Android Jarvis not useing hardware acceleration on while PVR
Hello together,

I hope someone can help me out here. I've side loaded Jarvis beta 4 on my Amazon Fire TV (1st gen.) and it is working great so far for all movies and so on.
But if I watch Live TV, there is no option anymore to setup the deinterlacing method and it seems just to use dd-ffxxx and not dd-amcxx as a decoder as it used it prior.

Maybe someone could help out here. Is this already known?

Thanks for ur support here Smile

has anyone an idea how to get this fixed?

Thanks agin Smile
Please can someone help out here and tell if there is a different expirience. Hardware acceleration is working perfectly everywhere, just not with PVR from tvheadend.
debug log (wiki)?
Disable mediacode(surface) to get the de-interlacing options.
(2016-01-09, 01:40)Koying Wrote: Disable mediacode(surface) to get the de-interlacing options.

Thanks for the replay. Disableing did not help. Mean I'm having the deinterlacing options, but cause hardware acceleration is not used at all.

sorry my English is very bad.

same here DXVA deinterlacing is not work with Kodi 16 and Kodi 16.1 the picturequalität is very poor on Live Tv.
Kodi 15.2 works perfect with DXVA "best deinterlacing DXVA". I had it testet on Win7 32 bit, Win7 64bit and Win10 32bit, all the same, only Software Renderer will work. The picturequalität at Softwarerender is not the same as DXVA it is very poor.
Teste with Radeon R280x and Radeon R7 250
with the newest drivers an some older driver. Hope this will fix soon.

best wishes


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Jarvis not useing hardware acceleration on while PVR1
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