How to use embedded meta data?
I've recently set-up a Raspberry Pi (v3) with Kodi (v16.1) using LibreELEC (v7.0.2) to evaluate how well it might work as a replacement for an Apple TV talking to a Mac running iTunes. With iTunes, I've embedded all of the meta data for my movies, TV shows and and music into the files themselves with different tools. Mostly MetaZ for the video files. With both iTunes and the Apple TV it accesses what's embedded in the files for cover art, synopsis of the content, actors, directors, etc.

As I have discovered, it doesn't appear that a stock installation of Kodi will use/access the meta data that is all ready in all my MP4 files. I'm not interested in the various internet based systems that will supply/scrape the metadata--I've all ready put all of that into my files. What would I need to do, so that Kodi will use only the meta data that's all ready in my files (movies, TV shows and MP3 audio)?

I don't think that is implemented as it is very specific to mp4 files. Take a look in the feature requests section as it has been requested before.

You could perhaps export the metadata to an xml nfo file.
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(2016-12-23, 21:55)nickr Wrote: I don't think that is implemented as it is very specific to mp4 files. Take a look in the feature requests section as it has been requested before.

You could perhaps export the metadata to an xml nfo file.

Thanks for the reply. I could deal with a script/program that does the extraction of the MP4 meta data to an XML nfo file. Do you know of any that do this?

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