Picture Guides for Kodi
The wiki is a great source of information and has a number of guides available for the picture/photo feature:

Main Wiki Picture page: http://kodi.wiki/view/Pictures

Features Available for Pictures: http://kodi.wiki/view/Settings/Pictures#File_lists
Supported File Formats http://kodi.wiki/view/Features_and_suppo...at_support
Settings/Pictures/Slideshow: http://kodi.wiki/view/My_Pictures_Settings
It’s says wiki waslasted edited 2014.

Time for an update?
(2019-02-10, 05:16)EventPhotoMan Wrote: Time for an update?
Sure... Got some free time to spare for our project? Smile

On the other hand, not that much has changed technically. New screenshots are definitely in order though.
(2022-01-28, 16:17)Tim Blankenship Wrote: Yes, I agree with you dudes,
(2022-01-28, 16:18)Tim Blankenship Wrote: Yes, I faced the same problem

What is your intention? It's not like you are trying to revive an 3-yr old topic, but more planting/advertising an unrelated website URL into our forum.
BTW, we really don't have much patience with people trying to spam in our forum.

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Picture Guides for Kodi2
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