Add new versions in Edition field

Is possible add versions in Edition field?
By example

50º Aniversary


Thanks in advance.
the edition field is only used for well known editions (because we also have a number of regular expressions to detect that edition from the file names).
if there are more than a bunch of movies having one edition, you can request, that we add it to this list (including parsing).

to maintain this list by user is not planned
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I really think that many editions are missing and I do not know if they want to put them all (another problem is the language because ideally it would be translated as well)
By the example:

10º Aniversary (25º 50º etc...)

and some more...

If you want include it....

Thanks in advance.
I wish you would strongly consider letting users add their own custom editions. There are many varieties of movie cuts avaialble. Star Wars alone has the theatrical, bluray, Special Editions, Complete Saga, Despcialized.... Mad Max Fury Road has the 'Black & Chrome' edition...
well, I can think about something like the genres:
tmm brings a bunch of predefined ones with parsing and the user can maintain its own editions (unparseable, lost after a full DB rebuild..)

But this will not happen in v2 since it would destroy the DB structure - I'll put that on our todo list for v3
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I have stumbled upon the "Noir Edition" of Logan, which obviously can't be specified, and I really LOVE the Despecialized Editions of Star Wars. 

So I would also vote for a "Custom Edition"-Feature.
I would also love this feature. 
Making that a free form field seems logiclaly like an easy edit.  Not sure what that would affect under the hood though. 
If not consider adding a "Fan Edit" as there are lots of those starting to come out with the internet.
I have the despcilaized editions of star wars, and I just list them as the theaterical because that is as close are you can get. 
Other fan edits of 1-3 are harder to classify.

Just stumbled across the "Ulysses-Edition" of Waterworld, which reads very interesting. It was a fan-project, which has become official. 

That's another example for the benefit of Custom-Edtions.
Already possible in V3 Wink
Just wait for release, or try latest release candidate...
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