Win TMM 2.8 deletes folder.jpg when scrapping
Hi there, this is my first post. Blush

In my TV program folders I usually put a "folder.jpg" file, which Windows 10 detects and uses as folder thumbnail. After updating TMM to 2.8, when I scrape, this file is deleted from the disk. I noticed that it happens with folder.jpg only. If I rename it, for example, to folder2.jpg, TMM does not delete it. There is a reason for it? Any option in settings to avoid it?

Thank you for developing this awesome tool!
do you have folder.ext activated in the movie-images settings?

If no: tmm detects folder.jpg and cleans up your library according to your settings (thus deleting the folder.jpg)
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sorry, misunderstood you.
folder.jpg ist not available for TV shows at the moment. will put it on our todo list
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I use this linux command to copy the poster.jpg to folder.jpg to get around this exact problem.

I run it in my TV Shows directory:

find . -iname "poster.jpg" -exec sh -c ' i="{}"; o=`dirname "{}"`; cp "$i" "$o/folder.jpg" ' \;

Not exactly elegant, but it does the trick and makes the Chorus2 UI a whole lot nicer when browsing TV shows.. YMMV

Ok DUH! I just realized this was in the Windows forum, I got here through a google search and didn't see that, but I'll leave my answer in case your files are accessible from Linux or you feel like running bash on Windows..

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