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Release Retrospect v5.5.x Video Add-On
Basje, last football season there were links inside Retrospect for Eredivisie and English Premier League highlights. Now inside the Eredivise section the list is empty. Any clue on this issue?
I just checked on Fox Sports website and some highlights are available, although temporary of course.


Some match highlights have an url with an number behind it. For example the number of Arsenal - Liverpool is 606103. When you put this number behind the following link, you can watch the highlight: http://www.foxsports.nl/external/player/...rt/embed?v=

So for highlight of Arsenal - Liverpool would be: http://www.foxsports.nl/external/player/...d?v=606103

It would be great if the Eredivisie section would be back in Retrospect.
I am aware of the issue and am going to solve it, as soon as their site is complete again: https://bitbucket.org/basrieter/xbmc-onl...live-empty
I'm using the Openelec testbuilds for RaspberryPi from Millhouse on my Pi2. Since the new videoplayer is installed (instead of dvd player) Retrospect doesn't work anymore. I see the following lines in the log:
CRITICAL - plugin.py            - 537  - Could not playback the url
20151010 10:08:15 - [ 586MB] CRITICAL - plugin.py            - 537  - | Traceback (most recent call last):
20151010 10:08:15 - [ 586MB] CRITICAL - plugin.py            - 537  - |   File "/storage/.kodi/addons/net.rieter.xot/resources/libs/plugin.py", line 497, in PlayVideoItem
20151010 10:08:15 - [ 586MB] CRITICAL - plugin.py            - 537  - |     playData = self.channelObject.PlayVideoItem(item)
20151010 10:08:15 - [ 586MB] CRITICAL - plugin.py            - 537  - |   File "/storage/.kodi/addons/net.rieter.xot/resources/libs/chn_class.py", line 951, in PlayVideoItem
20151010 10:08:15 - [ 586MB] CRITICAL - plugin.py            - 537  - |     playerType = AddonSettings.GetPlayer()
20151010 10:08:15 - [ 586MB] CRITICAL - plugin.py            - 537  - |   File "/storage/.kodi/addons/net.rieter.xot/resources/libs/addonsettings.py", line 95, in GetPlayer
20151010 10:08:15 - [ 586MB] CRITICAL - plugin.py            - 537  - |     return [xbmc.PLAYER_CORE_AUTO, xbmc.PLAYER_CORE_DVDPLAYER][settingIndex]
20151010 10:08:15 - [ 586MB] CRITICAL - plugin.py            - 537  - + AttributeError: 'module' object has no attribute 'PLAYER_CORE_DVDPLAYER'

Is there a solution for this problem?
Raspberry Pi4 (2x), Raspberry Pi5
Libreelec 13.0 (nightly 280924), Aeon MQ9 PiersMod-1.0.1
Hi, I'm using a raspberry pi 2 with Milhouse - OpenELEC Testbuilds for RaspberryPi (Kodi 16.0)

Since build #0908 DVDPlayer has been replaced with VideoPlayer.

When I attempt to start a stream I get an error saying one or more streams couldn't be started.
10:18:52 136.601288 T:1354961920   ERROR: Traceback (most recent call last):
                                              File "/storage/.kodi/addons/net.rieter.xot/resources/libs/plugin.py", line 497, in PlayVideoItem
                                                playData = self.channelObject.PlayVideoItem(item)
                                              File "/storage/.kodi/addons/net.rieter.xot/resources/libs/chn_class.py", line 951, in PlayVideoItem
                                                playerType = AddonSettings.GetPlayer()
                                              File "/storage/.kodi/addons/net.rieter.xot/resources/libs/addonsettings.py", line 95, in GetPlayer
                                                return [xbmc.PLAYER_CORE_AUTO, xbmc.PLAYER_CORE_DVDPLAYER][settingIndex]
                                            AttributeError: 'module' object has no attribute 'PLAYER_CORE_DVDPLAYER'
10:18:52 136.674057 T:1965977600   ERROR: Playlist Player: skipping unplayable item: 0, path [plugin://net.rieter.xot/?action=playvideo&pickle=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%3d%3d&channelcode=svt&channel=chn_svt&rnd=88303]
10:18:57 141.182678 T:1354961920  NOTICE: Thread BackgroundLoader start, auto delete: false
10:18:57 141.214111 T:1514345472  NOTICE: Thread JobWorker start, auto delete: true

Last build that works with retrospect is #0907. I have only tried Swedish channels tho.

Do you think it's possible to fix this issue?

Thanks in advance Smile

EDIT: LOL! Henk31 great timing Big Grin
This issue has been bugging me for some time but I haven't had time to dig into until today.
(2015-10-10, 10:31)Henk31 Wrote: I'm using the Openelec testbuilds for RaspberryPi from Millhouse on my Pi2. Since the new videoplayer is installed (instead of dvd player) Retrospect doesn't work anymore. I see the following lines in the log:
CRITICAL - plugin.py            - 537  - Could not playback the url
20151010 10:08:15 - [ 586MB] CRITICAL - plugin.py            - 537  - | Traceback (most recent call last):
20151010 10:08:15 - [ 586MB] CRITICAL - plugin.py            - 537  - |   File "/storage/.kodi/addons/net.rieter.xot/resources/libs/plugin.py", line 497, in PlayVideoItem
20151010 10:08:15 - [ 586MB] CRITICAL - plugin.py            - 537  - |     playData = self.channelObject.PlayVideoItem(item)
20151010 10:08:15 - [ 586MB] CRITICAL - plugin.py            - 537  - |   File "/storage/.kodi/addons/net.rieter.xot/resources/libs/chn_class.py", line 951, in PlayVideoItem
20151010 10:08:15 - [ 586MB] CRITICAL - plugin.py            - 537  - |     playerType = AddonSettings.GetPlayer()
20151010 10:08:15 - [ 586MB] CRITICAL - plugin.py            - 537  - |   File "/storage/.kodi/addons/net.rieter.xot/resources/libs/addonsettings.py", line 95, in GetPlayer
20151010 10:08:15 - [ 586MB] CRITICAL - plugin.py            - 537  - |     return [xbmc.PLAYER_CORE_AUTO, xbmc.PLAYER_CORE_DVDPLAYER][settingIndex]
20151010 10:08:15 - [ 586MB] CRITICAL - plugin.py            - 537  - + AttributeError: 'module' object has no attribute 'PLAYER_CORE_DVDPLAYER'

Is there a solution for this problem?

It was already reported before: https://bitbucket.org/basrieter/xbmc-onl...ect-has-no

And as I wrote: it is weird that this is not working, as the stuff was still in the Kodi code at Github. And nothing is mentioned here http://kodi.wiki/view/Jarvis_API_changes#Python. So I would suggest you to try a more recent build and then see if it works. I will install a Kodi nightly on my development machine and see what happens.

Anyway, we should continue this specific discussion in the bitbucket issue, so all info related to the video player issue is in a single place.
(2015-10-10, 10:36)Patrics83 Wrote: Hi, I'm using a raspberry pi 2 with Milhouse - OpenELEC Testbuilds for RaspberryPi (Kodi 16.0)

Since build #0908 DVDPlayer has been replaced with VideoPlayer.

When I attempt to start a stream I get an error saying one or more streams couldn't be started.
10:18:52 136.601288 T:1354961920   ERROR: Traceback (most recent call last):
                                              File "/storage/.kodi/addons/net.rieter.xot/resources/libs/plugin.py", line 497, in PlayVideoItem
                                                playData = self.channelObject.PlayVideoItem(item)
                                              File "/storage/.kodi/addons/net.rieter.xot/resources/libs/chn_class.py", line 951, in PlayVideoItem
                                                playerType = AddonSettings.GetPlayer()
                                              File "/storage/.kodi/addons/net.rieter.xot/resources/libs/addonsettings.py", line 95, in GetPlayer
                                                return [xbmc.PLAYER_CORE_AUTO, xbmc.PLAYER_CORE_DVDPLAYER][settingIndex]
                                            AttributeError: 'module' object has no attribute 'PLAYER_CORE_DVDPLAYER'
10:18:52 136.674057 T:1965977600   ERROR: Playlist Player: skipping unplayable item: 0, path [plugin://net.rieter.xot/?action=playvideo&pickle=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%3d%3d&channelcode=svt&channel=chn_svt&rnd=88303]
10:18:57 141.182678 T:1354961920  NOTICE: Thread BackgroundLoader start, auto delete: false
10:18:57 141.214111 T:1514345472  NOTICE: Thread JobWorker start, auto delete: true

Last build that works with retrospect is #0907. I have only tried Swedish channels tho.

Do you think it's possible to fix this issue?

Thanks in advance Smile

EDIT: LOL! Henk31 great timing Big Grin
This issue has been bugging me for some time but I haven't had time to dig into until today.

Same here, please continue in the bitbucket issue https://bitbucket.org/basrieter/xbmc-onl...ect-has-no

And perhaps add some full DEBUG retrospect.log files there? I checked the nightly builds on Windows, and they don't have this issue.
THX! Basje for the quick reply. I overlooked the fact that it was already reported (sorry for that). I installed this morning the most recent build from Millhouse (1009) and the problem is still there Wink

LOL indeed! Patrics83 Tongue
Raspberry Pi4 (2x), Raspberry Pi5
Libreelec 13.0 (nightly 280924), Aeon MQ9 PiersMod-1.0.1
(2015-10-10, 10:50)Henk31 Wrote: THX! Basje for the quick reply. I overlooked the fact that it was already reported (sorry for that). I installed this morning the most recent build from Millhouse (1009) and the problem is still there Wink

LOL indeed! Patrics83 Tongue

Please post this in the Bitbutcket issue, and also post the location where you downloaded your build from.
Raspberry Pi4 (2x), Raspberry Pi5
Libreelec 13.0 (nightly 280924), Aeon MQ9 PiersMod-1.0.1
Hi. Thanks for a great addon! I was wondering if it is possible to start the addon with a specific channel, with only one remote button press? Maybe via the RunAddon function in keymap.xml or something?
(2015-10-31, 10:20)Nyberg Wrote: Hi. Thanks for a great addon! I was wondering if it is possible to start the addon with a specific channel, with only one remote button press? Maybe via the RunAddon function in keymap.xml or something?

Yes, you can add every item from Retrospect to the Kodi favorites and then open that channel using that favorites. Or you can manually create a link to a channel and use the RunAddon. The exact format I don't have right now, but if you add one to the Kodi favorites you can have a look at the favourites.xml and have a look at the format.

Let me know if that works, otherwise I can give you the format tonight when I am at my dev pc.
Thanks Basje. The Kodi favorites did exactly what I wanted.
I just came here to confirm that the nightly build of Retrospect work fine w/ Kodi 16 (Milhouse builds) on Raspberry Pi, whereas the version found in the repo (4.0 I believe) does not (dvdplayer error).
(2015-12-05, 16:25)Slothrop Wrote: I just came here to confirm that the nightly build of Retrospect work fine w/ Kodi 16 (Milhouse builds) on Raspberry Pi, whereas the version found in the repo (4.0 I believe) does not (dvdplayer error).

Thanks for the heads up. This was already mentioned a while ago: https://bitbucket.org/basrieter/xbmc-onl...ror-module.

But the Milhouse builds are not 100% Kodi. They removed a lot of backward compatibility code, so I won't really recommend using them. But I did update the Nightly version to work with them. So from version 4.0.1 Retrospect will have no issues with these builds.
i'd say you use totally unrecommended way of calling the player. A plugin should not decide what player to use.

if you see this
Quote:AttributeError: 'module' object has no attribute 'PLAYER_CORE_DVDPLAYER'
you are doing it wrong since many versions. Certainly not a Kodi problem cause that method was deprecated long time ago and now finally killed from core code.


PHP Code:
def GetPlayer(textOnly=False):
""" Get's the default player. this is only used for raspberry pi. """

settingIndex int(AddonSettings.__GetSetting(AddonSettings.__RPI_PLAYER) or 0)
                return [
                return [
except Exceptione:
Logger.Warning("Error determining the Player Core in Kodi, falling back to PLAYER_CORE_AUTO:\n%s"e.message)

Seriously this is just plain wrong and i will make sure that code dies from the Python API soon.
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