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Changes to the skinning engine for Kodi Krypton
2016-03-02 Fixed StringCompare(Window.Property(Something),True)

due to a bug StringCompare didn't work for comparing a string against 'true' or 'false'
this has been fixed now.

git commit: https://github.com/xbmc/xbmc/commit/0adf...89e28019a0
pull request: 9228 (PR)
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2016-03-02 removed boolean conditions

the ability to use 'on' or 'off' as a boolean condition has been removed.
likely no one was using it, as pretty much all skins use 'true' / 'false'.

so don't use:
<xxxx condition="off">

git commit: https://github.com/xbmc/xbmc/commit/0adf...89e28019a0
pull request: 9228 (PR)
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2016-03-06 merge xml files - part 5

these dialogs have been merged into DialogSettings.xml
  • DialogAudioDSPSettings.xml
  • DialogContentSettings.xml
  • DialogMediaFilter.xml
  • DialogNetworkSetup.xml
  • DialogPeripheralSettings.xml
  • DialogPVRTimerSettings.xml
  • LockSettings.xml
  • ProfileSettings.xml
  • VideoOSDSettings.xml

this dialogs needs to contain the following controls:
  • label id="2" (header label)
  • grouplist id="5" (group holding templates)
  • button id="7" (button template)
  • radiobutton id="8" (radiobutton template)
  • spincontrolex id="9" (spincontrolex template)
  • image id="11" (image template)
  • edit id="12" (edit template)
  • sliderex id="13" (sliderex template)
  • label id="14" (label template)
  • button id="28" (ok button)
  • button id="29" (cancel button)
  • button id="30" (clear/settings button)

also core will now handle:
- the header label
- the button labels

estuary example: https://github.com/xbmc/xbmc/blob/master...ttings.xml

git commit: https://github.com/xbmc/xbmc/commit/9a0f...b536cdde0a
pull request: 8856 (PR)
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2016-03-07 removed boolean condition - Player.ShowCodec

most skins are using this is MusicVisualisation.xml
and some in VideoFullScreen.xml or SlideShow.xml

please remove it from your skin, it's gone.

git commit: https://github.com/xbmc/xbmc/commit/be5d...718760b7e5
pull request: 9272 (PR)
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2016-03-06 changed default icon

forgot to mention this part of the settings dialogs merge:
for consistency reasons 'unknown-user.png' has been renamed to DefaultUser.png

git commit: https://github.com/xbmc/xbmc/commit/b89e...a26f0d12a7
pull request: 8856 (PR)
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2016-03-10 new infolabel - Container.ViewCount

this will return the number of available views in the current window.

git commit: https://github.com/xbmc/xbmc/commit/1b84...04a6ae7228
pull request: 9309 (PR)
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2016-03-12 new dialog - DialogGameControllers.xml

a new dialog, DialogGameControllers.xml (gamecontrollers), has been added to kodi.
this also introduces a new control type: "gamecontroller"

the new dialog has these builtin id's:
  • grouplist id="3" (controller types)
  • button id="10" (template)
  • gamecontroller id="31" (controller artwork)

  • grouplist id="5" (feature types)
  • button id="7" (template)

  • button id="17" / label 10043 (help button)
  • button id="18" / label 186 (ok button)
  • button id="19" / label 10035 (reset button)
  • button id="20" / label 21452 (get more button)

also three new default icons were added:
  • DefaultAddonGame.png
  • DefaultAddonPeripheral.png
  • DefaultGameAddons.png

confluence example: https://github.com/garbear/skin.confluen...980da6536c

git commit: https://github.com/xbmc/xbmc/commit/e851...32d5ac1246
pull request: 8807 (PR)
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2016-03-13 changed built-in function

we've made a change to the recently introduced Skin.SelectBool() built-in function.
skins can (mandatory) now define the header label of the select dialog as well:

Skin.SelectBool(424, 31411|RecentWidget, 31412|RandomWidget, 31413|InProgressWidget)
(where the first id is the string id of the header label)

git commit: https://github.com/xbmc/xbmc/commit/2ecc...c709c9c745
pull request: 9317 (PR)
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2016-03-13 new goodies - expressions

skins can now define expressions in Includes.xml
expressions are useful if you want to re-use a certain condition multiple times in your skin.

    <expression name="HasInfoDialog">Window.IsActive(musicinformation) | Window.IsActive(movieinformation) | Window.IsActive(addoninformation)</expression>
    <expression name="PluginAdvancedLauncher">substring(Container.FolderPath,plugin://plugin.program.advanced.launcher/,left)</expression>

<animation condition="$EXP[HasInfoDialog]" effect="fade" start="100" end="0" time="200" tween="sine">Conditional</animation>

<visible>$EXP[PluginAdvancedLauncher] + !Window.IsActive(Home)</visible>

expressions can be used in the following tags/attributes:
  • visible
  • enable
  • usealttexture
  • selected
  • condition

git commit: https://github.com/xbmc/xbmc/commit/8d55...76c0e3649d
pull request: 9327 (PR)
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2016-03-14 new infobools

new string / integer compare methods:
  • String.IsEmpty()
  • String.IsEqual()
  • String.StartsWith()
  • String.EndsWith()
  • String.Contains()
  • Integer.IsEqual()
  • Integer.IsGreater()
  • Integer.IsGreaterOrEqual()
  • Integer.IsLess()
  • Integer.IsLessOrEqual()

these infobools are now deprecated, though still functional, but will likely be removed in kodi v18:
  • IsEmpty()
  • StringCompare()
  • SubString()
  • IntegerGreaterThan()

git commit: https://github.com/xbmc/xbmc/commit/3ce8...16aad4c10f
pull request: 9345 (PR)
Do not PM or e-mail Team-Kodi members directly asking for support.
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2016-03-18 New infolabel
  • Container.ShowTitle

will return the name of the tvshow for season and episode containers.

pull request: 9375 (PR)
Donate: https://kodi.tv/contribute/donate (foundation), 146Gr48FqHM7TPB9q33HHv6uWpgQqdz1yk (BTC personal)
Estuary: Kodis new default skin - ExtendedInfo Script - KodiDevKit
2016-03-17 context menu support for directory providers

the context menu now also works in containers filled with dynamic content by directory providers.

git commit: https://github.com/xbmc/xbmc/commit/c35b...6de1d2cf4e
pull request: 9257 (PR)
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2016-03-04 new default icon

kodi now supports videoplayer inputstream addons, this addon category needs a default icon:
  • DefaultAddonInputstream.png

git commit: https://github.com/xbmc/xbmc/commit/3698...b20cc69c6f
pull request: 9173 (PR)
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2016-03-24 pvr - removed infobool

there's no longer an option to enable/disable pvr in kodi settings.
as a result, this will no longer work:
  • System.GetBool(pvrmanager.enabled)

you can use these infobools instead:
  • PVR.HasTVChannels
  • PVR.HasRadioChannels

forum thread: 265728 (thread)
git commit: https://github.com/xbmc/xbmc/commit/acb8...ff8a55f050
pull request: 9429 (PR)
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2016-04-02 new infolabel
  • ListItem.Status

for use with tv shows. it can return one of the following (depending on the used scraper):
- returning series (airing right now)
- in production (airing soon)
- planned (in development)
- cancelled
- ended

git commit: https://github.com/xbmc/xbmc/commit/bf1e...2a0f56f8c8
pull request: 9516 (PR)
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Changes to the skinning engine for Kodi Krypton3
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