Guest - Testers are needed for the reworked CDateTime core component. See... (September 29) x
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Changes to the skinning engine for Kodi Krypton
2016-05-21 Globalsearch - removed infolabels

for epg items, the following listitem properties have been removed:
- channelnumber
- path

i can't find a reliable way to get those through json-rpc
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2016-05-26 removed controls

support for some old/deprecated controls have been removed:
  • checkmark control
  • selectbutton control
  • multiselect control
  • largeimage control

should you still be using the largeimage control, please replace it with an image control and use<texture background="true">,
which will have the exact same effect as the largeimage control.

git commit:
pull request: 9848 (PR)
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2016-05-26 removed builtin function

due to the above, this builtin function has been removed:
  • Skin.SetLargeImage

you should be able to use Skin.SetImage instead.

git commit:
pull request: 9848 (PR)
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2016-06-04 Changed labels in DialogAudioDSPManager.xml
  • ListItem.Property(Name) --> ListItem.Label
  • ListItem.Property(AddonName) --> ListItem.Label2
  • ListItem.Property(Icon) --> ListItem.Icon

git commit:
pull request: 9897 (PR)
2016-06-18 changelog is now what's new

  • Remove button with id="10"

new infolabels
  • ListItem.AddonNews

changelog.txt is now obsolete. Changes can be noted in the new addon.xml tag

git commit:
pull request: 9351 (PR)
2016-06-19 ListItem.AddonSize

new infolabel
  • ListItem.AddonSize

This returns the file size of the add-on package.

git commit:
pull request: 9971 (PR)
2016-06-20 Removed Window Names

these deprecated window names are now removed from kodi
  • VideoLibrary
  • VideoFiles
  • Video
  • MusicLibrary
  • MusicFiles
  • Files
  • PVR
  • Scripts
  • InfoDialog
  • VisualisationSettings
  • NetworkSettings
  • TVSettings
  • GUICalibration

git commit:
pull request: 9886 (PR)

  • Video
  • VideoFiles
  • VideoLibrary
have been replaced with: Videos

  • MusicFiles
  • MusicLibrary
have been replaced with: Music

Files has been replaced by FileManager
PVR has been replaced by TVChannels
Scripts has been replaced by Programs
InfoDialog has been replaced by Notification
VisualisationSettings has been replaced by AddonSettings
NetworkSettings has been replaced by ServiceSettings
TVSettings has been replaced by PVRSettings
GUICalibration has been replaced by ScreenCalibration
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2016-06-20 new infolabels

these infolabels have been added to help skinners to recreate a codecinfo dialog:
  • Player.Process(videodecoder)
  • Player.Process(deintmethod)
  • Player.Process(pixformat)
  • Player.Process(videowidth)
  • Player.Process(videoheight)
  • Player.Process(videofps)
  • Player.Process(videodar)
  • Player.Process(audiodecoder)
  • Player.Process(audiochannels)
  • Player.Process(audiosamplerate)
  • Player.Process(audiobitspersample)

and this infobool:
  • Player.Process(videohwdecoder)

pull request: 9976 (PR)
pull request: 10069 (PR)

forum discussion:
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2016-04-14 DialogSelect.xml - Label2

forgot to mention this one when it was changed a few months ago..

skins should now use ListItem.Label2 instead of ListItem.AddonSummary in DialogSelect.xml

git commit:
pull request:
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2016-07-16 SlideShow

not sure if it matters to anyone, but thought i'd mention it anyway...
the slideshow window is now a dialog instead of a window.

git commit:
pull request:
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2016-07-16 Addon.xml - assets tag

as of today, please add an <assets> tag to the xbmc.addon.metadata section in your addon.xml file.
inside the assets tag, you should specify the path to the icon.png, fanart.jpg and screenshot files.
this means icon & fanart don't have to be placed at the root of your addon anymore.

    <extension point="xbmc.addon.metadata">
        <summary lang="en_GB">Best skin in the world!!!1!</summary>

git commit:
pull request:
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2016-07-16 DialogAddonInfo.xml - screenshots

you can add a container with id="50" to DialogAddonInfo.xml
this container will be filled with the available screenshots for the selected addon.

git commit:
pull request:
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2016-07-30 new dialog - DialogPlayerProcessInfo.xml

DialogPlayerProcessInfo.xml (playerprocessinfo) can be used to display debug info (codec info / pvr stats / etc.) during playback.

git commit:
pull request:
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2016-07-31 renamed window

LibrarySettings has been renamed to MediaSettings

git commit:
pull request:
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2016-08-4 playspeed control

users can now control the playback speed in kodi.

this feature adds these built-in actions:
  • PlayerControl(tempoup)
  • PlayerControl(tempodown)

this infolabel:
  • Player.Playspeed (current playspeed - range:0.8 to 1.5)

and these infobools:
  • Player.TempoEnabled (returns true if the current player supports changing the playback speed)
  • Player.IsTempo (returns true if the current playbackspeed is not equal to 1)

git commit:
pull request:
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Changes to the skinning engine for Kodi Krypton3
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