2009-02-14, 18:58
Jezz_X Wrote:ggulchin you can find them and others here
I cant find any PM3.HD themes there.
I am looking for red or blue. please help!
Jezz_X Wrote:ggulchin you can find them and others here
blittan Wrote:look again, I see them
jochenz Wrote:I see only themes for PMIII and not for PM3.HD?
am i missing something?
Jezz_X Wrote:OK well I decided since I made the option I better get the ball rolling so to speak so I made 2 color themes for Project Mayhem III Blue and RedDownload Links are Dead?
You will need an XBMC higher than Revision: 8909 for these to work proper but they should still work on the current t3ch just the textcolor wont change if you don't have Revision: 8909 or up only the images will
To use them copy the media and PAL folders in the rars to your Project Mayhem III dirs on your xbox then go into settings and select the right theme and restart XBMC. ( The PAL dir contains the TextColor.xml than will change the text, I'm still debating about adding the color changer script ) If you want to change the color back to default (green/yellow) you will need to copy over the default TextColor.xml file
Moseby99 Wrote:Download Links are Dead?
Jezz_X Wrote:You are correct I have not done red and blue color themes for pm3.hd