Guest - Testers are needed for the reworked CDateTime core component. See... (September 29) x
KODI 17 - Enable Playlist At Startup
In Estuary I cannot find the "Enable playlist at startup" setting,
It was in the Confluence skin settings in 16 and prior.
Has it been moved or deprecated ?

Let's say it's moved, checked a few skins for it and it looks like it's relegated to an add-on in 'services' called "partymode autostart" as it wasn't a skin specific function. Let me know how it works out, it looks like it has some additional functionality with favourites.
OK see that and that is an interesting add-on, but maybe a bit more details is needed.
I am trying to change the startup splash screen, in this case to a video, and that function was how it happened.
With this add-on KODI loads (I disabled the default splash screen via advanced setting XML) and then the playlist runs.
So I get the KODI interface then the video splash screen and back to the interface, not quite what I wanted.
So I assume we have had a procedure change with 17 or we can no longer do this?
Need startup to video splash screen, then KODI interface.
I see the issue, not sure why the change other than to take it out of the skins. Anyway here's a potential work around, find your animation/video using the 'open with' Kodi in windows menu's you can bring the animation alive before the Kodi interface and at the end of the video you get home screen. Launching this might require a small batch file hooked to an icon, or straight in the icon shortcut of the video itself. (in the properties.general short-cut icon of your video put 'open with' Kodi) You will still have to eliminate the splash screen, in some way.

I'm unfamiliar with this add-on atm, here's the forum

(I'll endeavour to try it out in the coming days)

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