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Release MLB.TV®
(2024-07-20, 04:10)tonywagner Wrote: The old API used by the addon was retired on Thursday July 18, unfortunately.

Minor league games and Big Inning still work, but no MLB games.

I’ve started a new project using the new API, available here: https://github.com/tonywagner/plugin.video.mlb

MLB games are already working in the new project.
Question -- if I install this manually do I also have to update it manually or is there some way to keep it up-to-date? I imagine since it's new there will be updates and just looking for the easiest way to keep it updated on several Fire TV Sticks

Hi Tony, just from today....

Yesterday your new set up worked, today it starts games at the END of the games.... 😂
Why am I getting Error Occurred access-token.invalid every time I try to watch a game today?
Have you updated to the new version that he posted yesterday?
(2024-07-20, 22:35)Joshv2.0 Wrote: Hi Tony, just from today....

Yesterday your new set up worked, today it starts games at the END of the games.... 😂

Mine started from the beginning, but if you pause for a bit, it goes back to the beginning. Happened a few times.
New version has a lot to be desired compared to the old version that's for sure.
I admit to being tech "challenged", but I really wish I understood why the old version was dumped, it worked very well.

I'm currently back to watching MLB on the official MLB app and...well, it kinda sucks 😂
(2024-07-21, 20:45)Joshv2.0 Wrote: I admit to being tech "challenged", but I really wish I understood why the old version was dumped, it worked very well.

I'm currently back to watching MLB on the official MLB app and...well, it kinda sucks 😂
Nothing was "dumped". MLB changed their API, which broke the "old" one and the author just hasn't updated it yet.
Ah. Thank you, that I can understand 😂
(2024-07-21, 20:39)morick02 Wrote: New version has a lot to be desired compared to the old version that's for sure.

Please direct any feedback to the new addon's forum thread: Release - MLB® (plugin.video.mlbserver)
Version 2024.7.22+matrix.1 is on github please manually install and test.

It should fix the login and radio issues. I still have some code to cleanup but I wanted to get something out in the meantime.
(2024-07-22, 19:21)eracknaphobia Wrote: Version 2024.7.22+matrix.1 is on github please manually install and test.

Thank you. Testing - login works, game plays, didn't try radio, commercial skip and start at beginning are not working yet.
Is inputstreamadaptive still needed? 
Kodi crashes when it is installed. Just about when the video should start. Kodi 21 disappears. 
When I delete inputstream.adaptive, the video plays.
(2024-07-22, 22:17)Dixon Butz Wrote: Is inputstreamadaptive still needed? 
Kodi crashes when it is installed. Just about when the video should start. Kodi 21 disappears. 
When I delete inputstream.adaptive, the video plays.

You need to install the latest Microsoft Visual C++ Redistributable⁠ version 14.40.33810.0 or later to avoid the crash with InputStream Adaptive.
(2024-07-22, 19:21)eracknaphobia Wrote: ...It should fix the login and radio issue...
Login, video, and radio feeds working. Wink
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