Key repeat with PCTV remote
I have my PCTV remote working, but holding the button does not repeat. Anybody else have it working? Any clues as to why it isn't working for me? I've seen other posts saying the MCE remote repeats at too fast a rate, so I know it works for it.
Hello herg

Could you send me the url from the posts speaking about the problem of remote controls MCE and the too fast repetition of the orders. Nerd

I would like to know if it there a hack with this problem Big Grin

Here's a link that will help you find what you're looking for.
Link 1

In this case, this link also works.
Link 2
Just in case anyone is interested, I found the source of my problem. There was a bug in LIRC that broke repeat for the PCTV remote. I built the latest cvs code for LIRC and it fixed it.
Thanks herg, this also affected me,
going to try to do the same as you,
will post back!
I'm going to copy our PM conversation here since it might help someone else. I hope you don't mind.

Quote:I tried that method,
right up untill make-install

but when I then try to execute lirc

# /etc/init.d/lirc start

it just does nothing :S

you might know why?


One oddity I ran into was that "make install" stuck lircd in /usr/local/sbin/, while the init.d script was running /usr/sbin/lircd. I renamed /usr/sbin/lircd and /usr/sbin/lircmd and replaced them with links to the installed versions.

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Key repeat with PCTV remote0