How to add Kodi Scraper - donator

I've donated TMM and now I try to add scraper to TMM. I have instlled KODI on the same computer (Win 10) in default install directory C:\Users\UserName\AppData\Roaming\Kodi, but TMM not show (which is active in Kodi) scraper on the list. I've tried to make a new folder "kodi_scraper" and copy folder "" from Kodi but it also doesn't work. Next I've copied all folders and files from "" to kodi_scraper and it doesn't work again Sad

Could someone describe how exactly Kodi Scraper should be added in donator version of TMM?
It should autodetect any installed scrapers.

If it is not visivble inside TMM, then there might be errors in parsing the XMLs.
(Some of them are not well formed, which Kodi might ignore - but we can't)

Please check/post logfile, and/or send us via internal bug reporting...
tinyMediaManager - THE media manager of your choice :)
Wanna help translate TMM ?
Thanks for your report.
As guessed, the filmweb.xml is not valid...
You might want to report that to the developers.

Line 449 - the & must be encoded to & to be xml conform.

With upcoming 2.7.2 (the next few days) you will get the possibility to configure such scrapers (2.7.1 does not always work without)
tinyMediaManager - THE media manager of your choice :)
Wanna help translate TMM ?
Thanks for Your quick response.

I reported this to the developers via github.

I'm waiting to 2.7.2 Smile

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