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Release Kanzi: Amazon Alexa skill for Kodi
It seems there is an update to the old alexa-kodi skill. i could use help with a few things:
- what is the difference in setup using the github instructions and setup using lexigram? which one is preferred?
- i would like to remove the old setup which was problematic (done using github instructions via IAM) before i do the new setup. how do i go about removing the old "skill" to ensure i have my developer section clean?
Hi Guys,
 I have followed the tutorial for lexigram and got as far as deploying the skill. Unfortunately it gives an error :-
× Deploy skill
   → Error deploying. Please try again

I have tried wiping out the setup and starting again with no luck. I can see there are commands that run on linux to get a log file - I am running on windows and don't have the directories mentioned. If anyone has any suggestions or the correct commands for windows to retrieve the logs please let me know Big Grin

I previously attempted the github method but seemed to only be able to add limited utterance samples on the new development portal rather that pasting the entire utterance document. Alexa would just say there was a problem with the skill - not sure the failed install has anything to do with it? I removed the skill from the portal etc 

Lastly I am able to successfully retrieve my listings using the slot generator website.
Thanks in advance for any help!
For everyone who is starting now with this skill in the new ASK interface, here are the intents with german utterances in json format https://pastebin.com/7p0y4YhQ
just replace the original part here

"intents": [
                    "name": "AMAZON.CancelIntent",
                    "samples": []
                    "name": "AMAZON.HelpIntent",
                    "name": "AMAZON.StopIntent",
with the one on pastebin

But first you need to add your Slots with values. I did this with an Autohotkey script

sleep 5000
Loop, read, slots.txt
    Loop, parse, A_LoopReadLine, %A_Tab%
        send %A_LoopField% {Enter}
sleep 500

just paste for example the content from MOVIES in slots.txt, run that AHK script and place your cursor in the Slots value field.
(2018-04-22, 05:47)reeso3000 Wrote: Hi Guys,
 I have followed the tutorial for lexigram and got as far as deploying the skill. Unfortunately it gives an error :-
× Deploy skill
   → Error deploying. Please try again

I have tried wiping out the setup and starting again with no luck. I can see there are commands that run on linux to get a log file - I am running on windows and don't have the directories mentioned. If anyone has any suggestions or the correct commands for windows to retrieve the logs please let me know Big Grin

I previously attempted the github method but seemed to only be able to add limited utterance samples on the new development portal rather that pasting the entire utterance document. Alexa would just say there was a problem with the skill - not sure the failed install has anything to do with it? I removed the skill from the portal etc 

Lastly I am able to successfully retrieve my listings using the slot generator website.
Thanks in advance for any help!
If it gets that far, it had no problem talking to your server, it's just having an issue deploying to Amazon.

I do need to add in better logging. I'll get that updated soon.

In the meantime, try this:

cd kanzi
npm install -g [email protected]
ask deploy -t skill
ask deploy -t model

That will give me an indication of what's going on.
(2018-04-22, 18:57)jarlave Wrote: For everyone who is starting now with this skill in the new ASK interface, here are the intents with german utterances in json format https://pastebin.com/7p0y4YhQ
just replace the original part here

"intents": [
                    "name": "AMAZON.CancelIntent",
                    "samples": []
                    "name": "AMAZON.HelpIntent",
                    "name": "AMAZON.StopIntent",
with the one on pastebin

But first you need to add your Slots with values. I did this with an Autohotkey script

sleep 5000
Loop, read, slots.txt
    Loop, parse, A_LoopReadLine, %A_Tab%
        send %A_LoopField% {Enter}
sleep 500

just paste for example the content from MOVIES in slots.txt, run that AHK script and place your cursor in the Slots value field.

cli already does this.
oh, you want to say me I did all this work for nothing? I feel dumb now Big Grin
I followed the readme on github, what cli do you mean?

//Edit: should have checked the website on github... all the hours I spent Big Grin
(2018-04-22, 21:18)jarlave Wrote: oh, you want to say me I did all this work for nothing? I feel dumb now Big Grin
I followed the readme on github, what cli do you mean?

//Edit: should have checked the website on github... all the hours I spent Big Grin

Never hurts to learn new things!
I have run the commands you mentioned and both come back with :-

[Error]: Invalid url info.
Cannot find valid lambda function with the given name, nor find sourceDir as codebase path to create lambda function.

I have checked and double checked the arn and it is defintely the same as what I get within lambda function "kanzi" and it accepts the username and password when I ran the initial deploy.

Thanks for your help!
Can you attach a screenshot of the first command running? It shouldn't say that with the switch that's running.
This is what I get:-

Update - I have figured out what my issue was!!!! Nvm didn't have permission outside the network it appears!! I run the whole thing again on a different laptop and got a windows prompt asking me what I wanted to allow - private network and public network (not sure what happened the first time!). Ticked both boxes to allow and run through everything again and it uploaded successfully!! Sorry to have wasted your time mongr31 but thank you for your help!!!
All good, no worries.
First, I appreciate the hard work in making and maintaining this skill. I'm running into a bit of an issue and I'm at my wit's end with it. I have an HTPC in the living room running Windows 10, with Kodi v17. It is configured with the web server enabled, as I can connect to it from my mobile using Kore and I can use the slot generator site fine (connects and populates the slots correctly). I've followed the guide on lexigr.am multiple times and from different PC's. The issue comes in when I go to "lexigram deploy kanzi". It gets to "Update Slot Values" and then I get the error, "Kodi server configuration settings are wrong..." I'm not sure which settings I'm missing as the only required ones as far as I can tell are for the server address/port/username/password. All of which are in the config file. I tried following the older guide, but I'm not seeing the some of the settings there anymore. A few pages back, I noticed it was said that shouldn't be an issue with the new setup.

I must be missing something stupidly simple. Also, I do not see any logs generated to pull a more specific error. A nudge in the right direction would be appreciated.
Hopefully tomorrow I'll get a minute to update the cli to be more verbose as to what's breaking.
That would be great. I tried clearing out everything and starting over again today, but still the same error. Assuming it's something on my end, but as I can contact Kodi from outside the network at multiple sources, I'm not sure what.
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