WIP Yet Another Music Video Scraper
This is the initial release .

First of all, I want to give thanks to all on the Kodi team for developing, maintaining and improving Kodi, and making it available as open source. Thank you!

This scraper is a work-in-progress.

Currently it scrapes and adds <artist>, <album>, <studio> (taken from Label), <title>, <runtime>, <year>, <thumb>, <plot>, <track>, <genre>. (plot= artist info, which is replaced by song info if found.)

The scrapers works ONLY with file names in the following format:

artist name - song name - album name
(note: names must be separated by space/hyphen/space ( - )

It is up to you to get correct spelling!!!!!!

Special characters are not allowed in the names. !&%$#@+/|? for example. Remove them from your file name.
Names similar to: Beyoncé need to be changed to Beyonce

A hyphen(-) is allowed in a name as long as it is not preceded or followed by a space.

This scraper runs somewhat slowly, partly by design. 50 videos took 13 minutes.

There are many regex in attempt to capture the many different xml possibilities. There will be more needed. Give me the artist name - song name - album name of the video that can not be added to the library, I will look at it and add if needed.

Get the scraper here: scraper

Both metadata.common.musicvideos.mp4 and metadata.musicvideos.yamvs are needed.

metadata.common.musicvideos.mp4 must be installed first.

Let me know what your results are.

I tested ~1500 videos and had all but 11 scrape fully. The 11 are not in the database and are not able to be scraped. (I had to revise the name in many of them to achieve this. You would be surprised on how many videos have special characters in the name.)

Album art is based on release-group and ~ 95% returns. If you are missing artwork... add it to fanartv or musicbrainz.

When doing a refresh/reload you will see the following as a choice:
song title-year-country-type-packaging (if in database) followed by a bunch of numbers used by the scraper. Choose accordingly.

Approximately 10% videos are scraped and added to the library with no info other than artwork. You need to refresh/reload the video and select an other than 'single' as the type. Most singles are designated differently. Choose the 'album' type if possible. This can not be controlled by the scraper.
Thanks. I'll give it a try when the family festivities are over...
Okay, gave some files a spin.

I got these files working:

The Boxer Rebellion - Always - Promises.mp4
The Boxer Rebellion - Diamonds - Promises.mp4
The Boxer Rebellion - Evacuate - Union.mp4
The Boxer Rebellion - Flashing Red Light Means Go - Union.mp4
The Boxer Rebellion - Keep Moving - Promises.mp4
The Boxer Rebellion - Promises - Promises.mp4
The Boxer Rebellion - Semi-automatic - Union.mp4
The Boxer Rebellion - Step Out Of The Car - The Cold Still.mp4
The Boxer Rebellion - The Runner.mp4
Enno Bunger - Neonlicht - Flüssiges Glück.mp4
Enno Bunger - Die Flucht - Wir Sind Vorbei.mp4

In the end I managed to get them all scraped but it took some patience and on some tracks a lot of refreshing. It was try and error on some tracks.

Enno Bunger - Die Flucht - Wir Sind Vorbei.mp4 has a strange track duration: 175,000 minutes. No idea where that coms from. Maybe you can try that track with a dummy file and see what result you get.

Thanks for your work. It's really appreciated.

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Yet Another Music Video Scraper0