Parsing NFO file with special characters
Recently i download many videos from youtube channel, and i decide to put in my Openelec Kodi. Obviously i want to use EMM to manage them, so i edit a script found here with this one, suitable for my downloaded videos

@echo off & setlocal enabledelayedexpansion
REM Change Season value!!!!
set Season=1
set Basefolder=%cd%
REM Change code page to 65001 (UTF-8)
chcp 65001>NUL
echo ===========================================================================
echo   Creating a .nfo files for each new video. The last used episode
echo   number will be stored in the episodecounter.txt for the next time.
echo ===========================================================================
pushd %Basefolder%
echo Scanning for new videos in %Basefolder% and Subdirectories ...
REM %recentfolder% is only there to determine if new videos already have been found in this directory.
set recentfolder=
REM Just for the looks... season number is "2 digit 0-prefix"
if %Season% lss 10 (set SeasonNum=0%Season%) else (set SeasonNum=%Season%)
REM For each videofile, found in the Basefolder oder Subfolders ...
for /f "delims=" %%z in ('dir /b /s /O:D *.mkv *.avi *.flv *.mp4 *.wmv *.f4v *.m4v *.mpg *.mpeg') do (
REM Disable Delay Expansion to handle filename or path name containing "!" char
  setlocal disabledelayedexpansion
  FOR %%A IN (.) DO (
    echo %%~nA> _P.txt
  echo %%~nz> _N.txt
  echo %%~xz> _X.txt
  echo %%~nxz> _NX.txt
  echo %%~dpz> _DP.txt
  echo %%~dpnz> _DPN.txt
  echo %%z> _DPNX.txt
  echo %%~tz> _timestamp.txt
  (set /p "P=" < _P.txt) & (del /q /f _P.txt)
  (set /p "N=" < _N.txt) & (del /q /f _N.txt)
  (set /p "X=" < _X.txt) & (del /q /f _X.txt)
  (set /p "NX=" < _NX.txt) & (del /q /f _NX.txt)
  (set /p "DP=" < _DP.txt) & (del /q /f _DP.txt)
  (set /p "DPN=" < _DPN.txt) & (del /q /f _DPN.txt)
  (set /p "DPNX=" < _DPNX.txt) & (del /q /f _DPNX.txt)
  (set /p "timestamp=" < _timestamp.txt) & (del /q /f _timestamp.txt)
REM Getting Name of TVShow (parent folder)
  set "tvshow=!P!"
REM Getting the creation date of the video file, splits it up and uses it as air date.
  set "month=!timestamp:~3,2!"
  set "year=!timestamp:~6,4!"
  set "day=!timestamp:~0,2!"
  set "hour=!timestamp:~11,2!"
  set "minutes=!timestamp:~14,2!"
REM Checking whether an episode counter file exists. If not it generates one starting with zero.
  if not exist episodecounter.txt (
    echo 0 > episodecounter.txt
REM Checking wheter a tvshow.nfo exists
  if not exist "!DP!tvshow.nfo" (
    echo ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
    echo         New folder "!tvshow!" found. tvshow.nfo generated
    echo ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
REM Writing a basic XML structure to the tvshow.nfo just using the folder name as a title.
REM Codepage 65001 is needed, if there are special Chars / UTF-8 Chars in the filename like äöüß 인피니트 اللَّهِ
    echo ^<^?xml version=^"1.0^" encoding=^"UTF-8^" standalone=^"yes^"^?^>> "!DP!tvshow.nfo"
    echo ^<tvshow^>>> "!DP!tvshow.nfo"
    echo   ^<title^>!tvshow!^</title^>>> "!DP!tvshow.nfo"
    echo   ^<genre^>Cooking^</genre^>>> "!DP!tvshow.nfo"
    echo   ^<season^>!Season!^</season^>>> "!DP!tvshow.nfo"
    echo   ^<plot^>Food that^'ll make you close your eyes, lean back, and whisper yessss. Snack-sized videos and recipes you^'ll want to try.^</plot^>>> "!DP!tvshow.nfo"
    echo ^</tvshow^>>> "!DP!tvshow.nfo"
REM Checking for (new) video files without according .nfo
  if not exist "!N!.nfo" (
REM is that video the first new video, found in this directory?
    if not "!DP!" == "!recentfolder!" (
      echo ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
      echo         New video^(s^) found in "!DP!"
      echo ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
REM Using the last known episode number in each folder and sets it +1.
    set /p "Episode=" < episodecounter.txt
    set /A Episode +=1
REM Just for the looks... episode number is "3 digit 0-prefix"
    if !Episode! lss 10 (set EpisodeNum=00!Episode!) else (if !Episode! lss 100 (set EpisodeNum=0!Episode!) else (set EpisodeNum=!Episode!))
REM Writing a basic XML structure to the according .nfo just using the file name as a title.
    echo ^<^?xml version=^"1.0^" encoding=^"UTF-8^" standalone=^"yes^"^?^>> "!tvshow!.S!SeasonNum!E!EpisodeNum!.!N!.nfo"
    echo ^<episodedetails^>>> "!tvshow!.S!SeasonNum!E!EpisodeNum!.!N!.nfo"
    echo   ^<title^>!N!^</title^>>> "!tvshow!.S!SeasonNum!E!EpisodeNum!.!N!.nfo"
    echo   ^<aired^>!year!-!month!-!day!^</aired^>>> "!tvshow!.S!SeasonNum!E!EpisodeNum!.!N!.nfo"
    echo   ^<season^>!Season!^</season^>>> "!tvshow!.S!SeasonNum!E!EpisodeNum!.!N!.nfo"
    echo   ^<plot^>!N!^</plot^>>> "!tvshow!.S!SeasonNum!E!EpisodeNum!.!N!.nfo"
    echo   ^<dateadded^>!year!-!month!-!day! !hour!:!minutes!:00^</dateadded^>>> "!tvshow!.S!SeasonNum!E!EpisodeNum!.!N!.nfo"
    echo ^</episodedetails^>>> "!tvshow!.S!SeasonNum!E!EpisodeNum!.!N!.nfo"
REM Renaming the video file by adding season and episode
    rename "!NX!" "!tvshow!.S!SeasonNum!E!EpisodeNum!.!N!!X!"
REM If there is already a .jpg, rename it
    if exist "!N!.jpg" rename "!N!.jpg" "!tvshow!.S!SeasonNum!E!EpisodeNum!.!N!-thumb.jpg">nul
    chcp 850>NUL
rem Change code page to 65001 (UTF-8)
    chcp 65001>NUL
REM Writes the last used episode number into a .txt for later use
    echo !Episode! > episodecounter.txt
    set recentfolder=!DP!
echo Completato
chcp 850>NUL
rem Auto exit in 5 seconds
timeout 5

The tools works really good, but i have problem with Ember in the parsing of nfo file! PS I have the option in settings of Ember to fix the unconform nfo files.

If my NFO file original is this
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?>
  <title>Brownie Tiramisu</title>
  <plot>Brownie Tiramisu</plot>
  <dateadded>2016-06-11 09:30:00</dateadded>

after the parse of Ember result in:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?>
  <title>Brownie Tiramisu</title>
  <plot>Brownie Tiramisu</plot>
  <dateadded>2016-06-11 09:30:00</dateadded>

so basically is the same! BlushBlush infact the video in database is correct, with all field correct!

BUT if my original NFO is this:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?>
  <title>Baked Ham & Cheese Ring</title>
  <plot>Baked Ham & Cheese Ring</plot>
  <dateadded>2016-06-11 09:30:00</dateadded>

after the parse of Ember result in:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
  <title>Baked Ham &amp; Cheese Ring</title>
  <dateadded>2016-06-11 09:30:00</dateadded>

you can notice that the aired and plot tag was removed and the video detail was added! In the database there are plot and aired date empty!

I think the problem is the "&" character.
How can i resolve this situation? I find for a solution to write directly the nfo file with the &amp; but i can't fine much.

Thanks in advance for help!
I'm not in danger Skyler, I'm the danger! A guy opens his door and get shot, and you think that's me? No, I'M THE ONE WHO KNOCKS!!

Ember Media Manager lover...
You have to replace all special characters from column "Character Reference" with the value in column "Entity Reference": Link
Dan you think is possible to do this in the batch file? or i need another script (in other program language) to edit the string?
I'm not in danger Skyler, I'm the danger! A guy opens his door and get shot, and you think that's me? No, I'M THE ONE WHO KNOCKS!!

Ember Media Manager lover...
DOS - String Manipulation
I solved in a better way. For downloading videos i use youtube-dl, and in the documentation i found the switch "--restrict-filenames". So when i download i generate file without any special character, only alphanumerical and "_" in place of spaces.
With a very simple batch file i replace all underscore with spaces, and keep going to use other batch file to generate nfo file!

Thanks Dan for support!
I'm not in danger Skyler, I'm the danger! A guy opens his door and get shot, and you think that's me? No, I'M THE ONE WHO KNOCKS!!

Ember Media Manager lover...

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Parsing NFO file with special characters0