Files not deleting
This is a bit of a random behavior, but I would say it happens probably 75% of the time. I want to delete a video from my library and the screen blinks when delete is selected as if the files is being deleted. It does not matter if the video is by itself or in a folder. I get the same behavior from either type. Any suggestions? I am running Kodi 16.1 on Windows 7 Pro with no add-ons.
Welcome to the forum.

1) Are you deleting FROM Kodi or FROM Windows...or FROM a network device?
2) Are you looking to completely remove the video from your life or just Kodi? Like, just from the library views?
3) If you are looking to delete from Kodi, are you settings enabled that allow you to do so? Check under your System settings for Kodi.

I find it best to leave Kodi deleting alone. You don't want anyone to accidentally kill something. Lock Kodi from it, delete from your source. Set Kodi to auto cleanup on start or manually do it. It'll find anything you removed from your source. It's great stuff.

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