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Beta Streaming radio helper
Hi black_eagle Smile
Radio Streaming Helper works very good.
Thanks you for your time.
Good job.
I prepare translation in polish for you.
I've got one more request.
Could you change removal signs in tiltle of song option "ramove extra info" for removal all from strings to end of title.Blush
Do you mean find the first matching word, and then remove everything following that ?

If so, then for 'w Hot 100 - Gorąca Setka Hitów' you would have to set the string to 'w Hot' otherwise if there is a 'w' in the artist or title, it would remove everything after the first 'w'.
Learning Linux the hard way !!
(2016-11-30, 11:12)black_eagle Wrote: Do you mean find the first matching word, and then remove everything following that ?

If so, then for 'w Hot 100 - Gorąca Setka Hitów' you would have to set the string to 'w Hot' otherwise if there is a 'w' in the artist or title, it would remove everything after the first 'w'.
I mean that I want to find first keyword and remove all to end of title with keyword.
For example "XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX w Hot 100 - Gorąca Setka Hitów" I have set the string " w " and script removed " w Hot 100 - Gorąca Setka Hitów"
I'll see what I can do JB Smile
Learning Linux the hard way !!
(2016-11-30, 12:09)black_eagle Wrote: I'll see what I can do JB Smile

Thanks Smile
Pushed some changes to github which should do what @JohnyBee is after.

Option 'remove extra info' now strips everything after the first occurrence of a match to one of the strings to the end of the 'track'. In other words, for "Gromee feat. Ma-Britt Scheffer - Fearless w Hot 100 - Gorąca Setka Hitów" the artist will be identified as "Gromee" and the track (initially) as "Fearless w Hot 100 - Gorąca Setka Hitów". If you set 'remove extra info' to ' w ' then everything from that first space will be stripped off, leaving a track of "Fearless".

Note that the extra info strings are CaSe sensitive and that if a match is found the following strings are not checked. So if a match is found for string 1, then that is what will be used to strip off extra info and the other two strings will be ignored.

My testing of this has been necessarily fairly limited as I don't really have any radio stations that append extra stuff on the end, so JB is the testing guinea pig here !!!
Learning Linux the hard way !!
(2016-12-03, 10:08)black_eagle Wrote: Pushed some changes to github which should do what @JohnyBee is after.

Option 'remove extra info' now strips everything after the first occurrence of a match to one of the strings to the end of the 'track'. In other words, for "Gromee feat. Ma-Britt Scheffer - Fearless w Hot 100 - Gorąca Setka Hitów" the artist will be identified as "Gromee" and the track (initially) as "Fearless w Hot 100 - Gorąca Setka Hitów". If you set 'remove extra info' to ' w ' then everything from that first space will be stripped off, leaving a track of "Fearless".

Note that the extra info strings are CaSe sensitive and that if a match is found the following strings are not checked. So if a match is found for string 1, then that is what will be used to strip off extra info and the other two strings will be ignored.

My testing of this has been necessarily fairly limited as I don't really have any radio stations that append extra stuff on the end, so JB is the testing guinea pig here !!!

Hi black_eagle,Wink
Thank you very much.Big Grin
I'm testing it now.
Hi black_eagle, Smile
Streaming Radio Helper is working perfectly. [emoji106]
Again thank you very much.Big Grin
Here is a link to the translation into Polish
Glad you're enjoying it Big Grin

Thanks very much for the translation, I'll get that incorporated ASAP Smile
Learning Linux the hard way !!
Hi black_eagle, Big Grin
Streaming Radio Helper is working perfectly, always. Cool

Can you add support for multi artists?Blush
At the radio streams, there are too music tracks where information about artist (before sign "-") looks like that:
artist1 Feat. artist2
I want to have similar efect like artistslideshow for extrafanarts.
It separate multiartists and search date for each other (sections: ' feat. ',' Feat. ',' Feat ',' feat ',' ft ',' ft. ',' Ft ',' Ft. ')
In the next step it combines all data together and put in following properties:
- Property(srh.Artist.Thumb)
- Property(srh.Artist.Banner)
- Property(logopath)

For example:
I've got name of artist 'Pitbull feat Jennifer Lopez'.
Streaming radio helper would seperate 'Pitbull' and 'Jennifer Lopez'.
Streaming radio helper would search local and/or online for Pitbull' and 'Jennifer Lopez' graphic: Thumb, Banner and Logo.
Streaming radio helperput this information in properties.
Then skin would display in multiimage (e.g. changing logo/banner/thumb singly 'Pitbull' and singly 'Jennifer Lopez')

It would be very nice. Big Grin
Hmmm - Well, the artist separation already occurs but the featured artist is currently just thrown away.

More problematic is switching between two (or possibly more) logos/banners/thumbs. Looking at how a multiimage works, it expects a single path to a directory containing the items to be displayed. To do this with the logos would mean creating a temporary directory, copying the cached logos into it and then setting Property(logopath) to the temp directory. That is certainly do-able however the thumbs and banners are not actually cached locally by the add-on, just the URL's to them. This means Kodi's own thumbnail cache handles that part of things.

To get those to change would require some sort of timing loop inside the add-on where the relevant properties are updated after X seconds. It would therefore make sense to dispense with a temporary directory and multiimage and update the logopath at the same time.

I have a few ideas about how I could maybe implement this - Obviously, we'll need an extra setting for delay time in the add-ons settings so it's user adjustable from, say, 5 seconds to 30 seconds.

Yeah, give me a few days (because of work stuff and something else I am working on!) and I'll see what I can do. I've got to admit, it would be a cool improvement Big Grin
Learning Linux the hard way !!
Streaming radio helper does not work with spaces.Sad
<setting id="remove1" value=" w " />
Streaming radio helper read from the config file " w " (space w space) (note the spaces) as a "w" (without the spaces)
If you find a little time, check it please. Blush
(2016-12-07, 11:40)JohnyBee Wrote: Bah......!!!!!!!!
Streaming radio helper does not work with spaces.Sad
<setting id="remove1" value=" w " />
Streaming radio helper read from the config file " w " (space w space) (note the spaces) as a "w" (without the spaces)
If you find a little time, check it please. Blush

Ah.....Yeah Blush Totally my fault.

Lines 70-72 in utils.py currently read
PHP Code:
replace1 addon.getSetting('remove1').strip().decode('utf-8')
replace2 addon.getSetting('remove2').strip()
replace3 addon.getSetting('remove3').strip() 

In actual fact, they should read
PHP Code:
replace1 addon.getSetting('remove1').decode('utf-8')
replace2 addon.getSetting('remove2').decode('utf-8')
replace3 addon.getSetting('remove3').decode('utf-8'

Github has already had this fix applied Wink
Learning Linux the hard way !!
(2016-12-07, 11:51)black_eagle Wrote:
(2016-12-07, 11:40)JohnyBee Wrote: Bah......!!!!!!!!
Streaming radio helper does not work with spaces.Sad
<setting id="remove1" value=" w " />
Streaming radio helper read from the config file " w " (space w space) (note the spaces) as a "w" (without the spaces)
If you find a little time, check it please. Blush

Ah.....Yeah Blush Totally my fault.

Lines 70-72 in utils.py currently read
PHP Code:
replace1 addon.getSetting('remove1').strip().decode('utf-8')
replace2 addon.getSetting('remove2').strip()
replace3 addon.getSetting('remove3').strip() 

In actual fact, they should read
PHP Code:
replace1 addon.getSetting('remove1').decode('utf-8')
replace2 addon.getSetting('remove2').decode('utf-8')
replace3 addon.getSetting('remove3').decode('utf-8'

Github has already had this fix applied Wink

OK, thanks Big Grin
(2016-12-07, 11:51)black_eagle Wrote: In actual fact, they should read
PHP Code:
replace1 addon.getSetting('remove1').decode('utf-8')
replace2 addon.getSetting('remove2').decode('utf-8')
replace3 addon.getSetting('remove3').decode('utf-8'

Github has already had this fix applied Wink

Streaming Radio Helper is working perfectly, again. Cool
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