Android Shield TV - Screenshots not working
I am on the latest Android and Jarvis on an NVidia Shield TV.

I can trigger screenshots during fullscreen video playback but they come out as all black and approx 6.1KB.

There are no errors in the log:
20:38:56 T:1390160176   DEBUG: bool CInputManager::OnKey(const CKey&): red (0xf0e3) pressed, action is screenshot
20:38:57 T:1390160176   DEBUG: Saving screenshot /sdcard/backups/screenshot008.png
20:38:57 T:1605921072   DEBUG: cached image '/sdcard/backups/screenshot008.png' size 1920x1080
20:38:57 T:1503054128   DEBUG: CDVDPlayerVideo::CalcDropRequirement - hurry: 1
20:38:57 T:1390160176   DEBUG: Previous line repeats 4 times.

I enabled debug logging and now the screenshots contain the debug info from the top of the screen but the rest is still all black.

The same thing works perfectly on my OpenElec install (on a different machine). Is this just broken on Android/Jarvis - is it working for anyone else?
Okay I found the answer in another thread, you need to "disable "Mediacodec(Surface)" to take screenshots."

It's under System | Settings | Video | Acceleration
Or just use the Shield to take screenshots by pressing and holding the "O" (Home) button on the controller.
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Is there a way to use the Shield method without having to go through a menu? Within Kodi I can keep pressing a button and rapidly take multiple screenshots.
No, but in that case why not just make a video recording?
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(2016-02-27, 12:16)mbriody Wrote: Okay I found the answer in another thread, you need to "disable "Mediacodec(Surface)" to take screenshots."
It's under System | Settings | Video | Acceleration

Thanks, I am using Kodi on the Minix X7 and I had this same problem.
Sorry about the old post, but this issue has still not been fixed. Sure, you can get around it by disabling hardware acceleration of Mediacodec Surface, but surely this is a bug?

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