HELP: Little circle icon on my screen after installing Kodi
(2017-01-02, 04:05)Handy4u59 Wrote: Right On dmain37! People like Bry just sit around waiting to pounce on someone for not knowing what to ask! He's the worst kind or arse there is on these forums!

Hey hey, i'm the worst.
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Save all the Drama. Just go to settings, LOGGER FLOATING WIDGET SETTING, and uncheck the box.
Wow you lot are idiots for putting this guy, like he knows what it is and all you lot can say like noobs o es is rubbish so many issues. No if you could be bother to actually help the lad it ain't a problem it's a setting within es all you have to do is switch it off. So go to es go to settings and look through it says a floating widget to indicate a new program boom. Not so hard is it being nice
I love forum fights XD
It's difficult helping some people when they don't include details. Many of us who attempt to give assistance, at times are met with resistance, or "You don't know what you're talking about" attitude.

Just saying, it's easy to become bitter. Bugger off now...
(2017-01-05, 22:44)BigDaddy3142 Wrote: Save all the Drama. Just go to settings, LOGGER FLOATING WIDGET SETTING, and uncheck the box.

Thank you Bigdaddy.
Found my way here from google search and you gave me the precise answer I was looking for without any uneccassary rudeness. I thought I would register to just say thanks and say it's sorted now.

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