Android Kodi_16.1 can't display song in Chinese
Hi Sir,
Whether Kodi support Chinese?

HW: Nexus 6P
SW: Android 7
Should be moved to support. In general, default Kodi ships with skin Confluence which has an option to use the font "arial". This font can display characters in traditional and simplified Chinese.

Next, there are downloadable language resource addons for both traditional and simplified Chinese. This will provide UI menus in these languages/scripts.

Next, you need some understanding of the encoding your system and any text files are using, mainly if they use the UTF-8 encoding (best) or a Chinese-unique encoding like BIG5. If you use a Chinese-unique encoding instead of UTF-8 you need to ensure you have your locale set properly both on system and in Kodi. Otherwise Kodi will probably interpret text as ANSI / Latin-1 encoded which will result in gibberish.

Also, subtitles are also managed in this way so you need to configure those as well.

scott s.
You are chinese.

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