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Win HOW TO - Set up madVR for Kodi DSPlayer & External Players
Perfect. Thanks for confirming, in practice the current rules that I need to add a rule and profile; (if (srcWidth> 1920) "2160p"
else if (srcWidth <= 1920) and (srcHeight> 1080) "2160p"
) and I should be okay

(2016-02-13, 10:20)gotham_x Wrote: Perfect. Thanks for confirming, in practice the current rules that I need to add a rule and profile; (if (srcWidth> 1920) "2160p"
else if (srcWidth <= 1920) and (srcHeight> 1080) "2160p"
) and I should be okay


You need these two rules:

if (srcWidth > 1920) "2160p"
else if (srcWidth <= 1920) and (srcHeight > 1080) "2160p"

else if (srcWidth > 1280) and (srcWidth <= 1920) "1080p"
else if (srcWidth <= 1280) and ((srcHeight > 720) and (srcHeight <= 1080)) "1080p"
Dear Warner, with these rules I'm going in total confusion, which are indigestible, I come not to put things in order...

I inserted the two new rules for HDR in existing ones and created the two profiles 2160p / 1080p


if (3D) and (srcWidth > 1280) "1080p 3D"
else if (3D) and ((srcWidth <= 1280) and (srcHeight > 720)) "1080p 3D"

else if (not 3D) and (srcWidth > 1280) "1080p"
else if (not 3D) and ((srcWidth <= 1280) and (srcHeight > 720)) "1080p"

else if (srcWidth > 960) and (srcWidth <= 1280) "720p"
else if (srcWidth <= 960) and ((srcHeight > 540) and (srcHeight <= 720)) "720p"

else if (srcWidth <= 960) and (srcHeight <= 540) "SD"

if (srcWidth > 1920) "2160p"
else if (srcWidth <= 1920) and (srcHeight > 1080) "2160p"

else if (srcWidth > 1280) and (srcWidth <= 1920) "1080p"
else if (srcWidth <= 1280) and ((srcHeight > 720) and (srcHeight <= 1080)) "1080p"

1080p - 720p - SD - 1080p 3D / 2160p - 1080p

Doing it this way is not saved (auto select Profile rules) with green check mark.
Hi Warner306.
I think I've solved with the rules.
Unexplained what happens ...

When I put in play an HDR demo, In madVR is highlighted in bold profile 1080p , for profiles 1080p availment NNEDI3 in Chroma Upscaling , (Ctrl+J) returns output Catmull-Rom...settings that are also changed to (Image Scaling) to default...
Is there an explanation?
Did you try this:

if (srcWidth > 1920) "2160p"
else if (srcWidth <= 1920) and (srcHeight > 1080) "2160p"

else if (3D) and ((srcWidth > 1280) and (srcWidth <= 1920)) "1080p 3D"
else if (3D) and ((srcWidth <= 1280) and (srcHeight > 720) and (srcHeight <= 1080)) "1080p 3D"

else if (not 3D) and ((srcWidth > 1280) and (srcWidth <= 1920)) "1080p"
else if (not 3D) and ((srcWidth <= 1280) and (srcHeight > 720) and (srcHeight <= 1080)) "1080p"

else if (srcWidth > 1280) and (srcWidth <= 1920) "1080p"
else if (srcWidth <= 1280) and ((srcHeight > 720) and (srcHeight <= 1080)) "1080p"

else if (srcWidth > 960) and (srcWidth <= 1280) "720p"
else if (srcWidth <= 960) and ((srcHeight > 540) and (srcHeight <= 720)) "720p"

else if (srcWidth <= 960) and (srcHeight <= 540) "SD"
Hi Warner 306.
With the new rules you have given me is hit in bold the 2160p profile for HDR content; it's correct ?

Like setting (Image downscaling -> 1080p) SSIM + AR / LL

Your thinking for this settings (Image downscaling -> 1080p) ?
(2016-02-15, 10:41)gotham_x Wrote: Hi Warner 306.
With the new rules you have given me is hit in bold the 2160p profile for HDR content; it's correct ?

Like setting (Image downscaling -> 1080p) SSIM + AR / LL

Your thinking for this settings (Image downscaling -> 1080p) ?

Yes, that sounds right. The HDR demo video are in 2160p.
Thanks for the confirmation .
Warner306, I lean to your eventual answer, watching a 3D movie on my tv happens something strange ...
stop the movie and I close kodi from my TV. Then back on the PC monitor and start again Kodi , Kodi GUI opens in 3D video resolution , giving a look at the control panel Nvidia , I noticed that setting (Set 3D Stereoscopic) is activated automatically when playing a 3D movie.

Obviously, (Set 3D Stereoscopic) is always off because there is no need to activate this feature, and it is frustrating that every time you play a 3D movie you should turn off (Set 3D Stereoscopic) when I open Kodi my PC

Question, is there any setting to be changed in the 3D card Stereo (madVR) to solve? setting Stereo 3D it is default.
(2016-02-17, 17:37)gotham_x Wrote: Warner306, I lean to your eventual answer, watching a 3D movie on my tv happens something strange ...
stop the movie and I close kodi from my TV. Then back on the PC monitor and start again Kodi , Kodi GUI opens in 3D video resolution , giving a look at the control panel Nvidia , I noticed that setting (Set 3D Stereoscopic) is activated automatically when playing a 3D movie.

Obviously, (Set 3D Stereoscopic) is always off because there is no need to activate this feature, and it is frustrating that every time you play a 3D movie you should turn off (Set 3D Stereoscopic) when I open Kodi my PC

Question, is there any setting to be changed in the 3D card Stereo (madVR) to solve? setting Stereo 3D it is default.

Disable 3D in the operating system under madVR -> Stereo 3D. Check the boxes for 2D and 3D.
If I understand correctly


Thus not it is hooked more the over signal 3D
(2016-02-18, 00:38)gotham_x Wrote: If I understand correctly


Thus not it is hooked more the over signal 3D

No, disable it for 3D content as well. This is disabling it in the operating system, not the media player.
So ?


This way is played side by side 3D format, not more Frame Packing 3D video format.
(2016-02-18, 10:32)gotham_x Wrote: So ?


This way is played side by side 3D format, not more Frame Packing 3D video format.

I didn't expect that. I would uncheck the second box.
I tried uncheck the second box, is always played side by side 3D format , Something's not returns...
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