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Release igConq - A Conq mod for Krypton
igConq v17 for Krypton - codename 'Not Dead Yet' - A simple, clean and not-so-light mod of Conq for Kodi v17.

I'm sure I'm not the only one who appreciates the pure simplicity of Hitcher's wonderful Conq. As he, quite understandably, is spending his time with other projects at the moment, I've decided to make available my own Conq mod.

Please do not try running the skin on older versions of Kodi as there are significant changes to the skinning engine in Krypton. If you do you may find that you are stuck with the skin as the settings pages will not work, so I would recommend deleting the skin from your system in this case - Kodi will then revert to Confluence when you next start it.

Latin derivation:

For those interested, both the original skin name 'Conq' and the addition I've made 'Ig' have the origin in latin and, together, probably say more about this skin that anything I can.

'Ig': Not
'Conq': Searched for, procured.

Or, to put it all together - and this seems strangely apt with the recent resurgence in the Star Wars franchise, the 'IgConq Skin' almost literally translates as 'This is not the skin you are looking for.'


a) This is a mod of Conq. It doesn't work or look exactly the same as the original, but hopefully keeps alive the spirit of the skin.
b) It's a personal mod - I'm very happy to hear bug reports, but feature requests will only be considered if I like the idea and they keep with the original spirit of Conq

Most notable within the skin is a new default font and background, and a new 'cross-bar' home screen style. As regards the font and background, I just like them. As regards the home screen, it tries to create a Conq-esque version of the current trend of your media having priority on the home screen. The cross-bar design relegates your main menu items to a 'hub' when you have a widget selected, accessibly by pressing up (or left/down from vertical/horizontal menus), along with your submenus and as many additional widgets as you like. The original fonts and home screen can be selected from Appearance.

Known Issues:

a) See notes above
b) There is a known Kodi issue where widgets will disappear if the page they are on is closed before they have loaded. If you experience disappearing widgets, reload the skin to get them to show up again.
c) Whilst I keep up with the Krypton changes as much as possible, there will be times where there are breaking changes to Krypton that I haven't incorporated yet. The changelog (below) states the date of the last Krypton changes I incorporated.

Screenshots, highlighting the important stylistic changes:

watch gallery


igConq - and any necessary dependancies not on the repo - is hosted on my own repo.

Download link

Source code can be found on git here.


Latest git version of script.skinshortcuts is required - https://github.com/BigNoid/script.skinshortcuts - if installing from the repo, this will be updated automatically


17.2.2. (1st November 2016)
- Restore alt home screen colors; overlay colour picker
- Actually restore original font
- Minor fixes

17.2.1  (29th November 2016)
- Fix wide view
- Restore original fonts and dark colour scheme
- Minor fixes

17.2.0  (28th November 2016)
- Rebase skin on OSMC skin

Full changelog

Hope others find this useful.
Thanks for the Krypton updates. ?
You're welcome. ?

(I honestly don't know what you're included the '?' for - if its because there are some Krypton changes not yet included then please re-read the original notice to confirm that I know that there is Krypton-related work to do, which isn't to say pointing out where updates are still needed isn't useful from the deciding-what-area-to-put-time-into-when-I-next-have-time-for-the-skin considerations.

If it's just because you're just not sure if you really should be thanking for the Krypton updates then no, you shouldn't Wink)
sorry the ? was an emoji not sure why it turned into a question mark when I posted
(2016-03-21, 02:40)porkchop999 Wrote: sorry the ? was an emoji not sure why it turned into a question mark when I posted

Sorry for any confusion. I'm sure you can appreciate there's a level of stress involved when making anything available publically for the first time which may mean things appear more negative then they're intended. Hopefully I'm correct in saying you're very welcome for the Krypton changes, and hopefully the rest of the needed Krypton changes will come as soon as real life allows Smile
All good, Conq in my opinion is the best skin by far thanks to its clutter free nature, Glad to see work on in continuing
I always find it puzzling to see topics about skins/themes/etc without any screenshots. I mean, for all we know this could be the best skin/mod ever, but the only way to find out is to download and install. At the same time, there are a lot of bad/ugly skins, so is it worth it to blindly invest the time and effort?
As the primary aim of the skin is to give those of us who want to keep using Conq with the latest version of Kodi (albeit with a few tweaks to better suit my own design tendencies and usage patterns, many of which can be undone in the settings) a way to do so, I'd say it's only worth investing the time and effort if that describes you Smile

Having said that, if people really want some screenshots I'm sure I can take a few at the weekend, or - of course - anyone is welcome to post some.
Well, after my previous post I thought I should give you the benefit of the doubt. Wink I wasn't running Krypton yet so installed that first. The skin ran fine, haven't seen any problems. (But I only use Kodi for Movies/TV.) I didn't really like the Crossbar menu (felt a bit cluttered/confusing) or the new very round font (although after switching back to default, that seemed a little bit too plain). But the previous menu modes/font are also included, with some nice new configuration options it seemed, so this is fine.

I liked some of the other changes, like the context/settings panel. The regular Conq multi-page layout isn't really necessary, this is a cleaner solution. The only slight issue I noticed is when you're using one of the "stock" Conq main menu's, that the unselected menu items are dimmed so much that they're practically unreadable.

I'm not ready to run Krypton full time yet, so went back to Jarvis and stock Conq for now. But there's a good chance I'll be back. Smile Thanks for the mod and Krypton updates. And yeah, you'll probably attract more people with some screenshots!
Thanks for giving it a chance and for the feedback Smile

The colour for the unselected menu items can be adjusted - 'Appearance' > 'Skin' > 'Colours' and toggle between 'Skin Default' and 'Home Alt' - one or the other should be readable depending on the background image selected. Having said that I don't use the 'stock' Conq layouts and its quite possible I've accidentally broken them at some point, so I'll add it to my list to take a look at.
First post has been updated with screenshots, as requested.
Nice to see this light and elegant skin for krypton. Keep it up.
fresh krypton install - crossbar menu didnt work ;(
(2016-04-05, 09:55)blutstein Wrote: fresh krypton install - crossbar menu didnt work ;(

There were breaking changes to skinning engine a few days ago - if you're using the latest Kodi nightlies, you need the latest git version of the skin and vice versa. Otherwise, I'll need more information regarding what about the cross-bar menu didn't work.

(And the git version of Skin Shortcuts also remains necessary for the cross-bar menu to work)
I sincerely hope I'm not the only one interested in this. I've just updated the original post with full details of the latin derivation of the skins name - I knew that 'Conq' originated from latin, and so added 'Ig' knowing that is Latin for 'Not' hoping that the skin name would at the very least be 'Not Conq'. Having looked into it, and knowing the resurgence that Star Wars has had recently, I'm exceedingly pleased to learn that 'IgConq Skin' most directly translates into 'This is not the skin you are looking for' Big Grin
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