Recommended Client / Server OS for VNSI
Hi FernetMenta,

which environment can you recommend for a multi-client/server VNSI-setup?

I've played with OpenELEC6 and MLD5 but experienced some problems...

Thanks in advance,


PS. Any chance to contact you in german on the VDR-board?
I don't think I can give any recommendations on this. I use Ubuntu for development and "production" (living room). Not much experience with other Linux distros as OS for Kodi.

I am not a member of any VDR forum. If you feel to write in German, send me a PM Smile
Archlinux+openelec ^^.
I use it daily for 3 years and its really stable.
Ubuntu Server + OE (or any other client). It is also very stable.

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Recommended Client / Server OS for VNSI0