Req Scrap all infos from seasons and episodes, that we have the info shown
Hello Com,

i will try to switch to kodi from MediaPortal. But i missed a big big feature that in mediaportal. Im a seriesjunkie and i will know what seasons and episodes are available out there. So in mepo i can see what i have local in white and what is available out there, was shown at tv or internet. This was shown in orange.

So without manual search i know what series has what seasons and what episodes in seasons at this time are there. Now when i see i have Season 1 Episode 1-6 and from 7-12 its orange so i know i have lost someelse. So i can search for it. Now at kodi i see episode 1-6 and dont know is there more then 6 episodes or is this season finished. I have to look manual with my tablet, smartphone or browser and have to search if there are more episodes out. The same with seasons. I dont know if there more seasons as season 1 so i have to look.

Maybe tmm can collect all infos from a series and write dummys in the folder, so we see all infos from a series, and what we have rly local. And when we have the files local later the dummys gone and all is fine.

But we have an overview, what is out there and what we have local, so we know whats lost and we must collect it.

I hope someone can understand me, what i mean.

EDIT :: here are some screens.

For first example Flashpoint, here i have only 3 Episodes local, but i see all off them.

Flashpoint Example

Second Example is Dexter, here i have 2 Seasons local, i can see how many exist from this series.


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Scrap all infos from seasons and episodes, that we have the info shown0
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