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Release MLB.TV®
I am having issues with certain games. Mainly Toronto games (I have a full MLB.TV subscription, as well). The stream with either work with no audio for a while before buffering and skipping a lot, or it will not load at all. For the most part, I haven't noticed this with others teams' games, which I find odd.

Shouldn't be a bandwidth issue as the games all stream fine on my laptop.

Was all working fine up until Friday or Saturday this past week.

Aside from this, I'd like to say that the addon has been amazing and I am very happy with it.
(2016-04-11, 22:49)eracknaphobia Wrote:
(2016-04-11, 07:06)Okieegirl85 Wrote: I have a MxQ Android box and I installed the MLB addon, but when I click on full games it says check log file. However, condensed games works. I gave the link to my log file. I would appreciate any help because the mlb at bat sucks. Thanks!

Recap, Condensed don't require a login. Double check your credentials, perform the logout and try again.

I tried everything. Full games will not work. When I click on full games it either does nothing, or says check log file. I made sure my login was right too.
(2016-04-08, 22:24)eracknaphobia Wrote: Appears to be bug in the code. The entire day recap /condensed obeys the quality selection but it appears the single games do not.

(2016-04-11, 20:25)eracknaphobia Wrote: Update 2016.4.11 Released

- Fixed recap, condensed not using stream quality setting

OK, now I'm really confused.

For what it's worth, I just updated to 2016.4.11 and confirmed that the condensed games do honor the quality selection, but the current games do not. For current games, no matter what quality I select, I'm getting 60fps and ~5Mb/s.
(2016-04-11, 15:48)eracknaphobia Wrote:
(2016-04-11, 04:54)siuside Wrote:
(2016-04-08, 21:22)siuside Wrote: Finally that explains that 20-30 second delay ! Hopefully the core devs implement this.
Great stuff! Thanks for gathering the info, it looks very promising.

Out of curiosity, how does this differ than timewasted's NHL plugin which allows 'Start from Beginning' as well as a 'Rewind':
(2016-04-12, 02:15)GriffeyJuni0r Wrote: Out of curiosity, how does this differ than timewasted's NHL plugin which allows 'Start from Beginning' as well as a 'Rewind':

The old version of timewasted's add-on had this feature. Since the switch in providers, timewasted has only released developement builds which do not have this ability. In fact, he has posted that he is not even sure this will be possible to implement again.
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(2016-04-11, 22:20)eracknaphobia Wrote: Well the playback scenario i'm using in the code is a 60fps request, so this could very well be why it's bombing. I'm currently adding a setting that will allow the user to specify if they are a single team subscriber in order to use a non 60fps playback scenario.

In the meantime if you would like to test my theory open the main.py file in the plugin.video.mlbtv folder and edit line 251

Change this
if str(item['playback_scenario']) == "HTTP_CLOUD_WIRED_60":

To this
if str(item['playback_scenario']) == "HTTP_CLOUD_WIRED":

(2016-04-11, 22:34)eracknaphobia Wrote:
(2016-04-11, 22:27)ochaos Wrote: Yep, that fixed it! Thanks!

Edit: I should probably mention that I could only test it with archived full games that weren't working previously. My single-team doesn't play until tomorrow.

That's a good sign. Just curious, if you set the stream quality to 5000k in the stream quality settings do you get the 60fps stream?

(2016-04-11, 22:42)ochaos Wrote:
(2016-04-11, 22:34)eracknaphobia Wrote: That's a good sign. Just curious, if you set the stream quality to 5000k in the stream quality settings do you get the 60fps stream?

I believe so, assuming I'm reading things right and that fr: means frame rate, it's showing 59.940 on the 5000k steam.

(2016-04-11, 22:52)eracknaphobia Wrote:
(2016-04-11, 22:42)ochaos Wrote:
(2016-04-11, 22:34)eracknaphobia Wrote: That's a good sign. Just curious, if you set the stream quality to 5000k in the stream quality settings do you get the 60fps stream?

I believe so, assuming I'm reading things right and that fr: means frame rate, it's showing 59.940 on the 5000k steam.

That is correct. Well, i guess that's a bonus.

YES! This worked. I can only confirm that full-game replays are working as my team isn't playing live right now, but this seems to be the fix. I also confirmed that with the visual quality setting at "Best Available" I only get the 30fps feed, but with it set to "5000K" the feed is 60fps, so that is a wonderful bonus (at least until MLB kills this).

Editing main.py is easy enough (especially since v2016.4.11 has the non-60fps line there and just commented out), but the UI setting will be most appreciated, whenever you get a chance.
Re my prior post


After following updates here on and off and updating installed plugin to most recent release, I saw repeated references to "login/logout" as a solution to no live streaming. I went into the addon config dialog and repeatedly poked the "logout" button, which bumps the user out of the dialog. On reaccessing the dialog, the logout button does not toggle state to indicate logged-in status, which was somewhat confusing but NBD. Eventually I noticed an action notification in the lower corner of the screen confirming logout.

on reaccessing the plugin's streams list, I was successfully able to chose a stream, be presented with the stream-selection dialog, and load and observe the stream playing. It's playing choppily with no audio behind this browser window as I type, which is possibly a Kodi issue with a non-primary window being displayed over the video. If I have to fiddle further with the settings to get acceptable playback i will advise in this post via an edit.

Thanks for doing this!

UPDATE: I dialed the bitrate to 1200 and things did not improve. There was no difficulty accessing the stream, but as soon at it loaded it would begin to drift out of sync with the audio and stutter or go slo-mo. Eventually the audio would just stop playing. the "buffering" dialog would appear at the top of the window. (NB, having now read the full thread I wonder if this is related to the single-game quality setting not being enforced bug. will try the edit specified above tomorrow.)

It should be noted that the MLB.tv in-browser performance is only marginally better at full-screen on this machine. Is there a way to force a 24fps framerate? I wonder if that would resolve the issue.

As a sidenote, last year or the year before I was able to resolve stutters and buffering in the old add-on by manually increasing the buffer allocation. It was my impression at the time that the streams being processed in the buffer were of the same generic variety as these newer ones are, and the suggestion was that therefore the larger disk buffer wasn't supposed to work, yet it did in my case. Maybe I'll go trawling to see what I did or thought I had learned to see if it might be of use here.
I wasn't aware of the 'recap' videos, so thanks to whomever mentioned it, and eracknaphobia for implementing them into the addon. Makes me miss the MLB Network much less now.
(2016-04-11, 22:49)eracknaphobia Wrote:
(2016-04-11, 07:06)Okieegirl85 Wrote: I have a MxQ Android box and I installed the MLB addon, but when I click on full games it says check log file. However, condensed games works. I gave the link to my log file. I would appreciate any help because the mlb at bat sucks. Thanks!

Recap, Condensed don't require a login. Double check your credentials, perform the logout and try again.

Can you explain what you mean by credentials? I've been using my U/P from Mlb.tv, but nothing keeps happening. Should I be using some other login? I've tried everything. Here's my log file in case you need it—http://xbmclogs.com/plkhktek4
(2016-04-11, 22:49)eracknaphobia Wrote:
(2016-04-11, 07:06)Okieegirl85 Wrote: I have a MxQ Android box and I installed the MLB addon, but when I click on full games it says check log file. However, condensed games works. I gave the link to my log file. I would appreciate any help because the mlb at bat sucks. Thanks!

Recap, Condensed don't require a login. Double check your credentials, perform the logout and try again.

I fetched the error message, so you wouldn't have to

19:54:18 T:1790258512   ERROR: Playlist Player: skipping unplayable item: 0, path [plugin://plugin.video.mlbtv/?mode=104&name=%5BB%5D%5BCOLOR%3DFFD2D2D2%5D7%3A05+AM%5B%2FCOLOR%5D+Braves+at+%5BCOLOR%3DFFAB0003%5DNationals%5B%2FCOLOR%5D%5B%2FB%5D&event_id=14-446969-2016-04-12&gid=2016%2F04%2F12%2Fatlmlb-wasmlb-1&teams_stream=atlwas&stream_date=2016-04-12]
12:40:54 T:1860526008 ERROR: CDVDPlayer::OpenInputStream - error opening [|User-Agent=PS4Application libhttp/1.000 (PS4) libhttp/3.15 (PlayStation 4)&Cookie=]

This is the problem: no stream url, no cookie. That is why I had you check your credentials, you are not getting logged in it appears. There is also a lot of other questionable addons / repos running and throwing errors in your log. I would suggest trying a fresh install of kodi on a PC if you are able. If the addon doesn't work on a fresh install then we can say this is a problem on my end.
Update 2016.4.12 Released

- Added Single Team Subscription setting
- Fixed Full Game not obeying the stream quality setting
(2016-04-12, 14:28)Okieegirl85 Wrote:
(2016-04-11, 22:49)eracknaphobia Wrote:
(2016-04-11, 07:06)Okieegirl85 Wrote: I have a MxQ Android box and I installed the MLB addon, but when I click on full games it says check log file. However, condensed games works. I gave the link to my log file. I would appreciate any help because the mlb at bat sucks. Thanks!

Recap, Condensed don't require a login. Double check your credentials, perform the logout and try again.

Can you explain what you mean by credentials? I've been using my U/P from Mlb.tv, but nothing keeps happening. Should I be using some other login? I've tried everything. Here's my log file in case you need it—http://xbmclogs.com/plkhktek4

Make sure you are using an email/password when logging in and not a user name/password.
(2016-04-12, 17:31)eracknaphobia Wrote: Update 2016.4.12 Released

- Added Single Team Subscription setting
- Fixed Full Game not obeying the stream quality setting

I should be able to test this tonight
(my most recent prior post: http://forum.kodi.tv/showthread.php?tid=...pid2308624)

Pursuant to post


I first checked for an update, none was reported (I assume the 2016.4.12 just hadn't propagated, I did not force-refresh the repository locally). Before my next post here I will update to 2016.4.12.

I performed the suggested edit to main.py in 2016.4.11, and it resolved the issue with regard to stuttering and performance to a degree, strictly according to bitrate settings. I invoked "always ask" and went through the settings to locate the most stable stream.

First, in live Pirates game available now, no 5400bps stream was available. Playback stabilized at 1200bps. All of the streams rendered at 29.970 fps.

Details follow:

3500bps: stream loads and immediately stutters, 1280x720. In framerate overlay, value 'vq' instantiates at 10% and drops to zero. the last line of the overlay is labeled "W" and contains a value 'cpu'; when 'vq' is at 10% or less this value climbs rapidly and fluctuates between 80% and 103%. Playback never improves.

2500bps: stream loads and immediately stutters, 960x540. In framerate overlay, value 'vq' instantiates at 10% and drops to zero. the last line of the overlay is labeled "W" and contains a value 'cpu'; when 'vq' is at 10% or less this value climbs rapidly and fluctuates between 80% and 103%. Playback never improves.

1800bps: stream loads and begins to fail at 2:24 of playback time, 896x504. In framerate overlay, value 'vq' instantiates at approximately 50% and holds steady until just after 2:15, when it drops to zero. the last line of the overlay is labeled "W" and contains a value 'cpu'; when 'vq' is at 10% or less this value climbs rapidly and fluctuates between 80% and 103%. After the 2.5 minute mark, occasionally a "buffering" notice appears top right but playback never improves.

NB: this setting appears to most closely approximate the prior settings that were successful under mlbmc on my rig last season; as noted previously, early in the year playback was problematic in a similar manner but resolved by increasing some sort of cache or buffer setting - my next research task is to locate what I did and share that here. I am aware of the ongoing discussion in this thread which seems to suggest that local temp file management is not applicable to this year's streams.

1200bps: stream loads and does not appear to fail in relatively short under five minute tests, 640x360. In framerate overlay, value 'vq' instantiates at approximately 100% and holds steady. 'cpu' holds steady at 0%. This is perfectly acceptable but definitely lower resolution than average resolution obtained via in-browser playback on mlb.tv. The primary advantage to this stream is avoidance of the slipstream video ads presented on mlb.tv.

Physical display is a 42" Sony LED at 1080p.

Thanks again for all your hard work, I hope this is of value.

(UPDATE: found the video cache thing.


tl;dr: I used advancedsettings.xml to increase the xmbc-wide video cache setting to 300mb. will investigate to see if kodi kept that setting at install and so forth.

UPDATE 2: advancedsettings.xml came over properly. doubled it to 600mb.)
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