Differences between 3.3.0 and MacGyver
Hello!! 1st up, love the skin... It is.. Freaking awesome!!! Thank you!

Ok so I have been using MacGyvers mod of the skin for, a while now.. Actually so long that I can't remember why I started using it! Over the months I have made visual tweaks and even created my own xmas theme. I now want to add some additional visual changes but want to understand if I am better off using the "Official" build or the mod!?

Basically.. What differences if any are there now? From a "Community" point of view should I work on a official build where changes could then be fed back?

Nothing massive, just want to add support for newer media flags like "atmos" and things like that.

Any feedback would be greatly appreciated!
Generally the big difference is that Macgyverr pushes out the required changes for alpha and beta builds of Kodi before I do. I think at this point they are functionally very close otherwise.

Contributions are definitely welcome. I'd ask you to fork off the official repository, but I won't outright reject patches made to Macgyverr's repo. Just might mean a little more work on my end.
Always go off the official, mine is more of a sounding board, the official stays clean and to the basic design view of Metropolis. A lot of the stuff I do is just to see how it looks, and gets dropped later.

I mostly do preliminary work to make it easier to push official Kodi changes later. Every few months I revert to the official and re-add the personal mods I actually use.
Using a NUC7PJYHN and a 2820FYKH0 Intel NUC running LibreELEC, and two FireTVs.:)
Awesome thanks guys... I remember a long time ago there was a reason I changed. Now it's just become a habit!

I'll do some reading look at forking off the original and go from there!!

Thank you both for your time
There are things that are different in my personal version because I'll add just about anything I want as a lark, but like I said, every official release I'll start over with the official and re-add the things I actually use (case overlays, set buttons, persistent weather widget, and such). Some of the mods that work aesthetically and add functionality for the majority of users get rolled into the official (stretch horizontal background, skin.shortcuts, offloaded image resources), some don't.

The other version on my git site is just me adding Kodi official version changes to the latest version of Metropolis so that the next major release is easier for jingai to get out (I work out some of the alignment numbers and make some of the needed changes as simple as cut and paste) it also helps keep the bleeding edge Kodi users happy until an official one can be released. (Remember that jingai is the only official dev working on Metropolis.)
Using a NUC7PJYHN and a 2820FYKH0 Intel NUC running LibreELEC, and two FireTVs.:)

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Differences between 3.3.0 and MacGyver0