2016-04-19, 21:23
Keep up the good work Guilouz and thanks again for this mod!
(2016-04-20, 19:57)Palexxtra Wrote: I run Kodi on a small TV in my bedroom and need the large font size. Is it possible? Thanks!
(2016-04-20, 21:04)Palexxtra Wrote: Can you be more specific? What should I change? Sorry for my bad english.
(2016-04-20, 22:12)Palexxtra Wrote: you can not help me? I believe you would do everyone happy....It is an interesting change
Quote:2016-04-18 13:31 Post: #81Do you see any chance to get this done?
Is it possible to add an option to show the poster/logo instead of the content-frame in the "recently added episodes" view for tv-shows on the homescreen?
Just like it is in "in progress TV shows". The content-frames have the ability to spoil content.
Same would apply for list-view in TV shows. An option to swap fanart for content-frame would be great!