ciax AML is designed to show all the bells and whistles MAME has to offer, which are really a lot. For users like you with just a few ROMs I recommend to add the ROMs you have to MAME Favourites manually, using the context menu. Another option is to open the AML addon settings, you can tell AML to display only the machines for the ROMs you have. If you only have about 100 ROMs then most filters will be empty though. You can use this to quickly identify the ROMs you have, add the to MAME Favourites, and then enable showing all the machines again.
If you desperately want it I can create a special menu named "MAME machines (Have ROMs)" or something like that. The idea of this is to help users with a few ROMs like you. This special menu will be useless for people with a lot of ROMs (for example in my case it will display all MAME 40.000 machines into a single list which will take more than 30 seconds to load and is not very practical to browse) but it can be disabled in AML settings of course.
Last option; if you only have 100 ROMs you can use AEL instead of AML. However, AML has MAME-tailored features you may want to use that a general launcher like AEL doesn't. For example, AEL does not support Fanart generation from other artwork pieces at the moment.
Fanarts can be provided by you by placing them in the appropriate artwork folder OR AML can create them using other pieces of artwork (which must be configured and scanned prior to the Fanart generation of course). Keep in mind that AML may overwrite your custom fanarts so be careful with the options you select.
In order to display the trailers and show extra pieces of artwork you need skin support. In other words, you need to use a skin that has special support for AML and/or AEL. I recommend to
read this post in AEL thread to understand how AEL/AML map artwork to standard Kodi artwork. Most skins only support the Kodi standard artwork.
For the trailers there is one setting in AML addon settings named "Render trailers" or something like that (I'm writing from memory). The reason is that currently showing the trailers causes some stuttering when browsing large lists of games and until that problem is solved I have the option to completely disable trailers.