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Beta Streaming radio helper
(2016-11-14, 10:54)black_eagle Wrote: @JB, can you post the relevant lines from the log please. Just the bit from where the add-on starts up to the line that starts "file playing is".......

It's probably a similar issue to the one solo0815 had although I thought that that might be fixed. Possibly it's only partially fixed however !

Line 12790: 09:17:01 T:140055550469888 NOTICE: Streaming Radio Helper : Setting up addon
Line 12791: 09:17:01 T:140055550469888 NOTICE: Streaming Radio Helper : Loading data from pickle file
Line 12819: 09:17:01 T:140055550469888 NOTICE: Streaming Radio Helper : Cache contains 322 tracks
Line 12820: 09:17:01 T:140055550469888 NOTICE: Streaming Radio Helper : Cached data obtained before before 07-11-2016 will be refreshed if details are missing
Line 12823: 09:17:02 T:140055550469888 NOTICE: Streaming Radio Helper : File playing is http://pub7.di.fm:80/di_clubsounds_aacpl...ozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; WOW64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/48.0.2564.97 Safari/537.36&Referer=http://www.di.fm
Line 12824: 09:17:02 T:140055550469888 NOTICE: Streaming Radio Helper : Radio Streaming Helper has encountered an error and needs to close - too many values to unpack
Line 12825: 09:17:02 T:140055550469888 NOTICE: Streaming Radio Helper : Saving data to pickle file
Line 12826: 09:17:02 T:140055550469888 NOTICE: Streaming Radio Helper : Script Stopped
Thanks Smile

Well, the add-on was written originally for ICY streams which are all formatted the same and in the form of
File playing is http://icy-e-bz-06-cr.sharp-stream.com/planetrock.aac

So originally, I just sliced off the end and threw away the codec bit to end up with 'planetrock'. Then solo0815 threw me a curve ball in that his URL had no station name at the end, it was just literally an http address. Now you've thrown me a huge curve with that URL lol. If all the URL's from that addon are formatted the same as in "http://some.server.somewhere:port/name_of_station_codecinfo|User-Agent=" etc etc then the bit we want is between the last '/' and '|' which is easy enough.

I need to re-write the entire URL parsing block I think. I already have some ideas as to how to go about it, including adding a 'catch all' for stations that don't fit into a standard scheme.

I'll get onto it ASAP Nod
Learning Linux the hard way !!
Updated version now on github.

Changes include :-

Improvements to URL handling and parsing, including a graceful fall-back in the event of an error.
Better handling of MBID's when the Musicbrainz server fails to reply - script now generates an 'emergency' MBID and uses that instead.

Much better error handling throughout. Most errors will cause a message (and a traceback) in the log file at the very least, but should not be fatal and cause the script to abort.
Small improvement to the search routine for TADB and the script will now search using the MBID if the artist name look-up fails.

Bit of a code tidy up in certain areas.
Learning Linux the hard way !!
Hi black_eagle,
Thanks, I'm testing it.
Hi black_eagle,
new error:
PHP Code:
    Line 1693108:48:32 T:140669150557952  NOTICEStreaming Radio Helper Version 0.6.7 started
    Line 16932
08:48:32 T:140669150557952  NOTICEStreaming Radio Helper : ----------Settings-------------------------
Line 1693308:48:32 T:140669150557952  NOTICEStreaming Radio Helper : Use fanart.tv true
    Line 16934
08:48:32 T:140669150557952  NOTICEStreaming Radio Helper : use tadb true
    Line 16935
08:48:32 T:140669150557952  NOTICEStreaming Radio Helper changing  to
    Line 16937
08:48:32 T:140669150557952  NOTICEStreaming Radio Helper : ----------Settings-------------------------
Line 1693808:48:32 T:140669150557952  NOTICEStreaming Radio Helper Setting up addon
    Line 16939
08:48:32 T:140669150557952  NOTICEStreaming Radio Helper Loading data from pickle file
    Line 16996
08:48:33 T:140669150557952  NOTICEStreaming Radio Helper Cache contains 432 tracks
    Line 16997
08:48:33 T:140669150557952  NOTICEStreaming Radio Helper Cached data obtained before before 09-11-2016 will be refreshed if details are missing
    Line 17003
08:48:34 T:140669150557952  NOTICEStreaming Radio Helper File playing is http://stream.polskastacja.pl/ps40_mp3
Line 1700408:48:34 T:140669150557952  NOTICEStreaming Radio Helper Station name was stream.polskastacja.pl/ps40_mp3 changed to
    Line 17005
08:48:34 T:140669150557952  NOTICEStreaming Radio Helper Radio Streaming Helper has encountered an error and needs to close too many values to unpack
    Line 17006
08:48:34 T:140669150557952  NOTICEStreaming Radio Helper : ['Traceback (most recent call last):\n''  File "/storage/.kodi/addons/script.radio.streaming.helper-master/default.py", line 159, in <module>\n    artist,track = current_track.split(" - ")\n''ValueError: too many values to unpack\n']
Line 1700708:48:34 T:140669150557952  NOTICEStreaming Radio Helper Saving data to pickle file
    Line 17029
08:48:34 T:140669150557952  NOTICEStreaming Radio Helper Script Stopped 
Two characters (-) in titleSad

Two '-' in the title wouldn't cause that, but two ' - ' (note the spaces) would as it expects 'artist - title' as the format of the string. Do you happen to know what the actual title was, and I'll see what I can do ?
Learning Linux the hard way !!
(2016-11-16, 10:05)black_eagle Wrote: Bah......!!!!

Two '-' in the title wouldn't cause that, but two ' - ' (note the spaces) would as it expects 'artist - title' as the format of the string. Do you happen to know what the actual title was, and I'll see what I can do ?

PHP Code:
Gromee featMa-Britt Scheffer Fearless w Hot 100 Gorąca Setka Hitów 
artists: Gromee feat. Ma-Britt Scheffer
title (+ additional info: "w Hot 100" Sad) : Fearless w Hot 100
additional info: Gorąca Setka Hitów

Information on the played song is not "pretty" (in a stream).
Can you immunize SRH?
Hi JB Smile

I have a fix for that.....sort of !!

A better parsing option would appear to be to just find the first ' - ' occurrence and then split on that. This will work for standard ICY and Shoutcast streams as they are formatted 'artist - track'. In the case of the track you were listening to, the result would be Artist = 'Gromee feat. Ma-Britt Scheffer' and Title = 'Fearless w Hot 100 - Gorąca Setka Hitów'. I can't really see how I can pull out the title better given that the station is adding in it's own advertising after the actual title.

That said, there is a way to do it via the add-on settings, by doing a similar thing to the station name substitution and setting some strings to be removed from the tracktitle. In your case, this would be 'w Hot 100 - Gorąca Setka Hitów' which would remove that from every track title, if it was present.

Give me a day or so and I'm sure I can get something together Wink
Learning Linux the hard way !!
(2016-11-16, 20:17)black_eagle Wrote: Hi JB Smile

I have a fix for that.....sort of !!

A better parsing option would appear to be to just find the first ' - ' occurrence and then split on that. This will work for standard ICY and Shoutcast streams as they are formatted 'artist - track'. In the case of the track you were listening to, the result would be Artist = 'Gromee feat. Ma-Britt Scheffer' and Title = 'Fearless w Hot 100 - Gorąca Setka Hitów'. I can't really see how I can pull out the title better given that the station is adding in it's own advertising after the actual title.

That said, there is a way to do it via the add-on settings, by doing a similar thing to the station name substitution and setting some strings to be removed from the tracktitle. In your case, this would be 'w Hot 100 - Gorąca Setka Hitów' which would remove that from every track title, if it was present.

Give me a day or so and I'm sure I can get something together Wink
Hi black_eagle
Thanks, I'm waiting for the new github Smile
I have some code I'm currently testing. With that artist/track info that you gave me above, feeding all that in as the playing track (as Kodi sees it originally) gives this result.


I have added the ability to set three strings in the add-on settings that can be used to remove extra info inserted by a radio station. In this case, I set the string to 'w Hot 100 - Gorąca Setka Hitów' with the result you see above Big Grin

This should be up on github over the weekend. I just need to make sure that some other stuff I have added is stable first !! It does seem to be, but I want to make sure, although I'm sure you'll probably be able to break it anyway lol
Learning Linux the hard way !!
OK, github has been updated.

Changes are as follows.
  • Script now caches MBID's in case the Musicbrainz server is unavailable (this is happening to me quite a lot at the moment). If the server is unavailable, the cached MBID is used if there is one. If not, an emergency MBID is generated from the artist name. This is not cached.

  • Script now can correct artist names that are slightly wrong using data from TADB. Eg, 'E.L.O.' is corrected to 'Electric Light Orchestra'. This improves album lookups as well.

  • Settings now has an area where three strings can be set which will be removed from the track data. This aids in getting the right track name in cases where the radio station adds extra info after the track name. One string is already set (JohnyBee should be pleased !!! Big Grin) (Strings are case sensitive !)

  • Splitting of the artist from the track has been improved.

Error logging has been improved also, although I'm hoping it's not going to be needed lol.
Learning Linux the hard way !!
(2016-11-19, 19:28)black_eagle Wrote: OK, github has been updated.

Changes are as follows.
  • Script now caches MBID's in case the Musicbrainz server is unavailable (this is happening to me quite a lot at the moment). If the server is unavailable, the cached MBID is used if there is one. If not, an emergency MBID is generated from the artist name. This is not cached.

  • Script now can correct artist names that are slightly wrong using data from TADB. Eg, 'E.L.O.' is corrected to 'Electric Light Orchestra'. This improves album lookups as well.

  • Settings now has an area where three strings can be set which will be removed from the track data. This aids in getting the right track name in cases where the radio station adds extra info after the track name. One string is already set (JohnyBee should be pleased !!! Big Grin) (Strings are case sensitive !)

  • Splitting of the artist from the track has been improved.

Error logging has been improved also, although I'm hoping it's not going to be needed lol.

Hi black_eagle,Big Grin
Thanks, thanks, thanks I'm testing it. Big Grin
A whole week and no bug reports Laugh Wow, must be working !!!

FYI, I now have a repo that contains this add-on and the video database cleaner. Repo is located at https://github.com/the-black-eagle/repos...-0.1.0.zip . Install in the usual way.
Learning Linux the hard way !!
I'm testing right now ...

There are some issues with skin.helper-beta:

I hope they are fixed soon Wink I don't know, if your script gives back the variables to skin.helper. Then you should have a look here:

You have to use SkinHelper.Player.Art.XYZ in the new version of skin.helper
Philips TV with Kodi 20.2 with IPTV --- Orbsmart 500 Android 21 alpha/beta as Online-radio/TV in the kitchen
(2016-11-27, 13:38)Solo0815 Wrote: I'm testing right now ...

There are some issues with skin.helper-beta:

I hope they are fixed soon Wink I don't know, if your script gives back the variables to skin.helper. Then you should have a look here:

You have to use SkinHelper.Player.Art.XYZ in the new version of skin.helper

No, my script doesn't use the skin helper service at all. The modded version of MQ7's musicvisualisation that I use however does use it for cd art.
Learning Linux the hard way !!
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