Kodi freezes on exit, and then must be task killed
It's doing it forever, on different versions of Kodi and different version of Windows, developers blame bad addons which I have none, just used to go and kill it from Task Manager, some things will never been fixed. Smile
Gather, upload and post a link to a debug log (wiki) of your case.

You do have add-ons, all Kodi installs do (things like scrapers and languages etc are built in add-ons so they can be updated without having to update ask of Kodi). It could still be those, depending on your library etc.
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(2016-11-19, 10:30)DarrenHill Wrote: Gather, upload and post a link to a debug log (wiki) of your case.

You do have add-ons, all Kodi installs do (things like scrapers and languages etc are built in add-ons so they can be updated without having to update ask of Kodi). It could still be those, depending on your library etc.

Yes, sure I have those, I mean I don't have ones from external source. In my case it is not bugging me, it is only my machine to scan media in the library and on media PC I run KODI as a shell and never exit (another issue that I have to shut down it every time as sleep / wake up doesn't work, but that's another issue entirely which again will never be fixed).

And now it is not doing it, will keep log enabled and upload when I have another case.

(2016-08-26, 06:44)PatK Wrote: Looks like you have some errors around some of your add-ons and networking, you might want to disable them and see if your system will properly shutdown, If the system works well, start enabling until your find the culprit. (suspects are Trakit, or emby)

Thanks for that, disabling Trakt and Watchdog did it for me. Neither of which I really needed, and I'm assuming the culprit was Trakt. I'd had this problem ongoing for years!
Mine was unableing USTV now which I can't even use here in Canada as it ask for a U S address. I use Kodi only on an android TV box so I have learned alot like going to file manager and deleteing Temp files associated with Kodi as these files fill up your memory, thus making Kodi inoperable such as going to an addon and it tells me not enough memory. I so wish there was a manual like 1 2 3 or A B C for us old school guys. Some of the stuff i read here to resolve issues makes me feel I need a doctorate in rocket science. Just sayin.
I am having the same issue and not using the USTVNow addon. Kodi more and more frequently freezes when I exit it, and now it CANNOT be killed, just spinning there forever taking 150% CPU. Alt-f4 does nothing, "killall kodi" does nothing, even "killall -9 kodi" does nothing. I'm running Ubuntu, so might be a different issue than the rest of the thread. The only workaround is to restart the computer, or try to log out then back in. If I restart Kodi after such a freeze, I notice it reset all settings to default and I have to search forever to set back the language to french, disable subtitles, re-enable S/PDIF passthrough. Kodi is the only usable software I found on Ubuntu to listen to video files and music. Other software tools just suck and don't support all files. Before XBMC/Kodi, I had to switch between MPlayer, VLC and try many many times, each time I was trying to view a movie. All alternatives are dedicated devices (e.g., Chromecast, HDMI key running Windows, Raspberry Pi) with just that stupid HDMI output as audio and my stupid A/V receiver DOESN'T have an HDMI input. I just cannot trade my HTPC for a standalone solution because of that.
I checked many times and cannot find any way to attach a log file to this reply. But the log is mainly repeating the same information over and over again and is near to useless.

While frozen, Kodi seems to never stop eating disk space. My home partition is full and I tried since half an hour to remove stuff. As soon as I free up space, Kodi is taking it and the drive becomes full again. Now my Firefox is corrupt, refuses to start because I tried removing an old directory in .mozilla. My Google Chrome is non-responding (I'm posting from another computer) and Kodi continues to try filling the home drive, although the .kodi directory just has around 700M of space and the partition has a 72G size.
Where is it writing to then?

from your home directory execute
su --max-depth=1|sort -n

Drill down through the biggest directories and find where the space is being taken up.

To kill kodi run
killall  kodi.bin
(add -9 if that doesn't work)

To post a log use pastebin

pastebinit .kodi/temp/kodi.log
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(2016-11-18, 16:31)helta Wrote: That is a bad solution. Don't follow that if you actually want to retain your settings.

Yeah...isn't this the same as clicking the X in Kodi when it's windowed or opening task manager and ending the Kodi task? Not a proper exit!
Of course killing any program is bad, but the poster was complaining that killall didn't work, he was killing the wrong process. If kodi is not closing properly and eating diskspace killing is probably the only solution.
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Hi Guys and girls, I'm no expert but I noticed my Kodi was freezing only when I had an internet connection.

After reading around I didn't find any fixes. As a guess I took the RssFeeds.xml file out of my userdata folder (as it contains rss feeds which as assuming are getting refreshed)

Problem is now gone. I am assuming causation.
Still same issues popping up. What a necro huh?
Kodi politely waits for handshakes or add-ons to released information or return processes. When badly coded add-ons include dead URL links or the system looking for a network response that is turned off, Kodi is going to hang. Try turning off exploratory network services, rss or any service that will hold up the exit. Failing that post a new message with your issue, along with minor description and include a proper debug log URL that has been pasted to a public pastebin with the logging turned on.
The very same problem on the latest version of Kodi which was installed in febuary 2019,so it is new.

A NY KIND OF HELP WOULD be appreciated.
(2016-08-26, 04:39)Magic815 Wrote: I've been having an issue with Kodi hanging when I exit - to the point where I need to right click and 'end task.'

I completely blew away my Kodi install, started fresh with 16.1, and installed a few core things. (Emby, Artic Zephyr, backup, advanced launcher).

However, I'm still seeing the issue. Any thoughts on what's happening?


HI I have The Fix.. go to Settings ..system.. Input. DRIVER settings and disable Xinput and Direct Input..Fixed. allgood hope it helps out.. cant believe no1 knew the fix for this and Its Not Addons!!
(2019-03-01, 09:37)trottit Wrote: The very same problem on the latest version of Kodi which was installed in febuary 2019,so it is new.

A NY KIND OF HELP WOULD be appreciated.

I put fix below guys. Its the Directinput and Xinput.. turn them both off now exit as normal Smile glad I figured it out.. Its Not Addons for me as Its a Clean 18.8 install on win 8. Hope it helps u guys out. ..go to Settings..system.. Input..Driver settings and Disable Xinput and Direct input..fixed 100% Peace Joe DjSpherical in NZ!

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