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- (new) Recently watched movies once watched are removed from the widget (on the main screen); I can see a use for this but with multiple users of a media player watching media at different times the recently watched movie widget becomes invalid (showing much older unwatched movies). Please provide an option to retain the recently added movie widget to reflect the true list of recently added movies.

Not possible, just use multiple users account.
Actually there is a way for this without multiple user accounts. Use the 'recently added movies' widget from the videos folder and that widget displays all recently added movies regardless of watched status.

- (new) Movement from the Main home screen entries (left side on the vertical orientation) now defaults to the submenu list rather than the previous used widget (your previous version did not do this nor does Estuary do this). With use there are extra movements required with defaulting to the submenu list. Please allow an option to either remember last position or default to submenu list.

It's my choice, I prefer highlight submenu first.
fair enough - we will get used to it

- (new) play time is missing
No problem for me, check your skin helper service addon.
Service seems to be working - I am using the latest libreelec #0701, 01-Jul-2016 (worked before)

- (old) Time finishing a media is clipped (1080p display)
I have already say many times, you must configure your time format correctly.
My apologies - I have uses for the time format showing an extended format.

Excellent Mod - thanks for all your hard work!
(2016-07-03, 06:08)Short Wrote: Nice mod....I was wondering how I can add multiple backgrounds to each different section or is that gonna be in a update

You mean something like rotating movie fanart as background and series fanart for series of course? That would be awesome.
Working fine on latest nightly, Thanks.
Where's the Charcoal theme ?
(2016-07-03, 05:23)drsaini88 Wrote: Nearly perfect skin that i have looking for. Thanks for the great work. There is just one problem. The fanarts are absent or doesn't show up in the background as we see in the Estuary.

Where ? Screenshot please.
 Estuary MOD V2 
(2016-07-03, 05:36)AnthonyJS02 Wrote: Using the alpha build and the active poster is not displaying when scrolling for movies and tv shows using the poster view

No problem for me. I think all your posters are not cached.
 Estuary MOD V2 
(2016-07-03, 06:17)thegooddoctor Wrote: - (new) Recently watched movies once watched are removed from the widget (on the main screen); I can see a use for this but with multiple users of a media player watching media at different times the recently watched movie widget becomes invalid (showing much older unwatched movies). Please provide an option to retain the recently added movie widget to reflect the true list of recently added movies.

Not possible, just use multiple users account.
Actually there is a way for this without multiple user accounts. Use the 'recently added movies' widget from the videos folder and that widget displays all recently added movies regardless of watched status.

- (new) Movement from the Main home screen entries (left side on the vertical orientation) now defaults to the submenu list rather than the previous used widget (your previous version did not do this nor does Estuary do this). With use there are extra movements required with defaulting to the submenu list. Please allow an option to either remember last position or default to submenu list.

It's my choice, I prefer highlight submenu first.
fair enough - we will get used to it

- (new) play time is missing
No problem for me, check your skin helper service addon.
Service seems to be working - I am using the latest libreelec #0701, 01-Jul-2016 (worked before)

- (old) Time finishing a media is clipped (1080p display)
I have already say many times, you must configure your time format correctly.
My apologies - I have uses for the time format showing an extended format.

Excellent Mod - thanks for all your hard work!

- I use Skin Helper Service for recently items in widgets.
If you want to not hide watched items, go into Helper Service settings and disable this setting.

- Do you use latest Skin Helper from git ?
 Estuary MOD V2 
(2016-07-03, 12:27)schumi2004 Wrote:
(2016-07-03, 06:08)Short Wrote: Nice mod....I was wondering how I can add multiple backgrounds to each different section or is that gonna be in a update

You mean something like rotating movie fanart as background and series fanart for series of course? That would be awesome.

It's already possible to add a folder with multi ilage for each item of the home menu.
 Estuary MOD V2 
(2016-07-03, 13:33)Pipsqueak Wrote: Working fine on latest nightly, Thanks.
Where's the Charcoal theme ?

I don't have touch this.
 Estuary MOD V2 
since 2 days the smal and big posters are missing in Movie section and I dont know how to get it resolved

Missing in different views: Fanart, Clear Logos, Clear Art, List, Poster
So for example in Poster view the small Posters are shown but not the big but in the view Poster (big) shows the big posters

Kodi is latest nightly and I downloaded yesterday all plugins to be sure they are also the latest.

Eastuary MOD 1.3.2
Kodi Alpha 3 Jul 3

AS Rock Beebox * Kodi 17.0-RC2 * Ubuntu 16.04 LTS
(2016-07-03, 16:48)Brujo Wrote: since 2 days the smal and big posters are missing in Movie section and I dont know how to get it resolved

Missing in different views: Fanart, Clear Logos, Clear Art, List, Poster
So for example in Poster view the small Posters are shown but not the big but in the view Poster (big) shows the big posters

Kodi is latest nightly and I downloaded yesterday all plugins to be sure they are also the latest.

Eastuary MOD 1.3.2
Kodi Alpha 3 Jul 3


I don't have this problem :


Image Image
 Estuary MOD V2 
i just downloaded Kodi Krypton Alpha 2, is this skin in there already the latest or can i upgrade to this one ?
(2016-07-03, 19:07)Al13 Wrote: i just downloaded Kodi Krypton Alpha 2, is this skin in there already the latest can i upgrade to this one ?

Use nightly builds to have no issue.
 Estuary MOD V2 
i tried the skin today, look great. But i miss the back and home button.
(2016-07-03, 16:48)Brujo Wrote: since 2 days the smal and big posters are missing in Movie section and I dont know how to get it resolved


Hi Guilouz,

I have the same problem (for me "only" the Fanart is not shown in certain views).
Exactly the same views as Brujo described. In Movie and in TV Shows.

I used the Clear Image Cache of Artworkdownloader...

And it seems to be an issues wether you have activated "Use lokal Imgaes" or not...

I have not yet identified, what causes the issue but still playing around with redownloading artwork.
(2016-07-03, 19:40)elchupete Wrote:
(2016-07-03, 16:48)Brujo Wrote: since 2 days the smal and big posters are missing in Movie section and I dont know how to get it resolved


Hi Guilouz,

I have the same problem (for me "only" the Fanart is not shown in certain views).
Exactly the same views as Brujo described. In Movie and in TV Shows.

I used the Clear Image Cache of Artworkdownloader...

And it seems to be an issues wether you have activated "Use lokal Imgaes" or not...

I have not yet identified, what causes the issue but still playing around with redownloading artwork.

I have activated nothing...

For others who have this problem, where do you find clear image cache of artwork downloader ?
 Estuary MOD V2 
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