Sorting Alphabetically
Hi, this may be somewhat of a daft question, but, within the menus, I am unable to sort lists alphabetically, only by "Date"

For example, I have created a shortcut and placed it on the home screen as a menu item, when I go in to this and press left to get the side menu, the default is "Sort By: Date" and it is greyed out. I want to be able to change this to "Sort By: Alphabetical Order" if possible.

Help would be greatly appreciated.
Hi, is this in all windows or just a specific window e.g. addons, movies?
On the main menu all the menu items are short cuts to favourites. Once I go in to them, and bring the menu in from the left, I get the "Sort By" is greyed out, not letting me change the type of sort order.

If I could figure out how to post screen shots I would add them below :-(
do you have an example of what favourites you are using?

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