Win Kore won't connect
Hey, all! I have two laptops that are the same. Kore will connect on one of them, but only after I changed the port from 80 to 8080. I can't get it to connect on my other laptop at all, which is of course the one that I want to use as my Kodi server. The Kore app can see both servers. Can anybody help me figure out how I can get the remote to work?
Kodi is not a server.

Possibly your windows firewall is blocking kore.
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I thought of that, but my computer does not allow me to change settings on my firewall. There's not even a button to change settings or anything even though all help sites I went to claim there should be. Any ideas on a workaround for this?
Sorry I don't know enough about windows to help more.
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try making sure your laptop is set to a private network. if its public your firewall might disable it. if that doesnt work try messing with firewall settings.
Maybe a strange option for a laptop to try, but is possible to connect to Kodi when you're laptop is wired to the network. I had several users which had a problem to connect to Kodi when it was on a wireless network, when the laptop was wired it worked. (Of course this could be that the NIC has a different firewall policy)
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I had the same problem a few days ago after i said suspend on the app, searched up a ton of forums nothing helps. But it seems i've found the problem.

1)Go to the main Kodi file in the programs list.
2)Look for the file that says "app manifest" and delete it.

This worked for me hope it works for you.(Also if you have bonjour installed it works great.)
I had similar issues on win 7 sp1 both with kore and the web interface. Seems that windows firewall kodi setting was on "Private" but not on "Domain". I added "Domain" and it worked again. Not sure how it stopped working Tongue maybe an antivirus update did something (I use AVG Free).
I have more or less the same problem:
This app does NOT work on my Samsung galaxy A50 running android 11.

Kore found my media centre and is connected, but when I put in my username and password and tap test, it says:

Couldn't connect to Kodi.
Please check the configuration.

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