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Changes to the skinning engine for Kodi Krypton
2016-04-02 includes - reference change

to better differentiate between include definitions (the ones defined in includes.xml etc.)
and include references (elsewhere in your xml files), we have changed the syntax for referencing includes.
this mainly effects include references that use params.

old syntax:
<include name="foo">

new syntax:
<include content="foo">

forum thread: 259585 (thread)
git commit: https://github.com/xbmc/xbmc/pull/9114/c...32a8be75e7
pull request: 9114 (PR)
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2016-04-02 new infolabel
  • Container.PluginCategory

this infolabel can be set by plugins and should return the type of videos listed in the current container.
eg. 'news' / 'comedy' / etc..

git commit: https://github.com/xbmc/xbmc/commit/f626...47c2e44b30
pull request: 9460 (PR)
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2016-04-09 Globalsearch now supports search by director name

globalsearch 7.1.0 now supports search by director name.
the addon will return a list of movies directed by the given director.

new id's:
230 - Label containing the number of found movies directed by the director
231 - Container for found movies directed by the director
239 - The script will set this id to visible when movies directed by the director are found
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2016-04-11 Globalsearch - context menu

if your skin includes script-globalsearch-contextmenu.xml, you can remove it.
globalsearch 7.2.1 will now use the standard kodi context menu instead.
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2016-04-01 new default icon

we now have a recently updated node in the addon browser.
this requires a new icon:
  • DefaultAddonsRecentlyUpdated.png

git commit: https://github.com/xbmc/xbmc/commit/7b06...0535d7675a
pull request: 9411 (PR)
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2016-04-13 new infolabel
  • ListItem.EndTimeResume

returns the time a video will end if you resume it, instead of playing it from the beginning.

git commit: https://github.com/xbmc/xbmc/commit/48cd...b1e68e33ac
pull request: 9602 (PR)
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2016-04-02 changed infolabels
  • ListItem.Rating
  • ListItem.Votes
  • ListItem.RatingAndVotes

will now return the value in a localized format.
eg. 7.5 or 7,5 depending on your region setting.

this will affect skins who include separate rating images for each possible value.

git commit: https://github.com/xbmc/xbmc/commit/c1cd...511a8e1a36
pull request: 9550 (PR)
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2016-04-19 new content type - roles

this content type is available for music artists.
also, a new 'roles' node will be available in the music library.

make sure you skin enables the correct views for the 'roles' content type.

forum thread: http://forum.kodi.tv/showthread.php?tid=270202
git commit: https://github.com/xbmc/xbmc/commit/eed7...fe97ad63dc
pull request: 9434 (PR)
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2016-04-19 small change for listitem.dbid

For Isengard and earlier listitem.DBID could return -1 on specific occasions (mainly with plugins). For Krypton onwards those will return "" (empty) instead.

git commit: https://github.com/xbmc/xbmc/pull/9627/c...02d19fc5f0
pull request: 9627 (PR)
Donate: https://kodi.tv/contribute/donate (foundation), 146Gr48FqHM7TPB9q33HHv6uWpgQqdz1yk (BTC personal)
Estuary: Kodis new default skin - ExtendedInfo Script - KodiDevKit
2016-04-21 new default icon

since we now have a roles node in the music library,
we may as well dedicate an icon to it:
  • DefaultMusicRoles.png

git commit: https://github.com/xbmc/xbmc/commit/10d3...8e57165744
pull request: 9649 (PR)
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One general comment:
Recent changes make it neccessary that all conditions used inside InfoDialogs (DialogVideoInfo.xml etc...) do not depend on the "main" container anymore, otherwise all kind of weird stuff can happen (even if it´s not that obvious).

In other words: Don´t use Container.Content(xx), Container.Art(xxx) etc inside those dialogs, but only Listitem.DBType, ListItem.Art(), etc.
These changes are neccessary because The InfoDialog can now get opened from every window, and not just mediawindows.
Donate: https://kodi.tv/contribute/donate (foundation), 146Gr48FqHM7TPB9q33HHv6uWpgQqdz1yk (BTC personal)
Estuary: Kodis new default skin - ExtendedInfo Script - KodiDevKit
2016-05-01 DialogAudioDSPManager.xml - remove listitems

you can remove the <content> section from container id="9000"
those listitems will now be filled by Kodi.

git commit: https://github.com/xbmc/xbmc/commit/5267...9deb831e3e
pull request: 9708 (PR)
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2016-05-01 Settings changes

we've reshuffled the settings categories in Kodi.

these settings windows have been removed:
  • VideosSettings
  • MusicSettings
  • PicturesSettings
  • AppearanceSettings
  • WeatherSettings

and these were added:

git commit: https://github.com/xbmc/xbmc/commit/8203...22d99040bc
pull request: 9208 (PR)
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2016-05-02 xbmc.gui - version bump

xbmc.gui has been bumped to 5.12.0 (with no backwards compatibility).

git commit: https://github.com/xbmc/xbmc/commit/85d1...51a96db13c
pull request: 9735 (PR)
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2016-05-20 slider control - orientation support

the slider control now supports the <orientation> tag.

by default the orientation will be vertical
you probably want to add <orientation>horizontal</orientation> to the default slider definition in defaults.xml

forum thread: http://forum.kodi.tv/showthread.php?tid=271091
git commit: https://github.com/xbmc/xbmc/commit/578e...8fab41d958
pull request: 9704 (PR)
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Changes to the skinning engine for Kodi Krypton3
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