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(2016-08-14, 17:51)BlockABoots Wrote: Im trying to add "gamestarter" addon to the menu list on the home screen, ive worked out how to name and add a icon for gamestarter and it how shows in the list on the home screen, but cant work out how to tell the skin to actually load gamestarter when i click on it.

If i go Settings>Skin Settings>Customize Main Menu> select gamestarter and then select change action scroll down to Add-On and then select gamestarter add from there it just loads gamestarter rather than adding the path of gamestarter to the action section, any ideas?

Not need to change action, just add your addon in 'choose item for menu' and action will be set automatically.

Envoyé de mon iPhone en utilisant Tapatalk
 Estuary MOD V2 
(2016-08-14, 14:18)Guilouz Wrote:
(2016-08-14, 12:25)ikaruz Wrote: Guilouz have you this issue ?

go music/artist view/ klick key i/ above select a album and klick ENTER

here it shows on the info screen the dialogvideoinfo window


No, no reproduce this issue. Your item is a video, you must be in video not in music.

ehm sorry Guilouz but i am in Musik/Artist and than i klick i on a artist and the info window open (skin.helper?) and above it shows the hole of albums that the artist have and if i klick enter on one of them it comes that isue and wy i must be in video that are only music albums ?
i dont have change nothing with albums or item or widget ore anythingelse for music.

and where is there a year in info-wall ? i cant see any in music info-wall only in movie info-wall is a year
(2016-08-14, 20:19)ikaruz Wrote:
(2016-08-14, 14:18)Guilouz Wrote:
(2016-08-14, 12:25)ikaruz Wrote: Guilouz have you this issue ?

go music/artist view/ klick key i/ above select a album and klick ENTER

here it shows on the info screen the dialogvideoinfo window


No, no reproduce this issue. Your item is a video, you must be in video not in music.

ehm sorry Guilouz but i am in Musik/Artist and than i klick i on a artist and the info window open (skin.helper?) and above it shows the hole of albums that the artist have and if i klick enter on one of them it comes that isue and wy i must be in video that are only music albums ?
i dont have change nothing with albums or item or widget ore anythingelse for music.

and where is there a year in info-wall ? i cant see any in music info-wall only in movie info-wall is a year

Your item have video flag icon, it's a video that's right ?

Envoyé de mon iPhone en utilisant Tapatalk
 Estuary MOD V2 
no its not a video its a album with music and if i klick enter at the artist and than klick at the album its oll ok but if i klick the key (I) at the artist it open the info window and when i klick now enter at a album above it comes this issue

and my mysqldb kodi17 imported from kodi 15.2
(2016-08-14, 21:09)ikaruz Wrote: no its not a video its a album with music and if i klick enter at the artist and than klick at the album its oll ok but if i klick the key (I) at the artist it open the info window and when i klick now enter at a album above it comes this issue

and my mysqldb kodi17 imported from kodi 15.2

Oh yes, I didn't see, album info are in background.
It's strange window overlay you obtain it's vome from video.

Only with this artist or with all ?

Envoyé de mon iPhone en utilisant Tapatalk
 Estuary MOD V2 
with all artist.


can you show me where the year will be at info-wall for music because i cant see any

kodi 17 is still very funny in many ways
at the moment i have the issue that if you play a .mp4 with vlc an you switch to kodi, vlc craschs completly and close it self Smile
but only if you play a video file from youtube *G*
all very interesting
(2016-08-14, 21:27)ikaruz Wrote: with all artist.


can you show me where the year will be at info-wall for music because i cant see any

kodi 17 is still very funny in many ways
at the moment i have the issue that if you play a .mp4 with vlc an you switch to kodi, vlc craschs completly and close it self Smile
but only if you play a video file from youtube *G*
all very interesting

No only year with movies.

Yes Kodi 17 is beta, many issue are possible.
 Estuary MOD V2 
New Update 1.5.2 on repository :

• Add support for Library Editor addon
Image Image

Image Image

• Add year for albums in wall info view

• Move RSS at bottom
• Fix Seekbar color
• Fix Seekbar label
• Improve esthetic appearance
• PVR channel windows now can be used as Kodi start windows
 Estuary MOD V2 
For android, I always got black screen when updating the skin recently and have to kill the kodi app. After restart kodi, the default skin is used. This issue exists at least for recent three versions.
Is it just me or is anyone else having trouble finding the new update 1.5.2 in the repository? ok forget that, it's just turned up!
(2016-08-15, 13:02)Pasado Wrote: Is it just me or is anyone else having trouble finding the new update 1.5.2 in the repository?

Try to redownload repository and reinstall it.

Envoyé de mon iPhone en utilisant Tapatalk
 Estuary MOD V2 
No update for me...

-no auto update from kodi
-repo still give me 1.5.1
-if I reinstall repo....... it's still give me 1.5.1
Moanbag is in da place!
(2016-08-15, 13:27)Gracus Wrote: No update for me...

-no auto update from kodi
-repo still give me 1.5.1
-if I reinstall repo....... it's still give me 1.5.1

You must check for update in addons settins.

Envoyé de mon iPhone en utilisant Tapatalk
 Estuary MOD V2 
No matter where I go in Kodi...

From repo:

From add-on settings:

Seems like I will have to reinstall Kodi from scratch one more time in order to update this mod
Moanbag is in da place!
Gracus you just need to run update in the Add-ons / Add-on browser.
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