[REQUEST] Conq Mod - Alternate Views for movies, Advanced Launcher support, etc

I'm using XBMC since ages, I never been as satisfied as I am with Conq skin... It's elegant, beautiful, sleek and run smoothly on any configs...
But there's a few things that old me back to say it's the best skin ever (it's my favorite though)

I wish there was an alternate view style as the one below:

Displaying the movies ratings instead of how many movies I have in my library, the studio logo on the bottom left, the director's name bellow the movie genre, and some details about the movie bellow (720p/1080p, AAC/AC3..., movie duration)

with an information panel appearing after 3 to 5 seconds like this:

Giving the plot on the left side of the cover with Clearlogo when available, DiscArt on the right with a thumb diplayed underneath (with possibly an alpha mask to hide the edge on the left of the thumb)

I would also love the fanarts to be supported on Advanced Launcher like pictured bellow:


Which also brought me to think about an alternate view with full support of Advanced Launcher:
A view looking alike Wide for the movies, with game year+genre bellow title, studio and finally platform. With a possible support for .png files showing the number of players the game supports.

With also an expanded info panel appearing after 3 to 5 seconds, like this:


This would already be a wonderful improvement!

There's also other things I would like to modify... The OSD:

I would like it to be like this when the movie is paused:
Showing plot, Cover, DiskArt and ClearLogo, automatically when the movie is paused

then be like the following while playing:

Displaying ClearLogo above the OSD

With a subtle submenu for subtitles, allowing us to switch betwin subtitles easily, or to download new ones:
The Download button would pop-up the classic Subtitles download window

At last, the is a big issue for me with this skin, it is sometimes quite hard to know if a submenu is arround, I wish I could diplay an arrow like this:

If all of this could be implanted, it would trully become the best skin ever to me! I am also willing to do it by myself, but honestly I'm kinda confused about which files should I edit, if anyone can give me some advices... I dunno where to start!


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[REQUEST] Conq Mod - Alternate Views for movies, Advanced Launcher support, etc0
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