERROR: XFILE::CFileCache::Open - failed to open source <http://www.gwenael.org/Repository/addons.xml.md5>
23:58:16 T:3616   ERROR: Failed to fetch checksum for directory listing http://www.gwenael.org/Repository/addons.xml for repository repository.angelscry.xbmc-plugins.
23:58:17 T:5736   ERROR: CCurlFile::FillBuffer - Failed: HTTP returned error 405
23:58:17 T:5736   ERROR: CCurlFile::Open failed with code 405 for
23:58:17 T:5736   ERROR: AddOnLog: ARGUS TV client: can not write to
23:58:17 T:5736   ERROR: AddOnLog: ARGUS TV client: Ping failed... No connection to Argus TV.
23:58:17 T:6844  NOTICE:  StorageServer Module loaded RUN
23:58:17 T:6844  NOTICE: StorageClient-2.5.4 Starting server
23:58:18 T:7012  NOTICE: DudeHere Common Routines Service: Starting...
23:58:18 T:7800  NOTICE: Stream All The Sources: Service: Installed Version: 1.0.47
23:58:18 T:3568  NOTICE: 1Channel: Service: Installed Version: 2.5.64
23:58:18 T:3064  NOTICE: Thread FileCache start, auto delete: false
23:58:18 T:3568  NOTICE: 1Channel: Loading sqlite3 as DB engine
23:58:18 T:7384  NOTICE: Alluc Service: Service starting...
23:58:18 T:7384  NOTICE: Alluc Service: Loading service settings...
23:58:18 T:1104  NOTICE: Thread FileCache start, auto delete: false
23:58:18 T:3568  NOTICE: Previous line repeats 1 times.
23:58:18 T:3568  NOTICE: 1Channel: Service: Resetting...
23:58:18 T:3568  NOTICE: 1Channel: Service: starting...
23:58:18 T:5736   ERROR: CCurlFile::FillBuffer - Failed: HTTP returned error 405
23:58:18 T:5736   ERROR: CCurlFile::Open failed with code 405 for
23:58:18 T:5736   ERROR: AddOnLog: ARGUS TV client: can not write to
23:58:18 T:5736   ERROR: AddOnLog: ARGUS TV client: Ping failed... No connection to Argus TV.
23:58:18 T:5312  NOTICE: -->Python Interpreter Initialized<--
23:58:18 T:7504  NOTICE: 15
23:58:19 T:7800  NOTICE: Stream All The Sources: Service: starting...
23:58:19 T:7800  NOTICE: Stream All The Sources: Service: Resetting...
23:58:19 T:7504  NOTICE: Universal - An Addons Toolkit: -watchhistory- -Loading sqlite3 as DB engine version: 3.8.6
23:58:19 T:7504  NOTICE: Universal - An Addons Toolkit: - watchhistory - -Auto Cleanup Start
23:58:19 T:7504  NOTICE: Universal - An Addons Toolkit: -watchhistory- -DELETE FROM watch_history WHERE lastwatched < '2015-11-08'
23:58:19 T:7504  NOTICE: Universal - An Addons Toolkit: - watchhistory - -Auto Cleanup End
23:58:19 T:544  NOTICE: http://tribeca.tvaddons.ag/tools/notifications/news.txt
23:58:19 T:544  NOTICE: ['notifications-on-startup', False, 'DoFromService', True]
23:58:19 T:544  NOTICE: ['OLD', 't', '12', "Did you know that last month alone we had over thirteen million unique visitors?\nDespite our steadily growing userbase, we are lacking in user participation.\n\nWe'd like to encourage all of our visitors to take some time out of their day to\nvisit our web site and sponsors regularly, this additional traffic will help us\ncover crucial server infrastructure and growth related expenses.\n\nCheck our blog and visit our sponsors regularly, stay up to date:\n[B][COLOR white]www.tvaddons.ag/kodi-reviews/[/COLOR][/B]\n\nPlease share on site link on Facebook and Twitter and try to come around our\nForums as often as possible to show your support, every little bit counts!"]
23:58:19 T:544  NOTICE: ['NEW', 't', '12', "Did you know that last month alone we had over thirteen million unique visitors?\nDespite our steadily growing userbase, we are lacking in user participation.\n\nWe'd like to encourage all of our visitors to take some time out of their day to\nvisit our web site and sponsors regularly, this additional traffic will help us\ncover crucial server infrastructure and growth related expenses.\n\nCheck our blog and visit our sponsors regularly, stay up to date:\n[B][COLOR white]www.tvaddons.ag/kodi-reviews/[/COLOR][/B]\n\nPlease share on site link on Facebook and Twitter and try to come around our\nForums as often as possible to show your support, every little bit counts!"]
23:58:19 T:5736   ERROR: ADDON: Dll ARGUS TV client - Client returned bad status (1) from Create and is not usable
23:58:19 T:5736 WARNING: PVR::CPVRClients::UpdateAndInitialiseClients - failed to create add-on ARGUS TV client, status = 1
23:58:19 T:6252  NOTICE: Thread AddonStatus pvr.argustv start, auto delete: true
23:58:20 T:5736   ERROR: CCurlFile::FillBuffer - Failed: HTTP returned error 405
23:58:20 T:5736   ERROR: CCurlFile::Open failed with code 405 for
23:58:20 T:5736   ERROR: AddOnLog: ARGUS TV client: can not write to
23:58:20 T:5736   ERROR: AddOnLog: ARGUS TV client: Ping failed... No connection to Argus TV.
23:58:21 T:5736   ERROR: CCurlFile::FillBuffer - Failed: HTTP returned error 405
23:58:21 T:5736   ERROR: CCurlFile::Open failed with code 405 for
23:58:21 T:5736   ERROR: AddOnLog: ARGUS TV client: can not write to
23:58:21 T:5736   ERROR: AddOnLog: ARGUS TV client: Ping failed... No connection to Argus TV.
23:58:22 T:5736   ERROR: CCurlFile::FillBuffer - Failed: HTTP returned error 405
23:58:22 T:5736   ERROR: CCurlFile::Open failed with code 405 for
23:58:22 T:5736   ERROR: AddOnLog: ARGUS TV client: can not write to
23:58:22 T:5736   ERROR: AddOnLog: ARGUS TV client: Ping failed... No connection to Argus TV.
23:58:23 T:5736   ERROR: CCurlFile::FillBuffer - Failed: HTTP returned error 405
23:58:23 T:5736   ERROR: CCurlFile::Open failed with code 405 for
23:58:23 T:5736   ERROR: AddOnLog: ARGUS TV client: can not write to
23:58:23 T:5736   ERROR: AddOnLog: ARGUS TV client: Ping failed... No connection to Argus TV.
23:58:24 T:5736   ERROR: ADDON: Dll ARGUS TV client - Client returned bad status (1) from Create and is not usable
23:58:24 T:5736 WARNING: PVR::CPVRClients::UpdateAndInitialiseClients - failed to create add-on ARGUS TV client, status = 1
23:58:24 T:5952  NOTICE: Thread AddonStatus pvr.argustv start, auto delete: true
23:58:25 T:5736   ERROR: CCurlFile::FillBuffer - Failed: HTTP returned error 405
23:58:25 T:5736   ERROR: CCurlFile::Open failed with code 405 for
23:58:25 T:5736   ERROR: AddOnLog: ARGUS TV client: can not write to
23:58:25 T:5736   ERROR: AddOnLog: ARGUS TV client: Ping failed... No connection to Argus TV.
23:58:26 T:5736   ERROR: CCurlFile::FillBuffer - Failed: HTTP returned error 405
23:58:26 T:5736   ERROR: CCurlFile::Open failed with code 405 for
23:58:26 T:5736   ERROR: AddOnLog: ARGUS TV client: can not write to
23:58:26 T:5736   ERROR: AddOnLog: ARGUS TV client: Ping failed... No connection to Argus TV.
23:58:27 T:5736   ERROR: CCurlFile::FillBuffer - Failed: HTTP returned error 405
23:58:27 T:5736   ERROR: CCurlFile::Open failed with code 405 for
23:58:27 T:5736   ERROR: AddOnLog: ARGUS TV client: can not write to
23:58:27 T:5736   ERROR: AddOnLog: ARGUS TV client: Ping failed... No connection to Argus TV.
23:58:28 T:3616   ERROR: CCurlFile::FillBuffer - Failed: Timeout was reached(28)
23:58:28 T:3616   ERROR: CCurlFile::Open failed with code 0 for http://xty.me/xunitytalk/addons/addons.xml.md5
23:58:28 T:3616   ERROR: XFILE::CFileCache::Open - failed to open source <http://xty.me/xunitytalk/addons/addons.xml.md5>
23:58:28 T:3616   ERROR: Failed to fetch checksum for directory listing http://xty.me/xunitytalk/addons/addons.xml for repository repository.xunitytalk.
23:58:28 T:2832  NOTICE: Thread FileCache start, auto delete: false
23:58:29 T:5736   ERROR: CCurlFile::FillBuffer - Failed: HTTP returned error 405
23:58:29 T:5736   ERROR: CCurlFile::Open failed with code 405 for
23:58:29 T:5736   ERROR: AddOnLog: ARGUS TV client: can not write to
23:58:29 T:5736   ERROR: AddOnLog: ARGUS TV client: Ping failed... No connection to Argus TV.
23:58:29 T:4940  NOTICE: Thread FileCache start, auto delete: false
23:58:30 T:5736  NOTICE: Previous line repeats 6 times.
23:58:30 T:5736   ERROR: ADDON: Dll ARGUS TV client - Client returned bad status (1) from Create and is not usable
23:58:30 T:5736 WARNING: PVR::CPVRClients::UpdateAndInitialiseClients - failed to create add-on ARGUS TV client, status = 1
23:58:30 T:2196  NOTICE: Thread AddonStatus pvr.argustv start, auto delete: true
23:58:30 T:3616   ERROR: CCurlFile::FillBuffer - Failed: Couldn't resolve host name(6)
23:58:30 T:3616   ERROR: CCurlFile::Open failed with code 0 for http://repository.bbtsip.tv/repo/addons.xml.md5
23:58:30 T:3616   ERROR: XFILE::CFileCache::Open - failed to open source <http://repository.bbtsip.tv/repo/addons.xml.md5>
23:58:30 T:3616   ERROR: Failed to fetch checksum for directory listing http://repository.bbtsip.tv/repo/addons.xml for repository repository.bbtsip.tv.
23:58:30 T:6396  NOTICE: Thread FileCache start, auto delete: false
23:58:31 T:5736  NOTICE: Previous line repeats 5 times.
23:58:31 T:5736   ERROR: CCurlFile::FillBuffer - Failed: HTTP returned error 405
23:58:31 T:5736   ERROR: CCurlFile::Open failed with code 405 for
23:58:31 T:5736   ERROR: AddOnLog: ARGUS TV client: can not write to
23:58:31 T:5736   ERROR: AddOnLog: ARGUS TV client: Ping failed... No connection to Argus TV.
23:58:31 T:7500  NOTICE: Thread FileCache start, auto delete: false
23:58:32 T:5736  NOTICE: Previous line repeats 2 times.
23:58:32 T:5736   ERROR: CCurlFile::FillBuffer - Failed: HTTP returned error 405
23:58:32 T:5736   ERROR: CCurlFile::Open failed with code 405 for
23:58:32 T:5736   ERROR: AddOnLog: ARGUS TV client: can not write to
23:58:32 T:5736   ERROR: AddOnLog: ARGUS TV client: Ping failed... No connection to Argus TV.
23:58:32 T:7168  NOTICE: Thread FileCache start, auto delete: false
23:58:32 T:5520  NOTICE: Previous line repeats 1 times.
23:58:32 T:5520  NOTICE: Thread BackgroundLoader start, auto delete: false
23:58:33 T:5736   ERROR: CCurlFile::FillBuffer - Failed: HTTP returned error 405
23:58:33 T:5736   ERROR: CCurlFile::Open failed with code 405 for
23:58:33 T:5736   ERROR: AddOnLog: ARGUS TV client: can not write to
23:58:33 T:5736   ERROR: AddOnLog: ARGUS TV client: Ping failed... No connection to Argus TV.
23:58:33 T:3616   ERROR: CCurlFile::FillBuffer - Failed: HTTP returned error 401
23:58:33 T:3616   ERROR: CCurlFile::Open failed with code 401 for http://p2p-strm.googlecode.com/svn/addons/addons.xml.md5
23:58:33 T:3616   ERROR: XFILE::CFileCache::Open - failed to open source <http://p2p-strm.googlecode.com/svn/addons/addons.xml.md5>
23:58:33 T:3616   ERROR: Failed to fetch checksum for directory listing http://p2p-strm.googlecode.com/svn/addons/addons.xml for repository repository.p2p-streams.xbmc.
23:58:33 T:3564  NOTICE: Thread FileCache start, auto delete: false
23:58:33 T:3616   ERROR: CCurlFile::Open failed with code 404 for http://raw.github.com/al101/repository.SportsDevil/master/addons.xml.md5
23:58:33 T:3616   ERROR: XFILE::CFileCache::Open - failed to open source <http://raw.github.com/al101/repository.SportsDevil/master/addons.xml.md5>
23:58:33 T:3616   ERROR: Failed to fetch checksum for directory listing http://raw.github.com/al101/repository.SportsDevil/master/addons.xml for repository repository.SportsDevil.
23:58:34 T:5736   ERROR: CCurlFile::FillBuffer - Failed: HTTP returned error 405
23:58:34 T:5736   ERROR: CCurlFile::Open failed with code 405 for
23:58:34 T:5736   ERROR: AddOnLog: ARGUS TV client: can not write to
23:58:34 T:5736   ERROR: AddOnLog: ARGUS TV client: Ping failed... No connection to Argus TV.
23:58:34 T:7460  NOTICE: Thread BackgroundLoader start, auto delete: false
23:58:35 T:5736   ERROR: ADDON: Dll ARGUS TV client - Client returned bad status (1) from Create and is not usable
23:58:35 T:4236  NOTICE: Thread AddonStatus pvr.argustv start, auto delete: true
23:58:35 T:5736 WARNING: PVR::CPVRClients::UpdateAndInitialiseClients - failed to create add-on ARGUS TV client, status = 1
23:58:36 T:7512  NOTICE: Thread BackgroundLoader start, auto delete: false
23:58:36 T:5736   ERROR: CCurlFile::FillBuffer - Failed: HTTP returned error 405
23:58:36 T:5736   ERROR: CCurlFile::Open failed with code 405 for
23:58:36 T:5736   ERROR: AddOnLog: ARGUS TV client: can not write to
23:58:36 T:5736   ERROR: AddOnLog: ARGUS TV client: Ping failed... No connection to Argus TV.
23:58:37 T:5736   ERROR: CCurlFile::FillBuffer - Failed: HTTP returned error 405
23:58:37 T:5736   ERROR: CCurlFile::Open failed with code 405 for
23:58:37 T:5736   ERROR: AddOnLog: ARGUS TV client: can not write to
23:58:37 T:5736   ERROR: AddOnLog: ARGUS TV client: Ping failed... No connection to Argus TV.
23:58:38 T:5736   ERROR: CCurlFile::FillBuffer - Failed: HTTP returned error 405
23:58:38 T:5736   ERROR: CCurlFile::Open failed with code 405 for
23:58:38 T:5736   ERROR: AddOnLog: ARGUS TV client: can not write to
23:58:38 T:5736   ERROR: AddOnLog: ARGUS TV client: Ping failed... No connection to Argus TV.
23:58:39 T:5736   ERROR: CCurlFile::FillBuffer - Failed: HTTP returned error 405
23:58:39 T:5736   ERROR: CCurlFile::Open failed with code 405 for
23:58:39 T:5736   ERROR: AddOnLog: ARGUS TV client: can not write to
23:58:39 T:5736   ERROR: AddOnLog: ARGUS TV client: Ping failed... No connection to Argus TV.
23:58:39 T:7760  NOTICE: Thread BackgroundLoader start, auto delete: false
23:58:40 T:5736   ERROR: ADDON: Dll ARGUS TV client - Client returned bad status (1) from Create and is not usable
23:58:40 T:5736 WARNING: PVR::CPVRClients::UpdateAndInitialiseClients - failed to create add-on ARGUS TV client, status = 1
23:58:40 T:7336  NOTICE: Thread AddonStatus pvr.argustv start, auto delete: true
23:58:41 T:5736   ERROR: CCurlFile::FillBuffer - Failed: HTTP returned error 405
23:58:41 T:5736   ERROR: CCurlFile::Open failed with code 405 for
23:58:41 T:5736   ERROR: AddOnLog: ARGUS TV client: can not write to
23:58:41 T:5736   ERROR: AddOnLog: ARGUS TV client: Ping failed... No connection to Argus TV.
23:58:42 T:5736   ERROR: CCurlFile::FillBuffer - Failed: HTTP returned error 405
23:58:42 T:5736   ERROR: CCurlFile::Open failed with code 405 for
23:58:42 T:5736   ERROR: AddOnLog: ARGUS TV client: can not write to
23:58:42 T:5736   ERROR: AddOnLog: ARGUS TV client: Ping failed... No connection to Argus TV.
23:58:43 T:5736   ERROR: CCurlFile::FillBuffer - Failed: HTTP returned error 405
23:58:43 T:5736   ERROR: CCurlFile::Open failed with code 405 for
23:58:43 T:5736   ERROR: AddOnLog: ARGUS TV client: can not write to
23:58:43 T:5736   ERROR: AddOnLog: ARGUS TV client: Ping failed... No connection to Argus TV.
23:58:44 T:5736   ERROR: CCurlFile::FillBuffer - Failed: HTTP returned error 405
23:58:44 T:5736   ERROR: CCurlFile::Open failed with code 405 for
23:58:44 T:5736   ERROR: AddOnLog: ARGUS TV client: can not write to
23:58:44 T:5736   ERROR: AddOnLog: ARGUS TV client: Ping failed... No connection to Argus TV.
23:58:45 T:5736   ERROR: ADDON: Dll ARGUS TV client - Client returned bad status (1) from Create and is not usable
23:58:45 T:5736 WARNING: PVR::CPVRClients::UpdateAndInitialiseClients - failed to create add-on ARGUS TV client, status = 1
23:58:45 T:1716  NOTICE: Thread AddonStatus pvr.argustv start, auto delete: true
23:58:46 T:5736   ERROR: CCurlFile::FillBuffer - Failed: HTTP returned error 405
23:58:46 T:5736   ERROR: CCurlFile::Open failed with code 405 for
23:58:46 T:5736   ERROR: AddOnLog: ARGUS TV client: can not write to
23:58:46 T:5736   ERROR: AddOnLog: ARGUS TV client: Ping failed... No connection to Argus TV.
23:58:47 T:5736   ERROR: CCurlFile::FillBuffer - Failed: HTTP returned error 405
23:58:47 T:5736   ERROR: CCurlFile::Open failed with code 405 for
23:58:47 T:5736   ERROR: AddOnLog: ARGUS TV client: can not write to
23:58:47 T:5736   ERROR: AddOnLog: ARGUS TV client: Ping failed... No connection to Argus TV.
23:58:48 T:5736   ERROR: CCurlFile::FillBuffer - Failed: HTTP returned error 405
23:58:48 T:5736   ERROR: CCurlFile::Open failed with code 405 for
23:58:48 T:5736   ERROR: AddOnLog: ARGUS TV client: can not write to
23:58:48 T:5736   ERROR: AddOnLog: ARGUS TV client: Ping failed... No connection to Argus TV.
23:58:49 T:5736   ERROR: CCurlFile::FillBuffer - Failed: HTTP returned error 405
23:58:49 T:5736   ERROR: CCurlFile::Open failed with code 405 for
23:58:49 T:5736   ERROR: AddOnLog: ARGUS TV client: can not write to
23:58:49 T:5736   ERROR: AddOnLog: ARGUS TV client: Ping failed... No connection to Argus TV.
23:58:50 T:5736   ERROR: ADDON: Dll ARGUS TV client - Client returned bad status (1) from Create and is not usable
23:58:50 T:5736 WARNING: PVR::CPVRClients::UpdateAndInitialiseClients - failed to create add-on ARGUS TV client, status = 1
23:58:50 T:7420  NOTICE: Thread AddonStatus pvr.argustv start, auto delete: true
23:58:51 T:5736   ERROR: CCurlFile::FillBuffer - Failed: HTTP returned error 405
23:58:51 T:5736   ERROR: CCurlFile::Open failed with code 405 for
23:58:51 T:5736   ERROR: AddOnLog: ARGUS TV client: can not write to
23:58:51 T:5736   ERROR: AddOnLog: ARGUS TV client: Ping failed... No connection to Argus TV.
23:58:52 T:5736   ERROR: CCurlFile::FillBuffer - Failed: HTTP returned error 405
23:58:52 T:5736   ERROR: CCurlFile::Open failed with code 405 for
23:58:52 T:5736   ERROR: AddOnLog: ARGUS TV client: can not write to
23:58:52 T:5736   ERROR: AddOnLog: ARGUS TV client: Ping failed... No connection to Argus TV.
23:58:53 T:5736   ERROR: CCurlFile::FillBuffer - Failed: HTTP returned error 405
23:58:53 T:5736   ERROR: CCurlFile::Open failed with code 405 for
23:58:53 T:5736   ERROR: AddOnLog: ARGUS TV client: can not write to
23:58:53 T:5736   ERROR: AddOnLog: ARGUS TV client: Ping failed... No connection to Argus TV.
23:58:54 T:5736   ERROR: CCurlFile::FillBuffer - Failed: HTTP returned error 405
23:58:54 T:5736   ERROR: CCurlFile::Open failed with code 405 for
23:58:54 T:5736   ERROR: AddOnLog: ARGUS TV client: can not write to
23:58:54 T:5736   ERROR: AddOnLog: ARGUS TV client: Ping failed... No connection to Argus TV.
23:58:55 T:5736   ERROR: ADDON: Dll ARGUS TV client - Client returned bad status (1) from Create and is not usable
23:58:55 T:5736 WARNING: PVR::CPVRClients::UpdateAndInitialiseClients - failed to create add-on ARGUS TV client, status = 1
23:58:55 T:5952  NOTICE: Thread AddonStatus pvr.argustv start, auto delete: true
23:58:56 T:5736   ERROR: CCurlFile::FillBuffer - Failed: HTTP returned error 405
23:58:56 T:5736   ERROR: CCurlFile::Open failed with code 405 for
23:58:56 T:5736   ERROR: AddOnLog: ARGUS TV client: can not write to
23:58:56 T:5736   ERROR: AddOnLog: ARGUS TV client: Ping failed... No connection to Argus TV.
23:58:57 T:5736   ERROR: CCurlFile::FillBuffer - Failed: HTTP returned error 405
23:58:57 T:5736   ERROR: CCurlFile::Open failed with code 405 for
23:58:57 T:5736   ERROR: AddOnLog: ARGUS TV client: can not write to
23:58:57 T:5736   ERROR: AddOnLog: ARGUS TV client: Ping failed... No connection to Argus TV.
23:58:58 T:5736   ERROR: CCurlFile::FillBuffer - Failed: HTTP returned error 405
23:58:58 T:5736   ERROR: CCurlFile::Open failed with code 405 for
23:58:58 T:5736   ERROR: AddOnLog: ARGUS TV client: can not write to
23:58:58 T:5736   ERROR: AddOnLog: ARGUS TV client: Ping failed... No connection to Argus TV.
23:58:59 T:5736   ERROR: CCurlFile::FillBuffer - Failed: HTTP returned error 405
23:58:59 T:5736   ERROR: CCurlFile::Open failed with code 405 for
23:58:59 T:5736   ERROR: AddOnLog: ARGUS TV client: can not write to
23:58:59 T:5736   ERROR: AddOnLog: ARGUS TV client: Ping failed... No connection to Argus TV.
23:59:00 T:5736   ERROR: ADDON: Dll ARGUS TV client - Client returned bad status (1) from Create and is not usable
23:59:00 T:5736 WARNING: PVR::CPVRClients::UpdateAndInitialiseClients - failed to create add-on ARGUS TV client, status = 1
23:59:00 T:1356  NOTICE: Thread AddonStatus pvr.argustv start, auto delete: true
23:59:01 T:5736   ERROR: CCurlFile::FillBuffer - Failed: HTTP returned error 405
23:59:01 T:5736   ERROR: CCurlFile::Open failed with code 405 for
23:59:01 T:5736   ERROR: AddOnLog: ARGUS TV client: can not write to
23:59:01 T:5736   ERROR: AddOnLog: ARGUS TV client: Ping failed... No connection to Argus TV.
23:59:02 T:5736   ERROR: CCurlFile::FillBuffer - Failed: HTTP returned error 405
23:59:02 T:5736   ERROR: CCurlFile::Open failed with code 405 for
23:59:02 T:5736   ERROR: AddOnLog: ARGUS TV client: can not write to
23:59:02 T:5736   ERROR: AddOnLog: ARGUS TV client: Ping failed... No connection to Argus TV.
23:59:04 T:5736   ERROR: CCurlFile::FillBuffer - Failed: HTTP returned error 405
23:59:04 T:5736   ERROR: CCurlFile::Open failed with code 405 for
23:59:04 T:5736   ERROR: AddOnLog: ARGUS TV client: can not write to
23:59:04 T:5736   ERROR: AddOnLog: ARGUS TV client: Ping failed... No connection to Argus TV.
23:59:05 T:5736   ERROR: CCurlFile::FillBuffer - Failed: HTTP returned error 405
23:59:05 T:5736   ERROR: CCurlFile::Open failed with code 405 for
23:59:05 T:5736   ERROR: AddOnLog: ARGUS TV client: can not write to
23:59:05 T:5736   ERROR: AddOnLog: ARGUS TV client: Ping failed... No connection to Argus TV.
23:59:06 T:5736   ERROR: ADDON: Dll ARGUS TV client - Client returned bad status (1) from Create and is not usable
23:59:06 T:5736 WARNING: PVR::CPVRClients::UpdateAndInitialiseClients - failed to create add-on ARGUS TV client, status = 1
23:59:06 T:7028  NOTICE: Thread AddonStatus pvr.argustv start, auto delete: true
23:59:07 T:5736   ERROR: CCurlFile::FillBuffer - Failed: HTTP returned error 405
23:59:07 T:5736   ERROR: CCurlFile::Open failed with code 405 for
23:59:07 T:5736   ERROR: AddOnLog: ARGUS TV client: can not write to
23:59:07 T:5736   ERROR: AddOnLog: ARGUS TV client: Ping failed... No connection to Argus TV.
23:59:08 T:5736   ERROR: CCurlFile::FillBuffer - Failed: HTTP returned error 405
23:59:08 T:5736   ERROR: CCurlFile::Open failed with code 405 for
23:59:08 T:5736   ERROR: AddOnLog: ARGUS TV client: can not write to
23:59:08 T:5736   ERROR: AddOnLog: ARGUS TV client: Ping failed... No connection to Argus TV.
23:59:09 T:5736   ERROR: CCurlFile::FillBuffer - Failed: HTTP returned error 405
23:59:09 T:5736   ERROR: CCurlFile::Open failed with code 405 for
23:59:09 T:5736   ERROR: AddOnLog: ARGUS TV client: can not write to
23:59:09 T:5736   ERROR: AddOnLog: ARGUS TV client: Ping failed... No connection to Argus TV.
23:59:10 T:5736   ERROR: CCurlFile::FillBuffer - Failed: HTTP returned error 405
23:59:10 T:5736   ERROR: CCurlFile::Open failed with code 405 for
23:59:10 T:5736   ERROR: AddOnLog: ARGUS TV client: can not write to
23:59:10 T:5736   ERROR: AddOnLog: ARGUS TV client: Ping failed... No connection to Argus TV.
23:59:11 T:5736   ERROR: ADDON: Dll ARGUS TV client - Client returned bad status (1) from Create and is not usable
23:59:11 T:2244  NOTICE: Thread AddonStatus pvr.argustv start, auto delete: true
23:59:11 T:5736 WARNING: PVR::CPVRClients::UpdateAndInitialiseClients - failed to create add-on ARGUS TV client, status = 1
23:59:12 T:5736   ERROR: CCurlFile::FillBuffer - Failed: HTTP returned error 405
23:59:12 T:5736   ERROR: CCurlFile::Open failed with code 405 for
23:59:12 T:5736   ERROR: AddOnLog: ARGUS TV client: can not write to
23:59:12 T:5736   ERROR: AddOnLog: ARGUS TV client: Ping failed... No connection to Argus TV.
23:59:13 T:5736   ERROR: CCurlFile::FillBuffer - Failed: HTTP returned error 405
23:59:13 T:5736   ERROR: CCurlFile::Open failed with code 405 for
23:59:13 T:5736   ERROR: AddOnLog: ARGUS TV client: can not write to
23:59:13 T:5736   ERROR: AddOnLog: ARGUS TV client: Ping failed... No connection to Argus TV.
23:59:14 T:5736   ERROR: CCurlFile::FillBuffer - Failed: HTTP returned error 405
23:59:14 T:5736   ERROR: CCurlFile::Open failed with code 405 for
23:59:14 T:5736   ERROR: AddOnLog: ARGUS TV client: can not write to
23:59:14 T:5736   ERROR: AddOnLog: ARGUS TV client: Ping failed... No connection to Argus TV.
23:59:15 T:5736   ERROR: CCurlFile::FillBuffer - Failed: HTTP returned error 405
23:59:15 T:5736   ERROR: CCurlFile::Open failed with code 405 for
23:59:15 T:5736   ERROR: AddOnLog: ARGUS TV client: can not write to
23:59:15 T:5736   ERROR: AddOnLog: ARGUS TV client: Ping failed... No connection to Argus TV.
23:59:16 T:5736   ERROR: ADDON: Dll ARGUS TV client - Client returned bad status (1) from Create and is not usable
23:59:16 T:5736 WARNING: PVR::CPVRClients::UpdateAndInitialiseClients - failed to create add-on ARGUS TV client, status = 1
23:59:16 T:5296  NOTICE: Thread AddonStatus pvr.argustv start, auto delete: true
23:59:17 T:5736   ERROR: CCurlFile::FillBuffer - Failed: HTTP returned error 405
23:59:17 T:5736   ERROR: CCurlFile::Open failed with code 405 for
23:59:17 T:5736   ERROR: AddOnLog: ARGUS TV client: can not write to
23:59:17 T:5736   ERROR: AddOnLog: ARGUS TV client: Ping failed... No connection to Argus TV.
23:59:18 T:5736   ERROR: CCurlFile::FillBuffer - Failed: HTTP returned error 405
23:59:18 T:5736   ERROR: CCurlFile::Open failed with code 405 for
23:59:18 T:5736   ERROR: AddOnLog: ARGUS TV client: can not write to
23:59:18 T:5736   ERROR: AddOnLog: ARGUS TV client: Ping failed... No connection to Argus TV.
23:59:19 T:5736   ERROR: CCurlFile::FillBuffer - Failed: HTTP returned error 405
23:59:19 T:5736   ERROR: CCurlFile::Open failed with code 405 for
23:59:19 T:5736   ERROR: AddOnLog: ARGUS TV client: can not write to
23:59:19 T:5736   ERROR: AddOnLog: ARGUS TV client: Ping failed... No connection to Argus TV.
23:59:20 T:5736   ERROR: CCurlFile::FillBuffer - Failed: HTTP returned error 405
23:59:20 T:5736   ERROR: CCurlFile::Open failed with code 405 for
23:59:20 T:5736   ERROR: AddOnLog: ARGUS TV client: can not write to
23:59:20 T:5736   ERROR: AddOnLog: ARGUS TV client: Ping failed... No connection to Argus TV.
23:59:21 T:5736   ERROR: ADDON: Dll ARGUS TV client - Client returned bad status (1) from Create and is not usable
23:59:21 T:5736 WARNING: PVR::CPVRClients::UpdateAndInitialiseClients - failed to create add-on ARGUS TV client, status = 1
23:59:21 T:4140  NOTICE: Thread AddonStatus pvr.argustv start, auto delete: true
23:59:22 T:5736   ERROR: CCurlFile::FillBuffer - Failed: HTTP returned error 405
23:59:22 T:5736   ERROR: CCurlFile::Open failed with code 405 for
23:59:22 T:5736   ERROR: AddOnLog: ARGUS TV client: can not write to
23:59:22 T:5736   ERROR: AddOnLog: ARGUS TV client: Ping failed... No connection to Argus TV.
23:59:23 T:5736   ERROR: CCurlFile::FillBuffer - Failed: HTTP returned error 405
23:59:23 T:5736   ERROR: CCurlFile::Open failed with code 405 for
23:59:23 T:5736   ERROR: AddOnLog: ARGUS TV client: can not write to
23:59:23 T:5736   ERROR: AddOnLog: ARGUS TV client: Ping failed... No connection to Argus TV.
23:59:24 T:5736   ERROR: CCurlFile::FillBuffer - Failed: HTTP returned error 405
23:59:24 T:5736   ERROR: CCurlFile::Open failed with code 405 for
23:59:24 T:5736   ERROR: AddOnLog: ARGUS TV client: can not write to
23:59:24 T:5736   ERROR: AddOnLog: ARGUS TV client: Ping failed... No connection to Argus TV.
23:59:25 T:5736   ERROR: CCurlFile::FillBuffer - Failed: HTTP returned error 405
23:59:25 T:5736   ERROR: CCurlFile::Open failed with code 405 for
23:59:25 T:5736   ERROR: AddOnLog: ARGUS TV client: can not write to
23:59:25 T:5736   ERROR: AddOnLog: ARGUS TV client: Ping failed... No connection to Argus TV.
23:59:26 T:5736   ERROR: ADDON: Dll ARGUS TV client - Client returned bad status (1) from Create and is not usable
23:59:26 T:2072  NOTICE: Thread AddonStatus pvr.argustv start, auto delete: true
23:59:26 T:5736 WARNING: PVR::CPVRClients::UpdateAndInitialiseClients - failed to create add-on ARGUS TV client, status = 1
23:59:27 T:5736   ERROR: CCurlFile::FillBuffer - Failed: HTTP returned error 405
23:59:27 T:5736   ERROR: CCurlFile::Open failed with code 405 for
23:59:27 T:5736   ERROR: AddOnLog: ARGUS TV client: can not write to
23:59:27 T:5736   ERROR: AddOnLog: ARGUS TV client: Ping failed... No connection to Argus TV.
23:59:28 T:5736   ERROR: CCurlFile::FillBuffer - Failed: HTTP returned error 405
23:59:28 T:5736   ERROR: CCurlFile::Open failed with code 405 for
23:59:28 T:5736   ERROR: AddOnLog: ARGUS TV client: can not write to
23:59:28 T:5736   ERROR: AddOnLog: ARGUS TV client: Ping failed... No connection to Argus TV.
23:59:29 T:5736   ERROR: CCurlFile::FillBuffer - Failed: HTTP returned error 405
23:59:29 T:5736   ERROR: CCurlFile::Open failed with code 405 for
23:59:29 T:5736   ERROR: AddOnLog: ARGUS TV client: can not write to
23:59:29 T:5736   ERROR: AddOnLog: ARGUS TV client: Ping failed... No connection to Argus TV.
23:59:30 T:5736   ERROR: CCurlFile::FillBuffer - Failed: HTTP returned error 405
23:59:30 T:5736   ERROR: CCurlFile::Open failed with code 405 for
23:59:30 T:5736   ERROR: AddOnLog: ARGUS TV client: can not write to
23:59:30 T:5736   ERROR: AddOnLog: ARGUS TV client: Ping failed... No connection to Argus TV.
23:59:31 T:5736   ERROR: ADDON: Dll ARGUS TV client - Client returned bad status (1) from Create and is not usable
23:59:31 T:5736 WARNING: PVR::CPVRClients::UpdateAndInitialiseClients - failed to create add-on ARGUS TV client, status = 1
23:59:31 T:6552  NOTICE: Thread AddonStatus pvr.argustv start, auto delete: true
23:59:34 T:7464  NOTICE: Thread PVRGUIInfo start, auto delete: false
23:59:38 T:3060  NOTICE: EPG::CEpgContainer::Start - EPG thread started
23:59:38 T:4684  NOTICE: Thread JobWorker start, auto delete: true
23:59:38 T:7072  NOTICE: Thread EPGUpdater start, auto delete: false
23:59:41 T:7072 WARNING: EPG - EPG::CEpg::UpdateFromScraper - channel not found, can't update
23:59:41 T:7072   ERROR: EPG - EPG::CEpg::Update - failed to update table 'BBC1 London'
23:59:41 T:7072 WARNING: EPG - EPG::CEpg::UpdateFromScraper - channel not found, can't update
23:59:41 T:7072   ERROR: EPG - EPG::CEpg::Update - failed to update table 'BBC2 London'
23:59:41 T:7072 WARNING: EPG - EPG::CEpg::UpdateFromScraper - channel not found, can't update
23:59:41 T:7072   ERROR: EPG - EPG::CEpg::Update - failed to update table 'ITV London'
23:59:41 T:7072 WARNING: EPG - EPG::CEpg::UpdateFromScraper - channel not found, can't update
23:59:41 T:7072   ERROR: EPG - EPG::CEpg::Update - failed to update table 'Channel 4'
23:59:41 T:7072 WARNING: EPG - EPG::CEpg::UpdateFromScraper - channel not found, can't update
23:59:41 T:7072   ERROR: EPG - EPG::CEpg::Update - failed to update table 'Channel 5'
23:59:41 T:7072 WARNING: EPG - EPG::CEpg::UpdateFromScraper - channel not found, can't update
23:59:41 T:7072   ERROR: EPG - EPG::CEpg::Update - failed to update table 'ITV2'
23:59:41 T:7072 WARNING: EPG - EPG::CEpg::UpdateFromScraper - channel not found, can't update
23:59:41 T:7072   ERROR: EPG - EPG::CEpg::Update - failed to update table 'BBC HD'
23:59:41 T:7072 WARNING: EPG - EPG::CEpg::UpdateFromScraper - channel not found, can't update
23:59:41 T:7072   ERROR: EPG - EPG::CEpg::Update - failed to update table 'BBC3'
23:59:41 T:7072 WARNING: EPG - EPG::CEpg::UpdateFromScraper - channel not found, can't update
23:59:41 T:7072   ERROR: EPG - EPG::CEpg::Update - failed to update table 'BBC4'
23:59:41 T:7072 WARNING: EPG - EPG::CEpg::UpdateFromScraper - channel not found, can't update
23:59:41 T:7072   ERROR: EPG - EPG::CEpg::Update - failed to update table 'ITV3'
23:59:41 T:7072 WARNING: EPG - EPG::CEpg::UpdateFromScraper - channel not found, can't update
23:59:41 T:7072   ERROR: EPG - EPG::CEpg::Update - failed to update table 'ITV4'
23:59:41 T:7072 WARNING: EPG - EPG::CEpg::UpdateFromScraper - channel not found, can't update
23:59:41 T:7072   ERROR: EPG - EPG::CEpg::Update - failed to update table 'E4'
23:59:41 T:7072 WARNING: EPG - EPG::CEpg::UpdateFromScraper - channel not found, can't update
23:59:41 T:7072   ERROR: EPG - EPG::CEpg::Update - failed to update table 'More4'
23:59:41 T:7072 WARNING: EPG - EPG::CEpg::UpdateFromScraper - channel not found, can't update
23:59:41 T:7072   ERROR: EPG - EPG::CEpg::Update - failed to update table 'BBC News Channel'
23:59:41 T:7072 WARNING: EPG - EPG::CEpg::UpdateFromScraper - channel not found, can't update
23:59:41 T:7072   ERROR: EPG - EPG::CEpg::Update - failed to update table 'BBC Sport Interactive: (Freeview)'
23:59:41 T:7072 WARNING: EPG - EPG::CEpg::UpdateFromScraper - channel not found, can't update
23:59:41 T:7072   ERROR: EPG - EPG::CEpg::Update - failed to update table 'BBC Sport Interactive: BBC1'
23:59:41 T:7072 WARNING: EPG - EPG::CEpg::UpdateFromScraper - channel not found, can't update
23:59:41 T:7072   ERROR: EPG - EPG::CEpg::Update - failed to update table 'BBC Sport Interactive: BBC2'
23:59:41 T:7072 WARNING: EPG - EPG::CEpg::UpdateFromScraper - channel not found, can't update
23:59:41 T:7072   ERROR: EPG - EPG::CEpg::Update - failed to update table 'BBC Sport Interactive: BBC3'
23:59:41 T:7072 WARNING: EPG - EPG::CEpg::UpdateFromScraper - channel not found, can't update
23:59:41 T:7072   ERROR: EPG - EPG::CEpg::Update - failed to update table 'ITV2+1'
23:59:41 T:7072 WARNING: EPG - EPG::CEpg::UpdateFromScraper - channel not found, can't update
23:59:41 T:7072   ERROR: EPG - EPG::CEpg::Update - failed to update table 'ITV3+1'
23:59:41 T:7072 WARNING: EPG - EPG::CEpg::UpdateFromScraper - channel not found, can't update
23:59:41 T:7072   ERROR: EPG - EPG::CEpg::Update - failed to update table 'ITV4+1'
23:59:41 T:7072 WARNING: EPG - EPG::CEpg::UpdateFromScraper - channel not found, can't update
23:59:41 T:7072   ERROR: EPG - EPG::CEpg::Update - failed to update table 'S4C'
23:59:41 T:7072 WARNING: EPG - EPG::CEpg::UpdateFromScraper - channel not found, can't update
23:59:41 T:7072   ERROR: EPG - EPG::CEpg::Update - failed to update table 'Yesterday'
23:59:41 T:7072 WARNING: EPG - EPG::CEpg::UpdateFromScraper - channel not found, can't update
23:59:41 T:7072   ERROR: EPG - EPG::CEpg::Update - failed to update table 'Channel 4 +1'
23:59:41 T:7072 WARNING: EPG - EPG::CEpg::UpdateFromScraper - channel not found, can't update
23:59:41 T:7072   ERROR: EPG - EPG::CEpg::Update - failed to update table 'Film4'
23:59:41 T:7072 WARNING: EPG - EPG::CEpg::UpdateFromScraper - channel not found, can't update
23:59:41 T:7072   ERROR: EPG - EPG::CEpg::Update - failed to update table 'QVC'
23:59:41 T:7072 WARNING: EPG - EPG::CEpg::UpdateFromScraper - channel not found, can't update
23:59:41 T:7072   ERROR: EPG - EPG::CEpg::Update - failed to update table 'E4 +1'
23:59:41 T:7072 WARNING: EPG - EPG::CEpg::UpdateFromScraper - channel not found, can't update
23:59:41 T:7072   ERROR: EPG - EPG::CEpg::Update - failed to update table 'Dave'
23:59:41 T:7072 WARNING: EPG - EPG::CEpg::UpdateFromScraper - channel not found, can't update
23:59:41 T:7072   ERROR: EPG - EPG::CEpg::Update - failed to update table '4Music'
23:59:41 T:7072 WARNING: EPG - EPG::CEpg::UpdateFromScraper - channel not found, can't update
23:59:41 T:7072   ERROR: EPG - EPG::CEpg::Update - failed to update table 'BBC1'
23:59:41 T:7072 WARNING: EPG - EPG::CEpg::UpdateFromScraper - channel not found, can't update
23:59:41 T:7072   ERROR: EPG - EPG::CEpg::Update - failed to update table 'BBC2'
23:59:41 T:7072 WARNING: EPG - EPG::CEpg::UpdateFromScraper - channel not found, can't update
23:59:41 T:7072   ERROR: EPG - EPG::CEpg::Update - failed to update table 'CBeebies'
23:59:41 T:7072 WARNING: EPG - EPG::CEpg::UpdateFromScraper - channel not found, can't update
23:59:41 T:7072   ERROR: EPG - EPG::CEpg::Update - failed to update table 'Channel 4 HD'
23:59:41 T:7072 WARNING: EPG - EPG::CEpg::UpdateFromScraper - channel not found, can't update
23:59:41 T:7072   ERROR: EPG - EPG::CEpg::Update - failed to update table 'Channel 5 HD'
23:59:41 T:7072 WARNING: EPG - EPG::CEpg::UpdateFromScraper - channel not found, can't update
23:59:41 T:7072   ERROR: EPG - EPG::CEpg::Update - failed to update table 'Dave ja vu'
23:59:41 T:7072 WARNING: EPG - EPG::CEpg::UpdateFromScraper - channel not found, can't update
23:59:41 T:7072   ERROR: EPG - EPG::CEpg::Update - failed to update table 'E4 HD'
23:59:41 T:7072 WARNING: EPG - EPG::CEpg::UpdateFromScraper - channel not found, can't update
23:59:41 T:7072   ERROR: EPG - EPG::CEpg::Update - failed to update table 'ITV1 London HD'
23:59:41 T:7072 WARNING: EPG - EPG::CEpg::UpdateFromScraper - channel not found, can't update
23:59:41 T:7072   ERROR: EPG - EPG::CEpg::Update - failed to update table 'ITV2HD'
23:59:41 T:7072 WARNING: EPG - EPG::CEpg::UpdateFromScraper - channel not found, can't update
23:59:41 T:7072   ERROR: EPG - EPG::CEpg::Update - failed to update table 'GOLD'
23:59:41 T:7072 WARNING: EPG - EPG::CEpg::UpdateFromScraper - channel not found, can't update
23:59:41 T:7072   ERROR: EPG - EPG::CEpg::Update - failed to update table 'Viva'
23:59:41 T:7072 WARNING: EPG - EPG::CEpg::UpdateFromScraper - channel not found, can't update
23:59:41 T:7072   ERROR: EPG - EPG::CEpg::Update - failed to update table 'Ideal World'
23:59:41 T:7072 WARNING: EPG - EPG::CEpg::UpdateFromScraper - channel not found, can't update
23:59:41 T:7072   ERROR: EPG - EPG::CEpg::Update - failed to update table '5*'
23:59:41 T:7072 WARNING: EPG - EPG::CEpg::UpdateFromScraper - channel not found, can't update
23:59:41 T:7072   ERROR: EPG - EPG::CEpg::Update - failed to update table '5USA'
23:59:41 T:7072 WARNING: EPG - EPG::CEpg::UpdateFromScraper - channel not found, can't update
23:59:41 T:7072   ERROR: EPG - EPG::CEpg::Update - failed to update table 'Price-drop.tv'
23:59:41 T:7072 WARNING: EPG - EPG::CEpg::UpdateFromScraper - channel not found, can't update
23:59:41 T:7072   ERROR: EPG - EPG::CEpg::Update - failed to update table 'Quest'
23:59:41 T:7072 WARNING: EPG - EPG::CEpg::UpdateFromScraper - channel not found, can't update
23:59:41 T:7072   ERROR: EPG - EPG::CEpg::Update - failed to update table 'Rocks & Co'
23:59:41 T:7072 WARNING: EPG - EPG::CEpg::UpdateFromScraper - channel not found, can't update
23:59:41 T:7072   ERROR: EPG - EPG::CEpg::Update - failed to update table 'Al Jazeera English'
23:59:41 T:7072 WARNING: EPG - EPG::CEpg::UpdateFromScraper - channel not found, can't update
23:59:41 T:7072   ERROR: EPG - EPG::CEpg::Update - failed to update table 'BBC1 HD'
23:59:42 T:2196  NOTICE: Thread JobWorker start, auto delete: true
23:59:48 T:7072   ERROR: AddOnLog: ARGUS TV client: GetEPGData failed for channel id:49
23:59:48 T:7072   ERROR: AddOnLog: ARGUS TV client: GetEPGData failed for channel id:50
23:59:48 T:7072   ERROR: AddOnLog: ARGUS TV client: GetEPGData failed for channel id:51
23:59:48 T:7072   ERROR: AddOnLog: ARGUS TV client: GetEPGData failed for channel id:52
23:59:48 T:7072   ERROR: AddOnLog: ARGUS TV client: GetEPGData failed for channel id:53
23:59:48 T:7072   ERROR: AddOnLog: ARGUS TV client: GetEPGData failed for channel id:54
23:59:48 T:7072   ERROR: AddOnLog: ARGUS TV client: GetEPGData failed for channel id:55
23:59:48 T:7072   ERROR: AddOnLog: ARGUS TV client: GetEPGData failed for channel id:56
23:59:48 T:7072   ERROR: AddOnLog: ARGUS TV client: GetEPGData failed for channel id:57

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