Release PM3-HD Krypton support
I opened a new thread for Krypton support as I started to work on skin compatibility. Please report bugs in this thread for the Krypton version of the skin.
The repository is available on github:

Get the Krypton version:


Version 2.6.5 (Leia compatible) is available, with a fix for the addon settings window. It's available on the master branch. (

Also, I created an add-on repository a while ago, just to provide auto-update for this skin:
If you want to install that repository on your system you can download the whole thing as zip:
On how to install it:

Alternatively you can try out my add-on repository available here:
You can download the repo as a zip file ( ), install it in Kodi and install the PM3-HD skin from that repo. This way you get auto-updates whenever I release something new - which doesn't happen too often.
Play some video and go to settings, the settings level button overlaps the video playing in the corner

Small video window isn't visible when entering library while it is in settings

I'm missing live TV as home menu button
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I can load this skin on the latest kodi that I could get my hands on (for the ATV4). Unfortunately, this is beta 5, not beta 6.
The skin loads but lots of strange problems (a white square appears on the volume bar when I fast forward, so that I cannot see on what time I am).
When I press pause I do not get that small menu to have different controls so I cannot choose to load subtitles.

But, since I do not have beta6, I am not a good testperson. I will wait until beta 6 is out for the ATV and then I will give more feedback here.

Thanks for the feedback! It's good to know that there are others out there still trying to use this skin.

I think I managed to fix the issues you raised:
- The overlapping of the 'Settings Level' button and the 'Now Playing' window has been solved. (But I will think about the best position for the 'Settings Level' button, I will have to check other skins to get some inspiration, so I plan to get back to this issue later on.)
- The 'Now Playing' window is now shown on all screens (well, maybe not all, but most screens). Known issue: The PVR Channels view has two video windows, I will have to disable one of them.
- The 'Live TV' option is now shown in the main menu if you have (enabled) PVR addons.
- The graphical glitch while seeking in the video has been solved.

Regarding your issue with the downloading subtitles: please make sure you have the 'Show subtitle download button in video OSD' setting turned on under 'Settings'/'Interface'/'Skin'/'Configure Skin...'
If this doesn't solve your issue then please provide me some more details, like a screenshot, so I can better understand your exact issue.
(2016-12-05, 11:30)qqbenq Wrote: @demesmaeker2:
Regarding your issue with the downloading subtitles: please make sure you have the 'Show subtitle download button in video OSD' setting turned on under 'Settings'/'Interface'/'Skin'/'Configure Skin...'
If this doesn't solve your issue then please provide me some more details, like a screenshot, so I can better understand your exact issue.

About the subtitleproblem. This is solved. The person who created an install for Kodi alpha 2 (creator of NitoTV I guess) fixed so that when you press pause, that you automatically get the video OSD.
This is because the remote control for the atv4 is very limited.

I was so used to this that I thought that this was a standard in Kodi.
So when I discovered that a long press of the pause button brought up the video OSD, then the rest was easily fixed.

Another problem is left. It would be really happy if you could fix this.
When I fast forward (or rewind), a white bar appears, so that it is no longer possible to read where the video is.
Picture :

I hope you can look at it!

Thank you very much for the time you put in this. My wife is also happy that we can enjoy "the standard skin" once again.

I think if you would re-download (and re-install) the zip from the link in the first post you would get a version where the "white bar" problem is now fixed, at least I was able to reproduce the exact same issue and already submitted a fix for that in the code repository. The link always points to the latest version of the code, but unfortunately the skin will not update itself from that repository. Sorry for the inconvenience.
Yes you were right! Thank you very much! Finally after such a long time, PM3.HD is back in da house!

Amazing work! Nod Can you make available the cover flow view in tv shows? thanks Cool
If you download the latest version, you can change the view to cover flow for the TV Shows window.

Also, some small fixes were committed since my previous post (mostly fixes for the Music window, and also support for the Event Log window, which was just a black screen).

A problem I noticed: the playlist window is not functional, this will be the next thing I fix. If you find anything that's broken, please report it here.
(2016-12-17, 17:05)qqbenq Wrote: @hube:
If you download the latest version, you can change the view to cover flow for the TV Shows window.

Also, some small fixes were committed since my previous post (mostly fixes for the Music window, and also support for the Event Log window, which was just a black screen).

A problem I noticed: the playlist window is not functional, this will be the next thing I fix. If you find anything that's broken, please report it here.

I have the latest version from github and cover flow is not there. I have thumbnails, wide icons, full list, list, media info, dvd thumbs, fanart but not Cover Flow in Tv Shows. Huh
(2016-12-18, 20:10)hube Wrote: I have the latest version from github and cover flow is not there. I have thumbnails, wide icons, full list, list, media info, dvd thumbs, fanart but not Cover Flow in Tv Shows. Huh

Are you in the "root" folder of TV Shows (so not inside a specific show)? Cover flow should be available there... (It should be the option between 'DVD Thumbs' and 'Fanart'.)

I just double checked at my test system, and it is available for me, and all related files are pushed to the repository, so it should be available for you too. What version of kodi are you using on what OS? Could you double-check that you have the latest version of the krypton branch from my repository? I will look into the issue sometime next week, but it might help if you could provide a little more detail.
If you are taking bug reports, I believe I have found one in the audio sub menu for when a video is playing. When playing a video and opening up the Audio and subtitle settings, then clicking on the Audio offset, a very wide yellow bar runs vertically up the screen, blocking off the entirety of the menu. I can post screenshots if it helps. I'm very happy this skin is seeing some form of development and would like to assist in any way I can, even if it is just to test it and hunt for bugs. Thank you for everything!
Thanks for reporting the issue, it is now fixed. To get the latest version please re-download the skin from the location provided in the first post, and re-install it.
If you find other broken things, please report them. Thanks in advance.

Happy holidays!
Just wanted to say thank you for updating this skin. You don't get enough recognition so I hope this helps a bit

This skin is really under-appreciated and I thank you again for reviving it....

I will report bugs if I see some,
fails to install on osmc kodi 16.1 zip install

missing dependency on xbmc.gui version 5.12.0
hope i can get this one working its what my mom is used to and know how to use lol we have had a kodi setup sense it was on the original xbox

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