Wake On Lan settings do not delay Kodibuntu startup

Here's the log:


No matter WHAT I do...or how I change these settings, Kodi continues to boot up so quickly, long before the network interfaces are all loaded.

It's lightning fast...way too fast, and I can't get the wakeonlan settings to work:


As you can see, I've set all the numbers really high, AFTER doing all this:


And even though you can see that Kodi is reading the settings in the LOG, you will also see that it STILL loads Kodi immediately.

There's GOT to be something I am missing. (Yes, the "wake on lan" settings in Kodi are selected...)

Can anyone help point me in the right direct?

It's a pain to turn on the NUC, and then have to exit Kodi, then load it again to have my libraries there. (I'm using MySQL on a NAS on the LAN to host the libraries.)

Let me know.


I am pretty sure you hit the last issue described here ; http://kodi.wiki/view/Wake_on_lan#Limita...F_Pitfalls
There is a fix pending to be included here ; https://github.com/xbmc/xbmc/pull/8474
Ah...I see that...thanks! I'm not experimenting on putting in a "sleep 10" in the lightdm file in \etc\init, but it does nothing at all. I notice there is another lightdm file in \etc\lightdm\ ... is it possible that is the one being hit?

This is really frustrating, you'd 'think there would be an easy way to make the thing not load so damn fast.

Sorry but I dont know any good ways to delay startup other than using wol-feature which unfortunately currently has this glitch for fast startup.
The good news is that the PR has now been merged and will be included in v16 Jarvis (beta 5), so if you are willing to go bleeding edge that could solve it for you. I assume a beta 5 build will pop up here soon.

And if you would provide feedback when you get a chance to try it out it would be brilliant - This fix is assumed to fix your issue but has not been verified since only a setup that actually experiences the problem can do that, so please share what you observe.
This was answered multiple times, just search for lightdm.conf in this linux forum.
First decide what functions / features you expect from a system. Then decide for the hardware. Don't waste your money on crap.
Yeah... I will share my experience, this is FRUSTRATING as all heck. @ Fritsch, I've TRIED the lightdm.conf fix...specifically adding this line:

and net-device-up IFACE!=lo)

Absolutely NOTHING changed...


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