2016-06-05, 15:41
Is there a way to import my Conq settings? It's great that you continue the skin but imho it deviates too much from the original. It's not that simple anymore.
(2016-06-05, 15:41)meccs Wrote: Is there a way to import my Conq settings?
(2016-06-05, 15:41)meccs Wrote: It's great that you continue the skin but imho it deviates too much from the original. It's not that simple anymore.
(2016-06-05, 17:06)BobCratchett Wrote: I'm not trying to continue Conq, but rather just publicising my own mod - as the first post says, hopefully it keeps alive the spirit of the original - but the spirit is all I'm going for. Having said that, if there are particular areas that you have specific ideas for simplifying then feel free to ask for some mods - but as this is a personal mod, there's no guarantee I'll make them (though I'll be happy to point out where in the code you could start looking to mod the skin yourself...)Fair enough. I just switched to Kodi 17 and might get used to it. It is mainly a configuration/setup issue. The original Conq was more or less a "out of the box perfect" experience.
(2016-06-05, 20:14)meccs Wrote: The option that should show 3 main menu items only shows 2 for me (or it shows three but it's a transparency issue)
(2016-06-05, 20:14)meccs Wrote: the addon widget that should show the installed video addons doesn't work. I can see the addon icons but they "fly out" of the screen to the left side and disappear. Like they don't align properly.
(2016-06-06, 00:17)BobCratchett Wrote: Just to confirm you're still experiencing both issues with the updates I pushed earlier? The widgets being in the wrong location really should be fixed, and are working for me after testing them with different numbers of items in them (from 1 through to 9). Thanks for the info regarding the 3 menu items - I'll try again to reproduce that with the extra info tomorrow.The addons widget works now (thanks) but not the Albums widget (recent added albums). It just moves off the screen to the left like the addons widget did before.
<animation effect="slide" start="0,0" end="-2015,0" time="0" condition="True">conditional</animation>