How to switch from vdr 2.2.0 to 2.3.1?
am currently about to switch from vdr 2.2.0 to vdr 2.3.1.
Due to the lack of trusted/official repos I am going to compile it myself and thus replacing vdr 2.2.0 which I had installed from ppa:yavdr/stable-vdr.

I haven’ t had too much experience using self-compiled software and hence I’d like to know
- do I need to remove current vdr 2.2.0 and all of its plugins via apt-get remove, or
- can I simply “make install” of vdr 2.3.1 and copy over the existing files (provided I adjusted paths im Make.config to match the paths)?
- can I preserve current vdr config files and reuse with vdr 2.3.1?
- if updated files would be available from an ’official’ repo how can I prevent my self-compiled files from getting replaced?

Maybe someone who already made the swap or is more knowledgable than I am can give some advice.
Hello Spirou,

It is perfectly feasible to have both versions complied and test the newer 2.3.1 gradually until you are happy to have it run at boot by default instead of 2.2.0.

It may be a little unconventional, but given your situation this is how I would do it in brief terms. You will need to do a little background reading and may need to adjust the below to suit your linux flavour.

1. Create a new directory called "opt" under the top level mount point i.e. # sudo mkdir /opt
2. Create a sub-directory in this /opt folder called "vdr". I usually grant this folder permissions 777 temporarily so I can play till my hearts content with having to keep issuing sudo. If security is a big issue for you, ensure you revert the permissions back to suit.
3. Download the source code for vdr, both 2.2.0 and 2.3.1 and extract to the /opt/vdr/ directory.
4. Configure both vdr versions utilizing the make.config vdr file to adjust the hierarchy folder structure to suit each version and your preference. For simplicity, on your first trial, I suggest using the option and hierarchy of the "one directory" approach i.e. make a folder called "1.ONEDIR" in both /opt/vdr/2.2.0/ and /opt/vdr/2.3.1/ and point each relevant make.config file to suit.
5. Issue the make command to both vdr versions (observe any options in the make command that vdr may expect i.e. ONEDIR=1 LCLBLD=1). However, hold back the command # sudo make install. We will simply run the vdr programs from their local build directories.
5. Observing your preferred vdr make.config folder hierarchy as compiled in step 4, locate all your current vdr 2.2.0 config files that have been installed and modified via your repo install. The command # whereis vdr will help you track these config files down. Once found, copy these to your vdr 2.2.0 hierarchy folder structure you chose in step 4.
6. Download the source code and make a symbolic link for your required plugins to the correct folder i.e. /opt/vdr/x.x.x/PLUGINS/src/ (replacing x.x.x with each of your vdr versions you are using/testing). NB: Some git repositories for plugin source code will have multiple branches for each vdr version. You will need to switch branch before compiling. Furthermore, some plugins, like vdr-plugin-live have dependencies, ensure these are installed via your package manager i.e. apt-get. TIP: vdr is shipped with a handful of exemplar plugins, these plugins source code can be deleted if you wish to keep only the plugin source code you want.
7. Invoke the make plugins command at each vdr version source directory to build your plugins (again observe any options in the make command that vdr may expect i.e.# sudo make plugins ONEDIR=1 LCLBLD=1).
8. Test and play. Stop the vdr version 2.2.0 that has been installed via your repo i.e. # sudo service vdr stop. Enter your compiled vdr 2.2.0 directory i.e. cd /opt/vdr/2.2.0/ and issue command # .vdr -Px -Px -Px (replacing x with plugin names you have made). Provided you have copied your configuration files (check permissions of these copies please!) from step 5, this instance of vdr should run exactly as your repo installed version. Once happy this is the case, change your initd/systemd/upstart (linux flavour and version dependent) to run vdr from /opt/vdr/2.2.0/vdr on boot.
9. Test and play with 2.3.1, copying configuration files between 2.2.0 etc as you describe, all in the name of fun! Best thing about this is if it all goes wrong you can simply delete the /opt/vdr/2.3.1 folder and start a fresh. Remember only one instance of vdr can utilize your hardware, so you will need to stop whichever vdr version is running before running the next - be mindful of recordings or people watching liveTV; they will be interrupted once you stop vdr. Best therefore to test when nobody is around and no scheduled recordings are imminently pending.
10. Once happy with vdr 2.3.1, alter your initd/systemd/upstart (linux flavour and version dependent) to run vdr from /opt/vdr/2.3.1/vdr on boot.
11 (optional) . As new vdr versions and plugins are released you know how to test without effecting your current build. TIP: this method can also be used to test latest source code of Kodi too. Simply make a folder /opt/kodi/ and download source and build. NB: be mindful of your .kodi file in your home directory. Best make a backup Smile

I hope this helps you out.

Many thanks,
Thanks, Guy, for your comprehensive and elaborated advice.
I was already successful at compiling vdr 2.3.1 from source and - as you recommended - refrained from issuing the make install command.
I used vdr 2.2.0 binaries, setup and related plugins from ubuntu ppa and for the plugins only compiled the newer trees/branches for vdr 2.3.1.
I created smybolic links for the vdr binary and plugin folder pointing either to the vdr 2.2.0 or to the vdr 2.3.1 files as needed.
I found that I can keep all setiings and setup files from vdr 2.2.0 and then simply switch to use vdr 2.3.1 as pointed out before and everything seems to run pretty well.

I was sceptic about losing the option to remotely setup timers using live plugin which doesn't support vdr 2.3.1 currently. But I found that vdradmin-am plugin does the job for vdr 2.3.1 as well as for vdr 2.2.0 (no need to recompile for vdr 2.3.1) offering almost same functionality as the live plugin.

I'll start testing now for a couple of weeks hoping that kodi 17 final release will be out soon. I pulled pvr.vdr.vnis 2.6.5 from a ppa rather than compiling it myself and from a first run the combination of kodi 17 beta 1, latest pvr.vdr.vnsi and vdr 2.3.1/vnis plugin runs smoothly and gives me the option for epg based timers I had been missing from previous releases.

Thanks a lot


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How to switch from vdr 2.2.0 to 2.3.1?0