v17 Beta 3 - Interface questions/issues
Is there a way to get the following:

Time remaining to show in the overlay while playing back video? at the moment it shows current time / total time but I would like it to show the time left as well. I know that it is showing the expected time the

Amount of time skipped while skipping forward or backwards. It used to show it in Kodi 16.1.

Thanks in advance
[edit] moved this thread to Estuary support.

This looks like a default skin issue that might have a solve here.
YES! This has always bothered me. Knowing how much time is left in the current movie, in my mind, is WAY more useful than knowing how far you are into a movie. Whether you have plans to go out, or it's getting late and you need to get to bed, or a movie kind of sucks and is dragging on etc... you always want to see how much time is left in the movie. Rarely do you want to know how far you are from the start of a movie/video. Maybe if someone wants to join a movie late and they want to know how much they've missed, but as I said, this happens much less often than the other cases.

I used to manually through the config files or whatever, change the settings so the OSD would show time remaining instead of time lapsed, but I haven't figured out how to do this now that I'm watching Kodi on Android.

There really should be a simple toggle to change what time/counter is displayed. Maybe even highlight the time/counter in the OSD and with a button push, rotate between the various times and have Kodi remember your selection.

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