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I'm on OpenELEC Test build 0410 for x86 . It is the latest build. Skins seem to be broken. Any thoughts?
With OSX latest build all is ok. I will try latest OpenElec build this night.
 Estuary MOD V2 
1.0.4? What happened to 1.0.3? Wink
(2016-04-12, 13:10)Sjors125 Wrote: 1.0.4? What happened to 1.0.3? Wink

Look first page ^^
 Estuary MOD V2 
(2016-04-04, 02:53)rodalpho Wrote: Guilouz, the Estuary skin developers declined to add List (everywhere, including inside libraries) and Media View (with the list on the left side) views similar to what we have now in Confluence. Any chance you could add them?
+1 for list view. Miss this from Confluence. Thanks.
[H]i-[d]eft [M]edia [K]een [V]ideosaurus
Cozy Home Theater
New Update 1.0.5 :

• Add new search function in media menu
Image Image Music search

Image Image Video search


• Remove script-globalsearch-contextmenu.xml. Not need with latest build
• Minnor fixes
 Estuary MOD V2 
Great work. Thanks for your efforts. This is the families new standard skin
Just thought that I would try this mod out, thanks for its creation Smile

Looking at this....


...where you see the main Window. I have placed a red outline over the three icons you can see at the top right from the Settings selection. Each of those empty icons (which are just empty squares) have a function, settings being the centre one. If I change the options on the left pane and select, for example, TV shows, I then get different options but this time they have thumbnails of TV shows. Movies have small thumbnails of movies.
Is it possible to get the default icon set back which, again for example, would have not just the default drawn icons but the functionality of "recent movies" "years" etc etc etc....?

Have you added "Settings" in personnalize menu or you menu had already been personnalized with a different skin ?

If you want icons etc.. you must personnalize submenu.
 Estuary MOD V2 
(2016-04-15, 11:54)Guilouz Wrote: Have you added "Settings" in personnalize menu or you menu had already been personnalized with a different skin ?

If you want icons etc.. you must personnalize submenu.

I have now Smile

Most appreciated. For some reason I did not think of the top row of icons and their functions to be called a sub menu function....!

Many many thanks Smile
Yes submenus are small shortcuts on the top of widgets.
 Estuary MOD V2 
quick question regarding the Recent Episodes widget in the TV section. If I set it for Poster view, it actually shows a screenshot of the episode all squished. Is there a way to make it show the TV Shows poster for Recent episodes?
Theater: The PS4/XBONE killer running Kodi 17.3 3D Movie Box: Raspberry Pi running LibreElec 8.0 Alpha BROKEN Family Room: "A6-Pack" running Kodi 17.3 Whole House: FireTV running Kodi 17.3
(2016-04-15, 22:00)ragedogg69 Wrote: quick question regarding the Recent Episodes widget in the TV section. If I set it for Poster view, it actually shows a screenshot of the episode all squished. Is there a way to make it show the TV Shows poster for Recent episodes?

I noticed that as well. All widget thumbnails looks stretched in. Will there be a fix soon?
(2016-04-16, 00:06)dnlg Wrote:
(2016-04-15, 22:00)ragedogg69 Wrote: quick question regarding the Recent Episodes widget in the TV section. If I set it for Poster view, it actually shows a screenshot of the episode all squished. Is there a way to make it show the TV Shows poster for Recent episodes?

I noticed that as well. All widget thumbnails looks stretched in. Will there be a fix soon?

Fixed on last git, tvshows posters are now display when posters widget is selected.
 Estuary MOD V2 
Using the Video selection you can see the main Window here.....


is there a way for the writing to state "Video Sources and "Music Source" rather than what it does....?

Also has anyone been able to get the animated weather icons to display...?

Thanks Smile
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