Anyone set up XBMC with DD-WRT Kaid..?
Has anyone done this setup? I have the router all configured to run the Kai engine, xbmc kai ui connects, and I can browse but I can't see any games via the system link. Same goes for using a PC based UI.

My xbox is connected to my router using a D-Link gaming bridge. Could that be the issue?

Anyone's help is appreciated.

Truth be told there has been issues with kaid and DDWRT for some time it seems the last time xlink posted their sources and DDWRT grabbed them they were corrupted so it didnt work properly. Since then there have been a number of "comments" on their forums regarding the issue however the dev claim no issues despite the large number of users unable to get it to function correctly.

XLink has long since resolved the issue with the sources however DDWRT dev arent really placing a high priority on replacing it due to the v24 rush.

From a personal view... I had too many issues getting it to keep a solid wireless connection (I use 2 in WDS setup) so I switched both the Buffalo as well as my WRT54G v2.2 over to Tomato and it has not dropped a connection for over 2 months.
Slightly off topic....
But can Tomato operate in Client Bridge mode?
It's funny that you mention connection dropping because I've noticed that since I made the switch to DD-WRT from HyperWRT + thibor, the wireless connections on all the PCs and laptops in the house have been highly unstable.

Is Tomato solid firmware? The issue has not been using DD-WRT's kaid to get access to the orbital servers, but rather when I am in an arena and I load up a game, I see nothing in "System Link." Originally when I was using the PC UI and engine, I assumed that the issue might be rooted in not being able to switch to permiscuous mode in my wireless card... I would imagine that DD-WRT's kaid would eliminate that issue (because the router hosts the engine)

Am I off on my assumptions? Any ideas why this might be happening?

I appreciate you help and your insight!!
baron, Yes it can do client bridge however I use WDS.

crash, yes its solid. When using WRT I noticed I had to limit my upload when sending to the xbox or the connection would drop. Tomato however Ive sent on the up of 2.5M and better with no issues at all. The downside with tomato is it doesnt host kaid locally. To be honest I havent even tried it as after all my mindless following of WRT I got completely burned out on the subject. However I can look into it and post my findings here or you can reply should you find anything.

One gent on linksys forums posted a script that some claims works and others say no but a simple removal and reboot eliminates it should it not...
HarshReality Wrote:baron, Yes it can do client bridge however I use WDS.

I may switch from DD-WRT to Tomato then.
I'll probably set it up using WDS,but wanted to know if Client Bridge was supported Wink
HarshReality Wrote:baron, Yes it can do client bridge however I use WDS.

crash, yes its solid. When using WRT I noticed I had to limit my upload when sending to the xbox or the connection would drop. Tomato however Ive sent on the up of 2.5M and better with no issues at all. The downside with tomato is it doesnt host kaid locally. To be honest I havent even tried it as after all my mindless following of WRT I got completely burned out on the subject. However I can look into it and post my findings here or you can reply should you find anything.

One gent on linksys forums posted a script that some claims works and others say no but a simple removal and reboot eliminates it should it not...

I have the v5 version of wrt54gs so I can only run the the micro version dd-wrt. so I created an almost identical script to run kai on my router and it does work. But now I have an old desktop which i use for smb shares so I just run kai on that.

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Anyone set up XBMC with DD-WRT Kaid..?0