New Metropolis User - need help changing backgrounds please
Hi. I just recently started using Metropolis. I love the layout and the customization. I deleted most of the default furniture items like pictures, concerts, even videos and created about a half dozen of my own that show on the left side and then I have my selected sub menus for each of those on the right. I love this set up and it works well for me. However, I am having trouble when trying to change the background for any of my created menus on the left with images I have downloaded and saved to the desktop. When I go to the "select background" option and select single image I get kind of a weird overlay on the screen that allows me to go into my fusion folder or I can select cancel - In red I can see the words OR NEW FOLDER but I cannot select it - so I can go into my fusion folder or cancel when trying to pick an image for a new menu I created.

I hope all that makes sense and there is a simple solution that I am just picking up on.

Any help is greatly appreciated.

Can you post a screenshot? I'm thinking it is the result of recent window merges by Kodi and us missing it. Also post the O/S and Kodi and Metropolis version.

To take a screenshot, press "PrtScr" when the screen in question is up. It should copy it into the folder you setup as a screenshot folder.
Using a NUC7PJYHN and a 2820FYKH0 Intel NUC running LibreELEC, and two FireTVs.:)

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New Metropolis User - need help changing backgrounds please0