Couple of Color Themes for Project Mayhem III, Red & Blue
Forgive me if I sound foolish... but can I get a list of the images that are contained in a theme currently? I'd like to produce a couple (or give the attempt) but I'd like to make certain I use all the images needed and only those needed.
Never the mind.. I just extracted them all
jmarshall Wrote:Or we define a default include file that skinners can use


and override with:


That way all the default stuff is in ThemeDefault.xml, and anything in there is overridden by the new theme. XBMC therefore just checks for the other theme override whenever it sees ThemeDefault.xml


Yeah that has alot better performance.

BritneysPAIRS Wrote:Its not a new skin at all. The code would lookup /Red/Pal/Mypics.xml if it cant find it, it would then use /Pal/Mypics.xml (for every file it would first try the Red folder if the file doesnt exist it would drop back to default folders). .... It allows for much larger themes than just colors and means you can totally rearrange the skin for an HD theme or an In car small LCD screen theme. If you wanted to change the colors under the old way you just make Red.xpr and a a folder caled Red, and in Red/Pal/include.xml change the colors

Actually what you are suggesting I guess is like a 'diff' for a skin that will use either the theme version or the default version. The problem I see with this is that I am worried it would be annoying to maintain the themes as the main skin changes. Just changing an include seems more in line with what a "theme" should be.
jmarshall Wrote:No. It would override the *single* xml file ThemeDefault.xml

This ofcourse could be included anywhere you like, so you technically could change practically anything.

Okay, I've just had a read through the wiki, sounds like a good idea Smile
I disagree cause you can change the include if you want only anyway. But use it for nearly any purpose you can think of theme wise.
Quote:Actually what you are suggesting I guess is like a 'diff' for a skin that will use either the theme version or the default version. The problem I see with this is that I am worried it would be annoying to maintain the themes as the main skin changes. Just changing an include seems more in line with what a "theme" should be.

So, the text<theme>.xml should be located in the skin/media folder to prevent issues with the main xml update and prevent confusion.... afterall one would think as the textures and text colors seldom change they would be maintained in a location outside of the main xml as it goes through almost as many transitions as the general source code. Isolation is a sure fire way to secure the typical user error when updating.

BTW, Jezz hell of an idea you had applying this to PM3... using it now and love it to no end!
Here are some updated versions of the themes they are extactly the same just now you can change the colors inside XBMC instead of swapping the Textcolor.xml file all the time


you will need XBMC from this revision up for it to work
Quote:Revision: 9045
Author: jmarshallnz
Date: 7:37:48 AM, Tuesday, 22 May 2007
added: Support for skin color themes - done by placing an xml file in <skin name>/colors folder. <skin name>/colors/defaults.xml is the default color theme (if available). PM3 updated by Jezz_X to use the new xml layout.
Hi Jezz....

I have installed these, but for some reason the only aspect that changes colour are the main menu buttons....I notice in your SS that the RSS Feed changes colour as well as other aspects...but not on mine.

The skin is definately picking up the colour change, but just not in every part of the skin?

Any ideas?
Download the ones from the first post your xbmc probably isn't up to date enough to use the new ones also read what I said about the textcolor.xml files
Thanks Jezz, I will do that as soon as I get back from work. I also PM'd you on xbox-scene...hope you get it!
Jezz, question.. I downed the files you posted at the front of this thread and named them accordingly and placed them in your new folder.. they are selectable from the settings menu which seems to work however for example when I input the master code (which displays "*") is that text also supposed to follow your color scheme? I got red on red, blue on blue and then green lol
OK, I appologize... I made the assumption the color folder was to inclrporate the theme scheme you had going... not the case so above is irrelevant and mis spoken
links to download themes are broken. Sad
where can I download them?
ggulchin you can find them and others here
thanks a lot, it worked!

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