Android Getting the RIGHT settings for the Shield TV and your HDTV
There is a LOT of information on the net for getting the best possible picture quality for your HTPC. Also, in Kodi's fora, scattered across various Shield TV topics, there are various recommendations from experts. Browsing through these topics, I notice a lot of people are confused and asking about optimal settings for their setup. The Shield hardware is always the same, however the output hardware differs.

At the moment of writing there are roughly 4 types of HDTVs;
  • 1080 TV with only Limited RGB
  • 1080 TV with choice between Limited/Full RGB
  • 4K TV with No HDR
  • 4K TV with HDR
I'm no expert on Colorspaces, Video levels, HW accelleration, etc, but I'd like to make an overview to be filled with the correct settings by people how DO now what they are talking about.

An example:
  • 1080 TV with choice between Limited/Full RGB
    Color Space
    - RGB = Limited/Full
  • Shield TV
    HDMI Settings
    - Resolution =
    - Dynamic range =
    - Color space =
  • Kodi / SPMC
    Videos > Acceleration
    - enable HQ scalers =
    - mediacodec surface =
    - mediacodec = on
    - accelerate MPEG2 =
    - accelerate MPEG4 =
    - accelerate h264 =
    System > Video Output
    - set GUI resolution limit =
    OSD > Video Settings
    - deinterlace video =
    - deinterlace method =
    - video scaling method =
Note: settings may need adjustment if you need Audio pass-through and/or optimized HW-scaling or Kodi (version/fork) used.

I may have missed something, so feel free to add or delete items. My goal is to clarify and to help every Shield user with their own setup
(2016-07-10, 15:36)DragonFly Wrote: There is a LOT of information on the net for getting the best possible picture quality for your HTPC. Also, in Kodi's fora, scattered across various Shield TV topics, there are various recommendations from experts. Browsing through these topics, I notice a lot of people are confused and asking about optimal settings for their setup. The Shield hardware is always the same, however the output hardware differs.

At the moment of writing there are roughly 4 types of HDTVs;
  • 1080 TV with only Limited RGB
  • 1080 TV with choice between Limited/Full RGB
  • 4K TV with No HDR
  • 4K TV with HDR
I'm no expert on Colorspaces, Video levels, HW accelleration, etc, but I'd like to make an overview to be filled with the correct settings by people how DO now what they are talking about.

An example:
  • 1080 TV with choice between Limited/Full RGB
    Color Space
    - RGB = Limited/Full
  • Shield TV
    HDMI Settings
    - Resolution =
    - Dynamic range =
    - Color space =
  • Kodi / SPMC
    Videos > Acceleration
    - enable HQ scalers =
    - mediacodec surface =
    - mediacodec = on
    - accelerate MPEG2 =
    - accelerate MPEG4 =
    - accelerate h264 =
    System > Video Output
    - set GUI resolution limit =
    OSD > Video Settings
    - deinterlace video =
    - deinterlace method =
    - video scaling method =
Note: settings may need adjustment if you need Audio pass-through and/or optimized HW-scaling or Kodi (version/fork) used.

I may have missed something, so feel free to add or delete items. My goal is to clarify and to help every Shield user with their own setup

Wow, can't believe there is no definitive answer for this!

I recently purchased an Nvidia Shield TV 2017 and initially tried SPMC but decided to use Kodi instead because there are problems with audio passthrough to my AVR that I couldn't resolve.

The good thing about SPMC is that it has a guide of what settings to use for the Shield, and this is why I decided to try it first!

I actually used the guide for SPMC to setup the standard Kodi, but it does differ slightly so not sure if I have the best settings...

If anyone does have this information for the Shield and Kodi and what settings to use depending on the output quoted, that would be really useful I think...

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Getting the RIGHT settings for the Shield TV and your HDTV0
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